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Added new Branch MagicCircle
Branch MagicCircle
  • Added new particle effect magiccircle
  • Color can be changed
  • Emissive color glowing effect added
Added various new environmental assets
  • Added WoodStump01
  • Added WoodStump02
  • Added WoodLog02
  • Added WoodLog03
  • Added RockSandstone01
  • Added RockSandstone02
  • Added RockGranite01
  • Added RockGranite02
  • Added RockGranite03
  • Added RockGranite04
  • Added GrassDried01
  • Added ScatterMushroomWhite01
  • Added ScatterMushroomYellow01
  • Added Tree01
  • Added Tree02
Added new Branch MagicShield
Branch MagicShield
  • Added new particle effect magicshield
  • Color can be changed
  • Emissive Color glowing effetcs added
GitHub Markdown Examples


Ordered List
  1. Number 1
  2. Number 2
  3. Number 3
Bulleted List
  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3
Nested Listed
  • Bullet 1
    • Nested Bullet 1
  • Another Bullet 1
    • Another Nested Bullet 1

If you want to embedd images, this is how you do it. Image of Yaktocat


If you'd like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:

Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.

  • Captain Janeway
Codes Segments

There are many different ways to style code with GitHub's markdown. If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: var example = true. If you've got a longer block of code, you can indent with four spaces:

if (isAwesome){
  return true

GitHub also supports something called code fencing, which allows for multiple lines without indentation:

if (isAwesome){
  return true

And if you'd like to use syntax highlighting, include the language:

if (isAwesome){
  return true
First Header Second Header
Content from cell 1 Content from cell 2
Content in the first column Content in the second column

GitHub supports many extras in Markdown that help you reference and link to people. If you ever want to direct a comment at someone, you can prefix their name with an @ symbol: Hey @asyrion — love your sweater!

But I have to admit, tasks lists are my favorite:

  • This is a complete item
  • This is an incomplete item
  • @mentions, #refs, links, formatting, and tags supported
  • list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported)
  • this is a complete item
  • this is an incomplete item

When you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will see a helpful progress bar in your list of issues. It works in Pull Requests, too!

And, of course emoji! ✨ 🐫 💥

It's very easy to make some words bold and other words italic with Markdown. You can even link to Google!