When a user loads into a server where they are not cached in the users.txt file of that server, they will have the appropriate rank visibly, however, some addons such as the widely used restriction system WUMA will think the user is the guest role, and assign rights as such.
- Give a user a privileged rank with no restrictions
- Restrict something easy to reproduce e.g. a prop, or a weapon, like the hl2 revolver
- Shut off the server
- Delete the users.txt
- Reboot server
- Have user rejoin
- User will have the proper rank, but not be allowed to spawn the hl2 357, etc.
- Set users ranks using ulx adduserid and then they are cached fully in ulib
Error Messages
This very small use case bug is caused by the way that MSync assigns ranks to users when they load in, more of a bandaid would be to use the function RunConsoleCommand("ulx", "adduserid" , ply:SteamID() , newRank)
Many servers already use auto promote addons which use the above logic, and this makes sure everyone fully has their rank working