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Setup ZTS on AWS

IAM Role Setup

Create an EC2 profile role for ZTS using cloudformation template. This template creates a role named athenz.zts-service

VPC Setup

Setup VPC using the cloudformation template and giving the following mandatory parameters:

  • Route53HostedZoneName
  • Route53RecordName
  • S3AccessLogBucketName (Created during ZMS Setup)
  • Environment

The other parameters are set by default. Change them as per your requirements.

NOTE - Modifying the other defaults might require subsequent changes.

Following resources will be created after executing the template:

  1. 2 availability zones
  2. Public & Private subnets for zts in each availability zone
  3. Public & Private subnets for cert signer in each availability zone
  4. 4 NAT gateways and elastic IPs
  5. NACL's for the subnets
  6. Internet gateways for all public subnets
  7. Route tables for all subnets
  8. Elastic load balancer
  9. Route 53 DNS entry
  10. ZTS Server & ELB security groups

RDS Setup

Create Aurora MySQL cluster

Setup an Aurora MySQL cluster using cloudformation template by giving the following mandatory parameters:

  • Route53HostedZoneName
  • Route53RecordName
  • DatabaseUsername
  • DatabasePassword
  • Environment

The other parameters are set by default. Change them as per your requirements.

Schema Setup

Create an instance in your private subnet and ssh login into it. After logging in, install the mysql client and use the following command to connect to the cluster using Database Root Credentials:

mysql -h <RDS_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT> -P 3306 -u <DB_USER> -p

Copy the zts_server.sql file from the Athenz Git repository onto this host and create the database using the following command

mysql -h <RDS_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT> -P 3306 -u <DB_USER> -p  < zts_server.sql

Create a user with full privileges on zts database created above. For e.g. If your ZTS Server will be running on and user to be created is athenz-zts having password athenz-zts:

CREATE USER 'athenz-zts'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'athenz-zts';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON zts_store TO 'athenz-zts'@'';

Create S3 Bucket to Store ZTS Data

Create a S3 bucket for storing ZTS certificates, keys and other configuration data with appropriate policy as follows:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
        "Sid": "",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id>:role/athenz.zts-service"
        "Action": "s3:GetObject",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:s3::: <bucket-name> /*"

Also enable Default Encryption for your bucket.

NOTE - athenz.zts-service is the EC2 role created using IAM template above

Generate and Upload Service Private Key and Id

Generate a unique private key that ZTS Server will use to sign any Tokens it issues:

openssl genrsa -out service_private_key 2048
openssl rsa -in service_private_key -pubout > zts_service_x509_key_public

Upload the service private key with name service_private_key onto the s3 bucket.

Upload the service private key id with name service_private_key_id onto the s3 bucket. This file just contains the id of private key. It is not mandatory as the id defaults to 0 if not specified

Upload Server X.509 Cert and Key

NOTE - While it is still possible to generate and use a self-signed X.509 certificate for ZTS Servers, it is recommended to purchase one for your production server from a well known certificate authority. Having such a certificate installed on your ZTS Servers will no longer require to distribute the server's CA certificate to other hosts (e.g. Hosts running ZPU).

  • Follow the instructions provided by the Certificate Authority that you're going to purchase your certificate from, to generate your private key and Certificate Request (CSR). Submit your CSR to your CA to generate a x.509 certificate for your ZMS server.

  • If you are using self-signed certs then run the following commands:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out zts_ca_key 4096 (Create ZTS CA Key)
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key zts_ca_key -sha256 -days 1024 -out service_x509_ca_certs  (Generate CA Cert)
openssl genrsa -out service_x509_key 2048  (Generate your private key)
openssl req -new -key service_x509_key -out service_x509_csr  (Generate your CSR)
openssl x509 -req -in service_x509_csr -CA service_x509_ca_certs -CAkey zts_ca_key -CAcreateserial -out service_x509_cert -days 730 -sha256  (Generate your Certificate)
  • Verify your certs
openssl x509 -in service_x509_ca_certs -text -noout
openssl x509 -in service_x509_cert -text -noout

Once you have received your X509 certificate and key: - Upload the certificate with on s3 bucket with name service_x509_cert - Upload the private key with name service_x509_key - Upload the Root CA cert with name service_x509_ca_certs

Upload RDS CA Certs

  • Upload the RDS CA Certs with key service_rds_ca_certs

For details on AWS RDS Certs, Please refer RDS SSL Certificates in AWS

Upload truststore password

  • Upload password you want to use for truststore with name service_x509_store_pwd

Upload ZTS DB User Password

  • Create a file containing only the password for ZTS Database user(athenz-zts) created above during RDS schema setup
  • Upload the file to bucket with name db_user_data

Upload ZMS CA Certs

  • Upload ZMS CA Cert with key zms_service_x509_ca_certs. They will be added to ZTS truststore so that ZTS can communicate securely with ZMS

Upload ZTS and ZMS Public keys

  • Upload ZTS public key with name zts_service_x509_key_public.pem
  • Upload ZMS public key with name zms_service_x509_key_public.pem

They are required to generate athenz.conf file at /opt/zts/conf to include the ZTS and ZMS Server URL and the registered public keys that the athenz client libraries and utilities will use to establish connections and validate any data signed by the ZTS and ZMS Server.

Upload Self Cert Signer Key

You can use SelfCertSigner or have your implementation of Cert Signer.

Refer Certificate Signer for full details how to implement your cert signer.

