- Getting Started with the OpenSearch Python Client
To add the client to your project, install it using pip:
pip install opensearch-py
Then import it like any other module:
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
If you prefer to add the client manually or just want to examine the source code, see opensearch-py on GitHub.
In the example given below, we create a client, an index with non-default settings, insert a document in the index, search for the document, delete the document and finally delete the index.
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
host = 'localhost'
port = 9200
auth = ('admin', 'admin') # For testing only. Don't store credentials in code.
ca_certs_path = '/full/path/to/root-ca.pem' # Provide a CA bundle if you use intermediate CAs with your root CA.
# Optional client certificates if you don't want to use HTTP basic authentication.
# client_cert_path = '/full/path/to/client.pem'
# client_key_path = '/full/path/to/client-key.pem'
# Create the client with SSL/TLS enabled, but hostname verification disabled.
client = OpenSearch(
hosts = [{'host': host, 'port': port}],
http_compress = True, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
http_auth = auth,
# client_cert = client_cert_path,
# client_key = client_key_path,
use_ssl = True,
verify_certs = True,
ssl_assert_hostname = False,
ssl_show_warn = False,
ca_certs = ca_certs_path
# Create an index with non-default settings.
index_name = 'python-test-index3'
index_body = {
'settings': {
'index': {
'number_of_shards': 4
response = client.indices.create(index_name, body=index_body)
print('\nCreating index:')
document = {
'title': 'Moneyball',
'director': 'Bennett Miller',
'year': '2011'
id = '1'
response = client.index(
index = index_name,
body = document,
id = id,
refresh = True
print('\nAdding document:')
docs = '{"index": {"_index": "index-2022-06-08", "_id": "1"}} \n
{"name": "foo"} \n
{"index": {"_index": "index-2022-06-09", "_id": "2"}} \n
{"name": "bar"} \n
{"index": {"_index": "index-2022-06-10", "_id": "3"}} \n
{"name": "baz"}'
response = client.bulk(docs)
print('\nAdding bulk documents:')
docs = []
def generate_data():
mywords = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
for index, word in enumerate(mywords):
"_index": "mywords",
"word": word,
"_id": index
return docs
response = helpers.bulk(client, generate_data(), max_retries=3)
print('\nAdding bulk documents using helper:')
q = 'miller'
query = {
'size': 5,
'query': {
'multi_match': {
'query': q,
'fields': ['title^2', 'director']
response = client.search(
body = query,
index = index_name
print('\nSearch results:')
response = client.delete(
index = index_name,
id = id
print('\nDeleting document:')
response = client.indices.delete(
index = index_name
print('\nDeleting index:')
# create a point in time on a index
index_name = "test-index"
response = client.create_point_in_time(index=index_name,
pit_id = response.get("pit_id")
print('\n Point in time ID:')
# To list all point in time which are alive in the cluster
response = client.list_all_point_in_time()
print('\n List of all Point in Time:')
# To delete point in time
pit_body = {
"pit_id": [pit_id]
# To delete all point in time
# client.delete_point_in_time(body=None, all=True)
response = client.delete_point_in_time(body=pit_body)
print('\n The deleted point in time:')
Plugin client definitions can be found here --
print('\Searching for monitors:')
query = {
"query": {
"match" : {
"monitor.name": "test-monitor"
response = client.plugins.alerting.search_monitor(query)
print('\Getting a monitor:')
response = client.plugins.alerting.get_monitor("monitorID")
print('\Creating a bucket level monitor:')
query = {
"type": "monitor",
"name": "Demo bucket-level monitor",
"monitor_type": "bucket_level_monitor",
"enabled": True,
"schedule": {
"period": {
"interval": 1,
"unit": "MINUTES"
"inputs": [
"search": {
"indices": [
"query": {
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"range": {
"order_date": {
"from": "||-1h",
"to": "",
"include_lower": True,
"include_upper": True,
"format": "epoch_millis"
"aggregations": {
"composite_agg": {
"composite": {
"sources": [
"user": {
"terms": {
"field": "user"
"aggregations": {
"avg_products_base_price": {
"avg": {
"field": "products.base_price"
response = client.plugins.alerting.create_monitor(query)
print('\Creating an email destination:')
query = {
"type": "email",
"name": "my-email-destination",
"email": {
"email_account_id": "YjY7mXMBx015759_IcfW",
"recipients": [
"type": "email_group",
"email_group_id": "YzY-mXMBx015759_dscs"
"type": "email",
"email": "example@email.com"
response = client.plugins.alerting.create_destination(query)
print('\Getting alerts:')
response = client.plugins.alerting.get_alerts()
print('\Acknowledge alerts:')
query = {
"alerts": ["eQURa3gBKo1jAh6qUo49"]
response = client.plugins.alerting.acknowledge_alert(query)
Refer the AWS documentation regarding usage of IAM credentials to sign requests to OpenSearch APIs - Signing HTTP requests to Amazon OpenSearch Service.
Opensearch-py client library also provides an in-house IAM based authentication feature, AWSV4SignerAuth
that will help users to connect to their opensearch clusters by making use of IAM roles.
Python version 3.6 or above,
Install botocore using pip
pip install botocore
Here is the sample code that uses AWSV4SignerAuth
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch, RequestsHttpConnection, AWSV4SignerAuth
import boto3
host = '' # cluster endpoint, for example: my-test-domain.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com
region = 'us-west-2'
credentials = boto3.Session().get_credentials()
auth = AWSV4SignerAuth(credentials, region)
index_name = 'python-test-index3'
client = OpenSearch(
hosts = [{'host': host, 'port': 443}],
http_auth = auth,
use_ssl = True,
verify_certs = True,
connection_class = RequestsHttpConnection
q = 'miller'
query = {
'size': 5,
'query': {
'multi_match': {
'query': q,
'fields': ['title^2', 'director']
response = client.search(
body = query,
index = index_name
print('\nSearch results:')