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Best Performance Practices For Hibernate5 & Spring Boot 2

Hibernate & Spring Boot Samples

  1. How To Store UTC Timezone In MySQL

Description: This application is a sample of how to store date, time, and timestamps in UTC time zone in MySQL.

Key points:
- spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/screenshotdb?useLegacyDatetimeCode=false

  1. View Binding/Extracted Params Via Log4J 2

Description: View the prepared statement binding/extracted parameters via Log4J 2 logger setting.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, exclude Spring Boot's Default Logging
- for Maven, in pom.xml, Add Log4j 2 Dependency
- in log4j2.xml add, <Logger name="org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql" level="trace"/>

Output example:

  1. How To View Query Details Via "datasource-proxy"

Description: View the query details (query type, binding parameters, batch size, execution time, etc) via datasource-proxy

Key points:
- for Maven, add in pom.xml the datasource-proxy dependency
- create an bean post processor to intercept the DataSource bean
- wrap the DataSource bean via ProxyFactory and an implementation of MethodInterceptor

Output example:

  1. How To Batch Inserts Via saveAll(Iterable<S> entities) In MySQL

Description: Batch inserts via SimpleJpaRepository#saveAll(Iterable<S> entities) method in MySQL

Key points:
- in set
- in set (just to check that batching is working)
- in set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true (optimization for MySQL)
- in set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true (enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
- in set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true (this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
- in case of using a parent-child relationship with cascade persist (e.g. one-to-many, many-to-many) then consider to set up to optimize the batching by ordering inserts
- in entity, use the assigned generator since MySQL IDENTITY will cause batching to be disabled
- in entity, add @Version property to avoid extra-SELECTs fired before batching (also prevent lost updates in multi-request transactions). Extra-SELECTs are the effect of using merge() instead of persist(); behind the scene, saveAll() uses save(), which in case of non-new entities (have IDs) will call merge(), which instruct Hibernate to fire a SELECT statement to make sure that there is no record in the database having the same identifier
- pay attention on the amount of inserts passed to saveAll() to not "overwhelm" the persistence context; normally the EntityManager should be flushed and cleared from time to time, but during the saveAll() execution you simply cannot do that, so if in saveAll() there is a list with a high amount of data, all that data will hit the persistence context (1st level cache) and will be in-memory until flush time. Using relatively small amount of data should be ok

Output example:

  1. Batch Inserts Via EntityManager in MySQL

Description: Batch inserts via EntityManager in MySQL. This way you can easily control the flush() and clear() of the persistence context (1st level cache). This is not possible via SpringBoot, saveAll(Iterable<S> entities). Another advantage is that you can call persist() instead of merge() - this is used behind the scene by the SpringBoot saveAll(Iterable<S> entities) and save(S entity).

Key points:
- in set
- in set (just to check that batching is working)
- in set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true (optimization for MySQL)
- in set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true (enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
- in set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true (this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
- in case of using a parent-child relationship with cascade persist (e.g. one-to-many, many-to-many) then consider to set up to optimize the batching by ordering inserts
- in entity, use the assigned generator since MySQL IDENTITY will cause batching to be disabled
- in DAO, flush and clear the persistence context from time to time; this way you avoid to "overwhelm" the persistence context
- if is not needed then ensure that Second Level Cache is disabled via

Output example:

  1. How To Batch Inserts Via JpaContext/EntityManager In MySQL

Description: Batch inserts via JpaContext/EntityManager in MySQL.

Key points:
- in set
- in set (just to check that batching is working)
- in set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true (optimization for MySQL)
- in set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true (enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
- in set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true (this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
- in case of using a parent-child relationship with cascade persist (e.g. one-to-many, many-to-many) then consider to set up to optimize the batching by ordering inserts
- in entity, use the assigned generator since MySQL IDENTITY will cause batching to be disabled
- the EntityManager is obtain per entity type via, JpaContext#getEntityManagerByManagedType(Class<?> entity)
- in DAO, flush and clear the persistence context from time to time; this way you avoid to "overwhelm" the persistence context

Output example:

  1. How To Exploit Session-Level Batching (Hibernate 5.2 Or Higher) In MySQL

Description: Batch inserts via Hibernate session-level batching (Hibernate 5.2 or higher) in MySQL.

Key points:
- in set (just to check that batching is working)
- in set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true (optimization for MySQL)
- in set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true (enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
- in set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true (this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
- in case of using a parent-child relationship with cascade persist (e.g. one-to-many, many-to-many) then consider to set up to optimize the batching by ordering inserts
- in entity, use the assigned generator since MySQL IDENTITY will cause batching to be disabled
- the Hibernate Session is obtained by un-wrapping it via EntityManager#unwrap(Session.class)
- the batching size is set via Session#setJdbcBatchSize(Integer size) and get via Session#getJdbcBatchSize()
- in DAO, flush and clear the persistence context from time to time; this way you avoid to "overwhelm" the persistence context

Output example:

  1. Direct Fetching Via Spring Data findById(), JPA EntityManager And Hibernate Session

Description: Direct fetching via Spring Data, EntityManager and Hibernate Session examples.

