The following was taken out of the repository README due to the Raspberry Dockerfiles being outdated. This could be moved back when Raspberry Dockerfiles are up to date.
You can build the container with the following command:
docker build --rm -t warrior-arm32v5:latest -f Dockerfile.raspberry .
The image needs a place to store the downloaded data as well as its configuration. Say you have a location suitable at /var/local/warrior use the command below, otherwise update the data and config.json paths.
First, create an empty config.json if it doesn't exist. Otherwise when you mount the path with docker it will create it as a directory.
touch /var/local/warrior/config.json
Now start the container.
docker run \
--volume /var/local/warrior/data:/data/data \
--volume /var/local/warrior/config.json:/home/warrior/projects/config.json \
--publish 8001:8001 \
--restart unless-stopped \