The prediction module receives obstacles from the perception module with their basic perception information including positions, headings, velocities, accelerations, and generates predicted trajectories with probabilities for those obstacles.
- Obstacles from the perception module
- Localizaton from the localization module
- Obstacles annotated with predicted trajectories
Container stores input data from subscribed channels. Current supported inputs are perception obstacles, vehicle localization and vehicle planning.
The Evaluator predicts path and speed separately for any given obstacle. An evaluator evaluates a path by outputing a probability for it (lane sequence) using the given model stored in prediction/data/.
Three types of evaluators will be provided including:
Cost evaluator: probability is calculated by a set of cost functions
MLP evaluator: probability is calculated with an MLP model
RNN evaluator: probability is calculated with an RNN model
Predictor generates predicted trajectories for obstacles. Currently supported predictors include:
- Empty: obstacles have no predicted trajectories
- Single lane: Obstacles move along a single lane in highway navigation mode. Obstacles not on lane will be ignored.
- Lane sequence: obstacle moves along the lanes
- Move sequence: obstacle moves along the lanes by following its kinetic pattern
- Free movement: obstacle moves freely
- Regional movement: obstacle moves in a possible region