Key points:
- direct fetching via Spring Data uses findById()
- direct fetching via JPA EntityManager uses find()
- direct fetching via Hibernate Session uses get()

  1. DTOs Via Spring Data Projections

Note: You may also like to read the recipe, "How To Enrich DTOs With Virtual Properties Via Spring Projections"

Description: Fetch only the needed data from the database via Spring Data Projections (DTOs)

Key points:
- write an interface (projection) containing getters only for the columns that should be fetched from the database
- write the proper query returning a List<projection>
- if is applicable, limit the number of returned rows (e.g., via LIMIT) - here, we can use query builder mechanism built into Spring Data repository infrastructure

Note: Using projections is not limited to use query builder mechanism built into Spring Data repository infrastructure. We can fetch projections via JPQL or native queries as well. For example, in this application we use a JPQL.

Output example (select first 2 rows; select only "name" and "age"):

  1. Attribute Lazy Loading

Description: By default, the attributes of an entity are loaded eagerly (all at once). But, we can load them lazy as well. This is useful for column types that store large amounts of data: CLOB, BLOB, VARBINARY, etc or details that should be loaded on demand. In this application, we have an entity named Author. Its properties are: id, name, genre, avatar and age. And, we want to load the avatar lazy. So, the avatar should be loaded on demand.

Key points:
- in pom.xml, activate Hibernate bytecode instrumentation (e.g. use Maven bytecode enhancement plugin)
- in entity, annotate the columns that should be loaded lazy with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
- in, disable Open Session in View

Check as well:
- Default Values For Lazy Loaded Attributes
- Attribute Lazy Loading And Jackson Serialization

  1. How To Populate a Child-Side Parent Association via Proxy

Description: A Proxy can be useful when a child entity can be persisted with a reference to its parent (@ManyToOne or @OneToOne association). In such cases, fetching the parent entity from the database (execute the SELECT statement) is a performance penalty and a pointless action. Hibernate can set the underlying foreign key value for an uninitialized Proxy.

Key points:
- rely on EntityManager#getReference()
- in Spring, use JpaRepository#getOne() -> used in this example
- in Hibernate, use load()
- assume two entities, Author and Book, involved in a unidirectional @ManyToOne relationship (Author is the parent-side)
- we fetch the author via a Proxy (this will not trigger a SELECT), we create a new book, we set the Proxy as the author for this book and we save the book (this will trigger an INSERT in the book table)

Output example:
- the console output will reveal that only an INSERT is triggered, not the SELECT

  1. How To Quickly Reproduce The N+1 Performance Issue

Description: The N+1 is an issue of lazy fetching (but, eager is not exempt). This application reproduce the N+1 behavior.

Key points:
- define two entities, Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship
- fetch all Book lazy, so without Author (results in 1 query)
- loop the fetched Book collection and for each entry fetch the corresponding Author (results N queries)
- or, fetch all Author lazy, so without Book (results in 1 query)
- loop the fetched Author collection and for each entry fetch the corresponding Book (results N queries)

Output example:


Description: Starting with Hibernate 5.2.2, we can optimize JPQL (HQL) query entites of type SELECT DISTINCT via HINT_PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH hint.

Key points:
- use @QueryHints(value = @QueryHint(name = HINT_PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH, value = "false"))

Output example:

  1. How To Enable Dirty Tracking In A Spring Boot Application

Description: Prior to Hibernate version 5, the dirty checking mechanism relies on Java Reflection API. Starting with Hibernate version 5, the dirty checking mechanism relies on bytecode enhancement. This approach sustain a better performance, especially when you have a relatively large number of entitites.

Key points:
- add the corresponding plugin in pom.xml (use Maven bytecode enhancement plugin)

Output example:

The bytecode enhancement effect can be seen on Author.class here

  1. How To Use Java 8 Optional In Entities And Queries

Description: This application is an example of how is correct to use the Java 8 Optional in entities and queries.

Key points:
- use the Spring Data built-in query-methods that return Optional (e.g., findById())
- write your own queries that return Optional
- use Optional in entities getters
- in order to run different scenarios check the file, data-mysql.sql

  1. How To Use OneToMany Bidirectional Correctly

Description: This application is a proof of concept of how is correct to implement the bidirectional @OneToMany association.

Key points:
- always cascade from parent to child
- use mappedBy on the parent
- use orphanRemoval on parent in order to remove children without references
- use helper methods on parent to keep both sides of the association in sync
- use lazy fetching on both side of the association
- as entities identifiers, use assigned identifiers (business key, natural key (@NaturalId)) and/or database-generated identifiers and override (on child-side) properly the equals() and hashCode() methods as here
- if toString() need to be overridden, then pay attention to involve only for the basic attributes fetched when the entity is loaded from the database

Note: Pay attention to remove operations, especially to removing child entities. The CascadeType.REMOVE and orphanRemoval=true may produce too many queries. Relying on bulk operations is most of the time the best way to go for deletions.

  1. Query Fetching

Description: This application is an example of how to write a query via JpaRepository, EntityManager and Session.

Key points:
- for JpaRepository use @Query or Spring Data Query Creation
- for EntityManager and Session use the createQuery() method

  1. How To Avoid MySQL & Hibernate 5 AUTO Generator Type

Description: In MySQL & Hibernate 5, the GenerationType.AUTO generator type will result in using the TABLE generator. This adds a significant performance penalty. Turning this behavior to IDENTITY generator can be obtained by using GenerationType.IDENTITY or the native generator.

