Image Buttons for AHK GUIs.
The class creates an image list and assigns it to the pushbutton control. Button image lists may contain one or six images. If they contain only one image, the image will be used to draw all button states (i.e. the button won't be animated). Otherwise the images will be used to draw the appropriate six button states:
PBS_STYLUSHOT = 6 ; used only on tablet computers
Create a push button (e.g.
Gui, Add, Button, vMyButton HwndHBTN, Caption
) using theHwnd
option to get its HWND. -
passing two parameters:HWND - Button's HWND. Options* - variadic array containing up to 6 option arrays (see below).
The index of each option object determines the corresponding button state on which the bitmap will be shown (see above).
If you don't want the button to be 'animated' on themed GUIs, just pass one option object with index 1.
Each option array may contain the following values:
Index Value 1 Mode mandatory: 0 - unicolored or bitmap 1 - vertical bicolored 2 - horizontal bicolored 3 - vertical gradient 4 - horizontal gradient 5 - vertical gradient using StartColor at both borders and TargetColor at the center 6 - horizontal gradient using StartColor at both borders and TargetColor at the center 7 - 'raised' style (just try out!) 2 StartColor mandatory for Option[1], higher indices will inherit the value of Option[1], if omitted: - RGB integer value (0xRRGGBB) or HTML color name ("Red"). - Path of an image file or HBITMAP handle for Mode 0 3 TargetColor mandatory for Option[1] if Mode > 0, ignored if Mode = 0. Higher indcices will inherit the color of Option[1], if omitted: - RGB integer value (0xRRGGBB) or HTML color name ("Red"). 4 TextColor optional, if omitted, the default text color will be used for Option[1], higher indices will inherit the color of Option[1]: - RGB integer value (0xRRGGBB) or HTML color name ("Red"). Default: 0x000000 (black) 5 Rounded optional: - Radius of the rounded corners in pixel Default: 0 - not rounded 6 GuiColor optional, needed for rounded buttons if you've changed the GUI background color: - RGB integer value (0xRRGGBB) or HTML color name ("Red"). Default: AHK default GUI background color
If the the button has a caption it will be drawn above the bitmap.
That's all!