Intermediate JavaScript: Password Generator
- An application that an employee can use to generate a random password based on criteria they’ve selected
- They can choose to include up to 4 categories of characters:
1-lowercased characters
2-uppercased characters
3-numeric characters
4-special characters
The following image shows the web application's appearance and functionality:
This app runs in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS (provided starter code) powered by JavaScript code that I've written. It has a clean and polished user interface that is responsive, ensuring that it adapts to multiple screen sizes.
As a user,
I WANT to use the app,
SO THAT I can generate passwords that fit my criteria
GIVEN the password generator app
WHEN I click on the "generate password" button
THEN I can see pop up windows where I can specify the password length and the types of characters I want to include
WHEN I specify all the criteria,
THEN I can see a corresponding password on the screen
It's done when:
- the user selects a password length between 8 and 128
- the user selects at least 1 character type to be included in the password
- a password respecting the user's criteria is generated
- Code should validate for each input and at least one character type should be selected.
- Once all prompts are answered, the password should be generated and displayed in an alert or written to the page.
For users, the project can be easily accessed by following the git clone process toward your local repository.
In Collaboration with this project, I received guidance from the TAs and instructors. The tutorial materials and other resources provided for the enrolled students at the Skills Bootcamp in Front-End Development acted as sources for primary and secondary links for reference. I will list below further material used towards the challenge.
Reference List:
This repository is licensed under the MIT license.