Key points:
- use GenerationType.IDENTITY instead of GenerationType.AUTO
- use the native generator - exemplified in this application

Output example:

  1. How To Avoid The Redundant save() Call

Description: This application is an example when calling save() for a managed entity is redundant.

Key points:
- Hibernate triggers UPDATE statements for managed entities without the need to explicitly call the save() method
- behind the scene, this redundancy implies a performance penalty as well

  1. Why To Avoid PostgreSQL (BIG)SERIAL In Batching Inserts Via Hibernate

Description: In PostgreSQL, using GenerationType.IDENTITY will disable insert batching. The (BIG)SERIAL is acting "almost" like MySQL, AUTO_INCREMENT. In this application, we use the GenerationType.SEQUENCE which enable insert batching, and we optimize it via the hi/lo optimization algorithm.

Key points:
- use GenerationType.SEQUENCE instead of GenerationType.IDENTITY
- rely on the hi/lo algorithm to fetch multiple identifiers in a single database roundtrip (you can go even further and use the Hibernate pooled and pooled-lo identifier generators (these are optimizations of hi/lo))

Output example:

  1. JPA Inheritance - Single Table

Description: This application is a sample of JPA Single Table inheritance strategy (SINGLE_TABLE)

Key points:
- this is the default inheritance strategy (@Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE))
- all the classes in an inheritance hierarchy are represented via a single table in a the database
- subclasses attributes non-nullability is ensured via @NotNull and MySQL triggers
- the default discriminator column memory footprint was optimized by declaring it of type TINYINT

Output example (below is a single table obtained from 3 entities):

  1. How To Count And Assert SQL Statements

Description: This application is a sample of counting and asserting SQL statements triggered "behind the scene". Is very useful to count the SQL statements in order to ensure that your code is not generating more SQLs that you may think (e.g., N+1 can be easily detected by asserting the number of expected statements).

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add dependencies for datasource-proxy and Vlad Mihalcea's db-util
- create the ProxyDataSourceBuilder with countQuery()
- reset the counter via SQLStatementCountValidator.reset()
- assert INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT via assertInsert/Update/Delete/Select/Count(long expectedNumberOfSql)

Output example (when the number of expected SQLs is not equal with the reality an exception is thrown):

  1. How To Setup JPA Callbacks

Description: This application is a sample of setting the JPA callbacks (Pre/PostPersist, Pre/PostUpdate, Pre/PostRemove and PostLoad).

Key points:
- in entity, write callback methods and use the proper annotations
- callback methods annotated on the bean class must return void and take no arguments

Output example:

  1. How To Use @MapsId For Sharing Identifier In @OneToOne Relationship

Description: Instead of classical unidirectional/bidirectional @OneToOne better rely on an unidirectional @OneToOne and @MapsId. This application is a proof of concept.

Key points:
- use @MapsId on child side
- use @JoinColumn to customize the name of the Primary Key column
- basically, for @OneToOne associations, @MapsId will share the Primary Key with the parent table (id property acts as both Primary Key and Foreign Key)

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via SqlResultSetMapping

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on SqlResultSetMapping and EntityManager.

Key points:
- use SqlResultSetMapping and EntityManager
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via SqlResultSetMapping & NamedNativeQuery

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on SqlResultSetMapping, NamedNativeQuery and EntityManager.

Key points:
- use SqlResultSetMapping, NamedNativeQuery and EntityManager
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via javax.persistence.Tuple And Native SQL

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on javax.persistence.Tuple and native SQL.

Key points:
- use java.persistence.Tuple and EntityManager.createNativeQuery()
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via javax.persistence.Tuple And JPQL

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on javax.persistence.Tuple and JPQL.

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via Constructor Expression And JPQL

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on Constructor Expression and JPQL.

Key points:
- use a proper constructor in the DTO class
- and use a query as select new com.jpa.CarDto(, c.color) from Car c
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

See also:
Dto Via Constructor And Spring Data Query Builder Mechanism

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via ResultTransformer And Native SQL

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on Hibernate, ResultTransformer and native SQL.

Key points:
- use AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer for DTOs without setters, with constructor
- use Transformers.aliasToBean() for DTOs with setters
- use EntityManager.createNativeQuery() and unwrap(org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery.class)
- starting with Hibernate 5.2, ResultTransformer is deprecated, but until a replacement will be available (in Hibernate 6.0) it can be used (read further)
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via ResultTransformer And JPQL

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on Hibernate, ResultTransformer and JPQL.

Key points:
- use AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer for DTOs without setters, with constructor
- use Transformers.aliasToBean() for DTOs with setters
- use EntityManager.createQuery() and unwrap(org.hibernate.query.Query.class)
- starting with Hibernate 5.2, ResultTransformer is deprecated, but until a replacement will be available (in Hibernate 6.0) it can be used (read further)
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

  1. How To Extract DTOs Via Blaze-Persistence Entity Views

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on Blaze-Persistence entity views.