If you are using self cert signer then

  • Generate a private key and upload it to s3 bucket with name self_cert_signer_key

Update the policy for S3 bucket for Audit logs

Update the bucket policy for S3 bucket created for audit logs during zms setup to allow athenz.zts-service role to read and write to it.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
        "Sid": "",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "AWS": [

Update ZMS Data Bucket

  • Upload zts service public key to ZMS Data Bucket with key zts_service_x509_key_public.pem

Register ZTS Service

In order for ZTS to access ZMS domain data, it must identify itself as a registered service in ZMS. Use zms-cli utility to register a new service in sys.auth domain. If ZMS Servers are running with a X509 certificate from a well know certificate authority (not a self-signed one) we don't need to reference the CA cert like we are doing below for self signed certs.

Login into your zms-server instance as domain admin you created during zms setup and run the below commands:

- Download ZMS CA Certs(If using self signed certs)
    aws s3 cp s3://<zms_bucket_name>/zms_service_x509_ca_certs /tmp/zms_service_x509_ca_certs
- Download ZTS public key
    aws s3 cp s3://<zms_bucket_name>/zts_service_x509_key_public.pem /tmp/zts_service_x509_key_public.pem
- Register Service using zms-cli
    /opt/zts/bin/zms-cli -c /tmp/service_x509_ca_certs -z <zms_url> -d sys.auth add-service zts 0 /tmp/zts_service_x509_key_public.pem

NOTE - Append /zms/v1 to your url in the command above

For e.g. if your zms server is running at then pass

Configure Variables and Properties


Update the bucket names in athenz-aws-cf-setup/zts-setup/build/bin/ by editing the below lines:

export ZTS_DATA_BUCKET_NAME="<The name of your zts data bucket>"
export ZTS_AUDIT_LOG_BUCKET_NAME="<The name of your zms audit data bucket>"
export ZTS_URL="<zts_url>"
export ZMS_URL=""<zms_url>"
export RDS_MASTER="<zts-rds-databasecluster-endpoint>"

The other variables are for trust store & key store setup. We recommend to use the defaults but if you change then update the corresponding values in file discussed later.

Edit the properties file

Database Access

Modify the following settings in file located at athenz-aws-cf-setup/zts-setup/build/conf/ if RDS username & RDS password filename (stored on S3) are different from defaults suggested above.

Athenz CA X.509 Certificate Issuing

For authenticating services using X509 certificates, ZTS Servers expect the configured cert signer factory class names in its athenz.zts.cert_signer_factory_class system property. Self Cert Signer is a sample implementation of cert Signer we have for development environment. You can use SelfCertSigner or have your implementation of Cert Signer.

If you are using self cert signer make the below changes:

The self cert signer key you uploaded in above steps has to be downloaded on the box. The default is to download it to /opt/zts/conf/self_cert_signer_key. If you using the defaults, uncomment the below lines in

# echo "Downloading self cert signer key"
# aws s3 cp s3://$bucket_name/self_cert_signer_key /opt/zts/conf/self_cert_signer_key

Edit the below properties in file accordingly:

# athenz.zts.self_signer_private_key_fname=/opt/zts/conf/self_cert_signer_key
# athenz.zts.self_signer_private_key_password=
# athenz.zts.self_signer_cert_dn=C=US,ST=CA,L=Sunnyvale,O=Oath,OU=Athenz,

Truststore and Keystore Settings

If you modified the truststore and keystore paths and password in the file then change the below settings in file located at athenz-aws-cf-setup/zts-setup/build/conf/

athenz.ssl_key_store=/opt/zts/conf/zts_keystore.pkcs12 //path to the keystore file that contains the server's certificate
athenz.ssl_key_store_type=PKCS12 //specifies the type for the keystore specified in the
athenz.ssl_key_store_password=service_x509_store_pwd //S3 bucket  key name for Password for the keystore specified in the athenz.ssl_key_store property
athenz.ssl_trust_store=/opt/zts/conf/zts_truststore.jks //path to the trust store file that contains CA certificates trusted by this Jetty instance
athenz.ssl_trust_store_type=JKS //specifies the type for the truststore specified
athenz.ssl_trust_store_password=service_x509_store_pwd //password for the truststore

Update the following in file:

athenz.zts.ssl_key_store=/opt/zts/conf/zts_keystore.pkcs12 //path to the keystore file that contains the server's certificate
athenz.zts.ssl_key_store_type=PKCS12 //specifies the type for the keystore specified in the
athenz.zts.ssl_key_store_password=service_x509_store_pwd //S3 bucket  key name for Password for the keystore specified in the athenz.ssl_key_store property
athenz.zts.ssl_trust_store=/opt/zts/conf/zts_truststore.jks //path to the trust store file that contains CA certificates trusted by this Jetty instance
athenz.zts.ssl_trust_store_type=JKS //specifies the type for the truststore specified
athenz.zts.ssl_trust_store_password=service_x509_store_pwd //password for the truststore


Packer VPC Setup

Packer VPC was set during zms setup, update packer.json accordingly:

   "vpc_id": "<vpc_id>",
   "aws_region": "<aws-region where you created the resources>",
   "aws_ami_name": "zts-aws-cd-image",
   "aws_access_key": "{{env `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`}}",
   "aws_secret_key": "{{env `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`}}",
   "aws_session_token": "{{env `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`}}",
   "source_ami": "ami-02c71d7a"

Build ZTS image

Build the image with packer using the following command

cd zts-setup
packer build packer/aws/packer.json

Deploy ZTS

Run cloudformation template to bring up the zts-instances in 2 availability zones.

  • The imageID parameter should be set to the image created in above step.

The ZTS Server is now up and running.