This tutorial was built for Linux operating system on your Ubuntu 14.04 distribution, which does not mean it can not be installed in another OS, but it is not covered on this document.
For running De Olho nas Metas (DONM for now on), you will need:
- Some expierence with Linux and internet connection
- postgres-9.3 with postgis or higher
- perl 5.16.3 or higher
- nginx or other webserver
Execute this command as root:
To login as
user you need runsudo su
on your terminal
# apt-get update;
# apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 postgresql-9.3-postgis-scripts build-essential bzip2 gzip less git nginx libexpat1 libexpat1-dev libxml2-dev curl libpq-dev redis-server
With all above commands done, we already can configure PostgreSQL and nginx. But before we can install the Perl version 5.16.3. The idea is to create a new a user only for this application and install the perl modules in an isolated environment.
Execute this command as root:
# adduser donm
(Fill out the fields as you want; And remember the password!)
The next command should be executed on user donm
, if you are not sure how do that, open a new terminal and run:
$ su donm
always make sure you are $HOME when you su run
to go to $HOME
After that, download the latest code from DONM or make a project fork (recommended).
$ git clone
Go to the folder of the project:
$ cd De-Olho-Nas-Metas;
Change to master (default), where the code is stable:
$ git checkout master
Open a new terminal and type:
$ sudo su
# sed -Ei 's/md5/trust/g' /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf; service postgresql reload
Now all your database accepts users without authentication on localhost. If you have any security knowledge, please configure as you needs.
to exit the terminal session.
You can test if it worked running psql -h -U postgres
as an ordinary (non-root) user. Type \q
to exit psql tool.
After that, you need create the database, in this case, we will name it donm
$ createdb -h -U postgres donm
DONM web needs an database too, for I18N, it called lexicon_database. Next command will create the database, and then populate it with some keywords
$ createdb -h -U postgres lexicon_database
$ gunzip -c /home/donm/De-Olho-Nas-Metas/web/data/lexicon_database.sql.gz | psql -h -U postgres lexicon_database
All commands bellow should be executed on user donm
$ su donm
We will use the perlbrew to manage our perl version, run those commands on user donm:
$ cd; curl -L | bash
Make perlbrew start at beginning of each the session:
$ echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc
Make perlbrew start on current session:
$ . ~/.bashrc
Install a module-manager called cpanm (CPAN Minus):
$ perlbrew install-cpanm
For this project perl 5.16.3 version is being used, the following command installs this version of Perl and can take several minutes.
$ perlbrew install perl-5.16.3 -n
After that, you need to switch the current version of perl using:
$ perlbrew switch perl-5.16.3
All dependencies (packages) will be installed for the Perl version and chosen specifically for this user.
Let's try to install DBD::Pg
, which depends on pg_config
working (if not found, run apt-get install libpq-dev
as root).
$ cpanm DBD::Pg
Next command should be executed on user donm
, on the project folder, if you are not sure, open a new terminal and run:
$ su donm; cd De-Olho-Nas-Metas;
And now, you can install the perl packages that DONM needs:
$ cpanm -n Module::Install Catalyst::Devel; cd api; cpanm -n installdeps .; cd ../web; cpanm -n installdeps .;
If any error show when installing, you may need to consult the generated log and search for the solution, which is usually related to installation of any necessary lib. If you are a clean installation, you should be fine.
This set should be executed on user donm
, on the project folder, if you are not sure, open a new terminal and run:
$ su donm; cd De-Olho-Nas-Metas;
First, let's create an directory for the logs:
$ mkdir /home/donm/logs
Now you can execute
and will deploy the database (which by now, is empty) and then, up an HTTP server running on port 3060. up an HTTP server running on port 5040.
$ ./
$ ./
Now you can browse to and see the homepage of DONM.
Copy misc/nginx-donm.conf to /etc/nginx/sites-available/default and reload; Execute this command as root:
# cp /home/donm/De-Olho-Nas-Metas/misc/nginx-donm.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
# service nginx restart
Please feel free for edit the file afterwards
Default admin user is
and it password is 12345
, you can login on http://localhost/login after installation and configuration of DONM.
Remember to change the password under http://localhost/admin/user/2 and http://localhost/admin/user/1.
WebAPI is a special user that cannot login, but is used to create new accounts. You may want to change it session key too, and reconfigure api_user_api_key
on websmm.conf, then restart.