Key points:
- add in pom.xml dependencies specific to Blaze-Persistence
- configure Blaze-Persistence, CriteriaBuilderFactory and EntityViewManager
- write an entity view via an interface in Blaze-Persistence fashion
- write a Spring-centric repository by extending EntityViewRepository
- call method of this repository such as, findAll(), findOne(), etc
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

  1. How @ElementCollection Without @OrderColumn Works

Description: This application reveals the possible performance penalties of using @ElementCollection. In this case, without @OrderColumn. As you can see in the next recipe (34) adding @OrderColumn can mitigate some performance penalties.

Key points:
- an @ElementCollection doesn't have a Primary Key
- an @ElementCollection is mapped in a separate table
- avoid @ElementCollection when you have a lot of inserts and deletes in/from it since the database has to delete all existing rows in order to add a new one or delete one
- the more items we have in this table the greater the performance penalty

Output example:

  1. How @ElementCollection With @OrderColumn Works

Description: This application reveals the performance penalties of using @ElementCollection. In this case, with @OrderColumn. But, as you can see in this application, by adding @OrderColumn can mitigate some performance penalties when operations take place near the collection tail (e.g., add/remove at/from the end of the collection). Mainly, all elements situated before the adding/removing entry are left untouched, so the performance penalty can be ignored if we affect rows close to the collection tail.

Key points:
- an @ElementCollection doesn't have a Primary Key
- an @ElementCollection is mapped in a separate table
- pefer @ElementCollection with @OrderColumn when you have a lot of inserts and deletes from the collection tail
- the more items are inserted/removed from the beginning of this table the greater the performance penalty

Output example:

  1. How To Avoid Lazy Initialization Issues Caused By Disabling Open Session In View Via Explicit (Default) Values

Note: Before reading this item try to see if Hibernate5Module is not what you are looking for.

Description: The Open-Session in View anti-pattern is activated by default in SpringBoot. Now, imagine a lazy relationship (e.g., @OneToMany) between two entities, Author and Book (an author has associated more books). Next, a REST controller endpoint fetches an Author without the associated Book. But, the View (more precisely, Jackson), forces the lazy loading of the associated Book as well. Since OSIV will supply the already opened Session, the Proxy initializations take place successfully. The solution to avoid this performance penalty starts by disabling the OSIV. Further, explicitly initialize the un-fetched lazy associations. This way, the View will not force lazy loading.

Key points:
- disable OSIV by adding in this setting:
- fetch an Author entity and initialize its associated Book explicitly with (default) values (e.g., null)
- set @JsonInclude(Include.NON_EMPTY) on this entity-level to avoid rendering null or what is considered empty in the resulted JSON

NOTE: If OSIV is enabled, the developer can still initialize the un-fetched lazy associations manually as long as he does this outside of a transaction to avoid flushing. But, why is this working? Since the Session is open, why the manually initialization of the associations of a managed entity doesn't trigger the flush? The answer can be found in the documentation of OpenSessionInViewFilter which specifies that: This filter will by default not flush the Hibernate Session, with the flush mode set to FlushMode.NEVER. It assumes to be used in combination with service layer transactions that care for the flushing: The active transaction manager will temporarily change the flush mode to FlushMode.AUTO during a read-write transaction, with the flush mode reset to FlushMode.NEVER at the end of each transaction. If you intend to use this filter without transactions, consider changing the default flush mode (through the "flushMode" property).

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Inner Joins

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and inner joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for MySQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write inner joins queries using JPQL/SQL

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Left Joins

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and left joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for MySQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write left joins queries using JPQL/SQL

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Right Joins

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and right joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for MySQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write right joins queries using JPQL/SQL

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Inclusive Full Joins (PostgreSQL)

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and inclusive full joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for PostgreSQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write inclusive full joins queries using JPQL/SQL

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Exclusive Left Joins

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and exclusive left joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for MySQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write exclusive left joins queries using JPQL/SQL

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Exclusive Right Joins

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and exclusive right joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for MySQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write exclusive right joins queries using JPQL/SQL

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Exclusive Full Joins (PostgreSQL)

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and exclusive full joins written via JPQL and native SQL (for PostgreSQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write exclusive full joins queries using JPQL/SQL

  1. Why You Should Avoid Time-Consuming Tasks In Spring Boot Post-Commits

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring post-commit hooks.

Key points:
- avoid time-consuming task in post-commits since the database connection will remain open until this code finshes

  1. How To Exploit Spring Projections(DTOs) And Join Unrelated Entities in Hibernate 5.1+

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections (DTOs) and join unrelated entities. Hibernate 5.1 introduced explicit joins on unrelated entities and the syntax and behaviour are similar to SQL JOIN statements.

Key points:
- define serveral entities (e.g., Author and Book unrelated entities)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., BookstoreDto)
- write joins queries using JPQL/SQL (e.g., queries all authors names and book titles of the given price)

  1. Why To Avoid Lombok @EqualsAndHashCode And @Data In Entities And How To Override equals() And hashCode()

Description: Entities should implement equals() and hashCode() as here. The main idea is that Hibernate requires that an entity is equal to itself across all its state transitions (transient, attached, detached and removed). Using Lombok @EqualsAndHashCode (or @Data) will not respect this requirment.

