The ArabCryptoTalk Network (ACT) is a decentralized information database platform that uses a decentralized headless content management system that is entirely controlled by token holders. Token holders have the right to approve or reject network-wide rules that govern ArabCryptoTalk, and buy-sell services on the network.
The token module is responsible for token balances, and the send/receive/fee functionalities. It has the right to modify the state of the article module.
Staking Arabcoin is required to propose an article, vote, and propose/vote on network governance actions. ARAB is staked by locking the coins in a vesting period that will be determined by the community vote.
The article module is in charge of generating editing proposals and updating the state of the news database, which subsequently takes an IPFS Hash, stores the data onto Arab Blockchain, and pins it to IPFS nodes.
The governance module has the ability to modify any module, including itself. Governance actions have the ability to change the software for any of the three modules, but not the database that stores coin balances and news. This module allows the submission of changes to coin holders for approval. If the community of stakeholders approves the changes, the governance module then deploys those changes on the corresponding module. This helps the community to reach agreement.