A JavaScript library to be used with AppGyver Steroids and Steroids npm. Steroids.js requires AppGyver Scanner application (available in Apple App Store and Google Play Store) or custom Scanner build from AppGyver Build Service.
Setup Steroids project "testApp":
1) npm install
2) npm install -g grunt-cli
3) grunt
4) cd testApp && npm install
NOTE! You may need to manually run "grunt" before reloading Steroids in testApp!
There is a Jasmine test project in specsApp/ that has steroids.js symlinked from dist/
1) Setup dependencies defined above under "Development"
2) cd testSpecApp
3) steroids connect
There is a Steroids project for manual testing under testApp/ that has steroids.js symlinked from dist/
1) Setup dependencies defined above under "Development"
2) cd testApp
3) steroids connect
Due to Bower limitations (cannot exclude certain files from a repository), the Bower distribution of Steroids.js resides in a different GitHub repository (https://github.com/steroidsjs/steroids-js) and is included as a submodule. Thus, to update the Bower distribution, you need GitHub access to the steroidsjs organization too.
Execute: ./publish-plz.sh
Steroids.js is released under the MIT License.