Key points:
- Using Lombok default behavior of @EqualsAndHashCode
(entity: LombokDefaultBook, test: LombokDefaultEqualsAndHashCodeTest)
- Using Lombok @EqualsAndHashCode with primary key only
(entity: LombokIdBook, test: LombokEqualsAndHashCodeWithIdOnlyTest)
- Rely on default equals() and hashCode()
(entity: DefaultBook, test: DefaultEqualsAndHashCodeTest)
- Rely on default equals() and hashCode() containing only the database-generated identifier
(entity: IdBook, test: IdEqualsAndHashCodeTest)

- Rely on business key (entity: BusinessKeyBook, test: BusinessKeyEqualsAndHashCodeTest)
- Rely on @NaturalId (entity: NaturalIdBook, test: NaturalIdEqualsAndHashCodeTest)
- Rely on manually assigned identifiers (entity: IdManBook, test: IdManEqualsAndHashCodeTest)
- Rely on database-generated identifiers (entity: IdGenBook, test: IdGenEqualsAndHashCodeTest)

  1. How To Avoid LazyInitializationException Via JOIN FETCH

Description: Typically, when we get a LazyInitializationException we tend to modify the relationship fetching type from LAZY to EAGER. That is bad! This is a code smell. Best way to avoid this exception is to rely on JOIN FETCH (if you plan to modify the fetched entities) or JOIN + DTOs (if the fetched data is only read). JOIN FETCH allows associations or collections of values to be initialized along with their parent objects using a single SELECT. This application is a JOIN FETCH example with entities. But, with some constraints, JOIN FETCH can be used with DTOs as well. An example is available here.

Key points:
- define two related entities (e.g., Author and Book in a one-to-many lazy bidirectional relationship)
- write a JPQL JOIN FETCH to fetch an author including his books
- write a JPQL JOIN FETCH to fetch a book including its author

Output example:

  1. How To Merge Entity Collections

Description: This is a Spring Boot example based on the following article. Is a functional implementation of the Vlad's example. It is highly recommended to read that article.

Key points:
- Remove the existing database rows that are no longer found in the incoming collection
- Update the existing database rows which can be found in the incoming collection
- Add the rows found in the incoming collection, which cannot be found in the current database snapshot

  1. How To Delay Connection Acquisition As Needed (Hibernate 5.2.10)

Description: This is a Spring Boot example that exploits Hibernate 5.2.10 capability of delaying the connection acquisition as needed. Normally, a database connection is aquried immediately after calling a method annotated with @Transactional. If this method contains some time-consuming tasks before the first SQL statement then the connection is holded for nothing. But, Hibernate 5.2.10 allows us to delay the connection acquisition as needed. This example rely on HikariCP as the default connection pool for Spring Boot.

Key points:
- set in
- set in

Output example:

  1. How To Generate Sequences Of Identifiers Via Hibernate hi/lo Algorithm

Note: If systems external to your application need to insert rows in your tables then don't rely on hi/lo since, in such cases, it may cause errors resulted from generating duplicated identifiers. Rely on pooled or pooled-lo.

Description: This is a Spring Boot example of using the hi/lo algorithm for generating 1000 identifiers in 10 database roundtrips for batching 1000 inserts in batches of 30 inserts. The hi/lo is a Hibernate algorithm is an optimization algorithm for generating sequences of identifiers.

Key points:
- use the SEQUENCE generator type (e.g., in PostgreSQL)
- configure the hi/lo algorithm as in entity

Output example:

  1. How To Correctly Write a Bidirectional @ManyToMany Association

Description: This application is a proof of concept of how is correct to implement the bidirectional @ManyToMany association.

Key points:
- choose and set the owner of the relationship via mappedBy
- materialize the relationships collections via Set not List
- use helper methods on the owner of the relationship to keep both sides of the association in sync
- on the owner of the relationship use CascadeType.PERSIST and CascadeType.MERGE, but avoid CascadeType.REMOVE/ALL
- on the owner of the relationship set up join table
- @ManyToMany is lazy by default; keep it this way!
- as entities identifiers, use assigned identifiers (business key, natural key (@NaturalId)) and/or database-generated identifiers and override properly (on both sides) the equals() and hashCode() methods as here
- if toString() need to be overridden, then pay attention to involve only for the basic attributes fetched when the entity is loaded from the database

  1. Prefer Set Instead of List in @ManyToMany Relationships

Description: This is a Spring Boot example of removing rows in case of a bidirectional @ManyToMany using a List and a Set. The conclusion is that Set is much better! This applies to unidirectional as well!

Key points:
- using Set is much more efficent than List

Output example:

  1. How To View Query Details Via log4jdbc

Description: View the query details via log4jdbc

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add log4jdbc dependency

Output sample:

  1. How To View Binding Params Via TRACE

Description: View the prepared statement binding/extracted parameters via TRACE

Key points:
- in add:

Output sample:

  1. How To Store java.time.YearMonth As Integer Or Date Via Hibernate Types Library

Description: Hibernate Types is a set of extra types not supported by Hibernate by default. One of these types is java.time.YearMonth. This is a Spring Boot application that uses Hibernate Type to store this YearMonth in a MySQL database as integer or Date.

