1. Clone the application
git clone
2. Import project in any Editor(Eclispe/Intellij)
3. Run appium desktop on default port
4. Run testCase.xml
AndroidHelperMethods : All the common Android functions is present in this class like click(),Scroll(),Enter() etc.
DriverManagerType : We have create an enum for Driver types and its definations
DriverManager : In this class we are creating driver object on the Basis of DriverType like DriverManagerType.Android,DriverManagerType.IOS
listners : In this package we are using TestNg ITestlistner for creating report on the basis of Test result
TestListner :In order to listen to test events such as passed, failed, skipped, etc. we have TestListener class which implements ITestListener.
**onFinish:** This method is invoked after all tests methods gets executed.
**onTestStart:** This method is invoked before any test methods are invoked. This can be used to indicate that the particular test method has been started.
**onTestSkipped:** This method is invoked when each test method is skipped. This can be used to indicate that the particular test method has been skipped.
**onTestSuccess:** This method is invoked when any test method succeeds. This can be used to indicate that the particular test method has successfully finished its execution.
**onTestFailure:** This method is invoked when any test method fails. This can be used to indicate that the particular test method has failed. You can create an event for taking a screenshot which will show where the test has been failed.
ExtentManager :In this class we are using Extent api and initialization of Extent object
BasePageClass :In this class we have initialize all the page classes using PagePafctory conecepts(PageFactory.initElements)
HomePage,Login Page :In this class we have all the locators and associated methods.
BaseTest :In this class we have initialize drivers and all the pages.