Key points:
- for Maven, add Hibernate Types as a dependency in pom.xml
- in entity use @TypeDef to map typeClass to defaultForType

Output example:

  1. How To Execute SQL Functions With Multiple Parameters in a JPQL Query

Description: Trying to use SQL functions (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc) in JPQL queries may result in exceptions if Hibernate will not recognize them and cannot parse the JPQL query. For example, the MySQL, concat_ws function is not recognized by Hibernate. This application is a Spring Boot application based on Hibernate 5.3, that registers the concat_ws function via MetadataBuilderContributor and inform Hibernate about it via, metadata_builder_contributor property. This example uses @Query and EntityManager as well, so you can see two use cases.

Key points:
- use Hibernate 5.3 (or, to be precisely, 5.2.18) (e.g., use Spring Boot 2.1.0.RELEASE)
- implement MetadataBuilderContributor and register the concat_ws MySQL function
- in, set to point out to MetadataBuilderContributor implementation

Output example:

  1. Log Slow Queries Via "datasource-proxy"

Description: This application is a sample of logging only slow queries via datasource-proxy. A slow query is a query that has an exection time bigger than a specificed threshold in milliseconds.

Key points:
- for Maven, add in pom.xml the datasource-proxy dependency
- create an bean post processor to intercept the DataSource bean
- wrap the DataSource bean via ProxyFactory and an implementation of MethodInterceptor
- choose a threshold in milliseconds
- define a listener and override afterQuery()

Output example:

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger SELECT COUNT Subquery And Return Page<dto>

Description: This application fetches data as Page<dto> via Spring Boot offset pagination. Most of the time, the data that should be paginated is read-only data. Fetching the data into entities should be done only if we plan to modify that data, therefore, fetching read only data as Page<entity> is not preferable since it may end up in a significant performance penalty. The SELECT COUNT triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records).

Key points:
- create a Spring projection (DTO) to contains getters only for the data that should be fetched
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- fetch data via a JPQL or native query (that includes counting) into a List<dto>, and a Pageable
- use the fetched List<dto> and Pageable to create a Page<dto>

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger SELECT COUNT Subquery And Return List<dto>

Description: This application fetches data as List<dto> via Spring Boot offset pagination. Most of the time, the data that should be paginated is read-only data. Fetching the data into entities should be done only if we plan to modify that data, therefore, fetching read only data as List<entity> is not preferable since it may end up in a significant performance penalty. The SELECT COUNT triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records).

Key points:
- create a Spring projection (DTO) to contains getters only for the data that should be fetched
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- fetch data via a JPQL or native query (that includes counting) into a List<dto>

  1. How To Customize HikariCP Settings Via Properties

If you use the spring-boot-starter-jdbc or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa "starters", you automatically get a dependency to HikariCP

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up HikariCP via only. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorServicefor simulating concurrent users. Check the HickariCP report revealing the connection pool status.

Key points:
- in, rely on spring.datasource.hikari.* to configure HikariCP

Output sample:

  1. How To Customize HikariCP Settings Via Properties And DataSourceBuilder

If you use the spring-boot-starter-jdbc or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa "starters", you automatically get a dependency to HikariCP

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up HikariCP via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users. Check the HickariCP report revealing the connection pool status.

Key points:
- in, configure HikariCP via a custom prefix, e.g., app.datasource.*
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource

Output sample:

  1. Running a SpringBoot Application Under Payara Server Using a Payara Data Source (JDBC Resource and Connection Pool)

This application is detailed in this DZone article.

  1. How To Customize BoneCP Settings Via Properties And DataSourceBuilder

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up BoneCP via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users.

Key points:
- in pom.xml add the BoneCP dependency
- in, configure BoneCP via a custom prefix, e.g., app.datasource.*
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource

Output sample:

  1. How To Customize ViburDBCP Settings Via Properties And DataSourceBuilder

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up ViburDBCP via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users.

Key points:
- in pom.xml add the ViburDBCP dependency
- in, configure ViburDBCP via a custom prefix, e.g., app.datasource.*
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource

Output sample:

  1. How To Customize C3P0 Settings Via Properties And DataSourceBuilder

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up C3P0 via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users.

Key points:
- in pom.xml add the C3P0 dependency
- in, configure C3P0 via a custom prefix, e.g., app.datasource.*
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource

Output sample:

  1. How To Customize DBCP2 Settings Via Properties And DataSourceBuilder

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up DBCP2 via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users.

Key points:
- in pom.xml add the DBCP2 dependency
- in, configure DBCP2 via a custom prefix, e.g., app.datasource.*
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource

  1. How To Customize Tomcat Settings Via Properties And DataSourceBuilder

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up Tomcat via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users.

Key points:
- in pom.xml add the Tomcat dependency
- in, configure Tomcat via a custom prefix, e.g., app.datasource.*
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource

Output sample:

  1. How To Configure Two Data Sources With Two Connection Pools

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that uses two data sources (two MySQL databases, one named authorsdb and one named booksdb) with two connection pools (each database uses its own HikariCP connection pool with different settings). Based on the above recipes is pretty easy to configure two connection pools from two different providers as well.

Key points:
- in, configure two HikariCP connection pools via a two custom prefixes, e.g., app.datasource.ds1 and app.datasource.ds2
- write a @Bean that returns the first DataSource and mark it as @Primary
- write another @Bean that returns the second DataSource
- configure two EntityManagerFactory and point out the packages to scan for each of them
- put the domains and repositories for each EntityManager in the right packages

Output sample:

  1. How To Provide a Fluent API Via Setters For Building Entities

Note: If you want yo provide a Fluent API without altering setters then consider this recipe.

Description: This is a sample application that alter the entities setters methods in order to empower a Fluent API.

Key points:
- in entities, return this instead of void in setters

Fluent API example:

  1. How To Provide a Fluent API Via Additional Methods For Building Entities

Note: If you want yo provide a Fluent API by altering setters then consider this recipe.

Description: This is a sample application that add in entities additional methods (e.g., for setName, we add name) methods in order to empower a Fluent API.

Key points:
- in entities, add for each setter an additional method that return this instead of void

Fluent API example:

  1. How To Implement Slice<T> findAll()

Most probably this is all you want: How To Fetch Slice<entity>/Slice<dto> Via fetchAll/fetchAllDto

Some implementations of Slice<T> findAll():

  • This is a thin implementation based on a hard-coded SQL: "SELECT e FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName() + " e;"
  • This is just another minimalist implementation based on CriteriaBuilder instead of hard-coded SQL
  • This is an implementation that allows us to provide a Sort, so sorting results is possible
  • This is an implementation that allows us to provide a Sort and a Spring Data Specification
  • This is an implementation that allows us to provide a Sort, a LockModeType, a QueryHints and a Spring Data Specification
  • This is an implementation that allows us to provide a Spring Data Pageable and/or Specification by extending the SimpleJpaRepository from Spring Data. Bascially, this implementation is the only one that returns Page<T> instead of Slice<T>, but it doesn't trigger the extra SELECT COUNT since it was eliminated by overriding the Page<T> readPage(...) method from SimpleJpaRepository. The main drawback is that by returing a Page<T> you don't know if there is a next page or the current one is the last. Nevertheless, there are workarounds to have this as well. In this implementation you cannot set LockModeType or query hints.

Story: Spring Boot provides an offset based built-in paging mechanism that returns a Page or Slice. Each of these APIs represents a page of data and some metadata. The main difference is that Page contains the total number of records, while Slice can only tell if there is another page available. For Page, Spring Boot provides a findAll() method capable to take as arguments a Pageable and/or a Specification or Example. In order to create a Page that contains the total number of records, this method triggers an SELECT COUNT extra-query next to the query used to fetch the data of the current page. This can be a performance penalty since the SELECT COUNT query is triggered every time we request a page. In order to avoid this extra-query, Spring Boot provides a more relaxed API, the Slice API. Using Slice instead of Page removes the need of this extra SELECT COUNT query and returns the page (records) and some metadata without the total number of records. So, while Slice doesn't know the total number of records, it still can tell if there is another page available after the current one or this is the last page. The problem is that Slice work fine for queries containing the SQL, WHERE clause (including those that uses the query builder mechanism built into Spring Data), but it doesn't work for findAll(). This method will still return a Page instead of Slice therefore the SELECT COUNT query is triggered for Slice<T> findAll(...);.

Description: This is a suite of samples applications that provides different versions of a Slice<T> findAll(...) method. We have from a minimalist implementation that relies on a hardcoded query as: "SELECT e FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName() + " e"; (this recipe), to a custom implementation that supports sorting, specification, lock mode and query hints to an implementation that relies on extending SimpleJpaRepository.

Key points:
- write an abstract class that expose the Slice<T> findAll(...) methods (SlicePagingRepositoryImplementation)
- implement the findAll() methods to return Slice<T> (or Page<T>, but without the total number of elements)
- return a SliceImpl (Slice<T>) or a PageImpl (Page<T>) without the total number of elements
- implement a new readSlice() method or override the SimpleJpaRepository#readPage() page to avoid SELECT COUNT
- pass the entity class (e.g., Author.class) to this abstract class via a class repository (AuthorRepository)

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger COUNT(*) OVER And Return List<dto>

Description: Typically, in offset pagination, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records. But, we can fetch this information in a single database rountrip via a SELECT COUNT subquery nested in the main SELECT. Even better, for databases vendors that support Window Functions there is a solution relying on COUNT(*) OVER() as in this application that uses this window function in a native query against MySQL 8. So, prefer this one instead of SELECT COUNT subquery.

Key points:
- create a DTO projection that contains getters for the data that should be fetched and an extra-column for mapping the return of the COUNT(*) OVER() window function
- write a native query relying on this window function


  1. How To Implement Keyset Pagination in Spring Boot

Description: When we rely on an offset paging we have the performance penalty induced by throwing away n records before reached the desired offset. Larger n leads to a significant performance penalty. When we have a large n is better to rely on keyset pagination which maintain a "constant" time for large datasets. In order to understand how bad offset can perform please check this article:

Screenshot from that article (offset pagination):

Need to know if there are more records?
By its nature, keyset doesn't use a SELECT COUNT to fetch the number of total records. But, we a little tweak we can easily say if there are more records, therefore to show a button of type Next Page. Mainly, if you need such a thing then consider this application.

public AuthorView fetchNextPage(long id, int limit) {
     List<Author> authors = authorRepository.fetchAll(id, limit + 1);

     if (authors.size() == (limit + 1)) {
          authors.remove(authors.size() - 1);
          return new AuthorView(authors, true);

     return new AuthorView(authors, false);

Or, like this (rely on Author.toString() method):

public Map<List<Author>, Boolean> fetchNextPage(long id, int limit) {
     List<Author> authors = authorRepository.fetchAll(id, limit + 1);

     if(authors.size() == (limit + 1)) {
          authors.remove(authors.size() -1);
          return Collections.singletonMap(authors, true);

     return Collections.singletonMap(authors, false);

A Previous Page button can be implemented easily based on the first record.

Key points:
- choose the column(s) to act as the latest visited record (e.g., id)
- use the column(s) in the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses of your SQL

  1. How To Implement Offset Pagination in Spring Boot

Description: This is a classical Spring Boot offset pagination example. However, is not advisable to use this approach in production because of its performance penalties explained further.

When we rely on an offset pagination, we have the performance penalty induced by throwing away n records before reaching the desired offset. Larger n leads to a significant performance penalty. Another penalty is the extra-SELECT needed to count the total number of records. In order to understand how bad offset pagination can perform please check this article. A screenshot from that article is below: Nevertheless, maybe this example is a little bit extreme. For relatively small datasets, offset pagination is not so bad (it is close in performance to keyset pagination), and, since Spring Boot provides built-in support for offset pagination via the Page API, it is very easy to use it. However, depending on the case, we can optimize a little bit the offset pagination as in the following examples:

Fetch a page as a Page:

Fetch a page as a List:

But: If offset pagination is causing you performance issues and you decide to go with keyset pagination then please check here (keyset pagination).

Key points of classical offset pagination:
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- call or write methods that returns Page<entity>

Examples of classical offset pagination:
- call the built-in findAll(Pageable) without sorting:
repository.findAll(PageRequest.of(page, size));
- call the built-in findAll(Pageable) with sorting:
repository.findAll(PageRequest.of(page, size, new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "name")));
- use Spring Data query creation to define new methods in your repository:
Page<Author> findByName(String name, Pageable pageable);
Page<Author> queryFirst10ByName(String name, Pageable pageable);

  1. How To Optimize Batch Inserts of Parent-Child Relationships In MySQL

Description: Let's suppose that we have a one-to-many relationship between Author and Book entities. When we save an author, we save his/her books as well thanks to cascading all/persist. We want to create a bunch of authors with books and save them in the database (e.g., a MySQL database) using the batch technique. By default, this will result in batching each author and the books per author. In order to batch authors and books, we need to order inserts as in this application.

Key points:
- beside all setting specific to batching inserts in MySQL, we need to set up in the following property:

Example without ordered inserts:

Example with ordered inserts:

  1. How To Batch Updates In MySQL


Description: Batch updates in MySQL.

Key points:
- in set
- in set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true (optimization for MySQL, statements get rewritten into a single String buffer and sent in a single request)
- in set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true (enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
- in set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true (this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
- in case of using a parent-child relationship with cascade all/persist (e.g. one-to-many, many-to-many) then consider to set up to optimize the batching by ordering updates
- before Hibernate 5, we need to set in a setting for enabling batching for versioned entities during update and delete operations (entities that contains @Version for implicit optimistic locking); this setting is:; starting with Hibernate 5, this setting should be true by default

Output example for single entity:

Output example for parent-child relationship:

  1. How To Batch Deletes That Don't Involve Associations In MySQL

Description: Batch deletes that don't involve associations in MySQL.

Note: Spring deleteAllInBatch() and deleteInBatch() don't use delete batching and don't prevent lost updates. They rely on Query.executeUpdate() to trigger bulk operations. These operations are fast, but Hibernate doesn’t know which entities are removed, therefore, the Persistent Context is not updated accordingly (it is advisable to flush (before delete) and close/clear (after delete) the Persistent Context accordingly to avoid issues created by unflushed (if any) or outdated (if any) entities). The first one simply triggers a delete from entity_name statement and is very useful for deleting all records. The second one triggers a delete from entity_name where id=? or id=? or id=? ... statement, therefore, is prone to cause issues if the generated DELETE statement exceedes the maximum accepted size. This drawback can be controlled by deleting the data in chunks, relying on IN operator, and so on. Bulk operations are faster than batching which can be achieved via the deleteAll(), deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities) or delete() method. Behind the scene, the two flavors of deleteAll() relies on delete(). The delete()/deleteAll() methods rely on EntityManager.remove() therefore the persistent context is synchronized accordingly.

Key points for classical delete batching:
- for delete batching rely on deleteAll(), deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities) or delete() method
- in set
- in set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true (optimization for MySQL, statements get rewritten into a single String buffer and sent in a single request)
- in set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true (enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
- in set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true (this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
- before Hibernate 5, we need to set in a setting for enabling batching for versioned entities during update and delete operations (entities that contains @Version for implicit optimistic locking); this setting is:; starting with Hibernate 5, this setting should be true by default

Output example:

  1. How To Batch Deletes In MySQL Via orphanRemoval=true

Description: Batch deletes in MySQL via orphanRemoval=true.

Note: Spring deleteAllInBatch() and deleteInBatch() don't use batching, don't prevent lost updates and don't take advantage of orphanRemoval=true. They trigger bulk operations and the Persistent Context is not synchronized accordingly (it is advisable to flush (before delete) and close/clear (after delete) the Persistent Context accordingly to avoid issues created by unflushed (if any) or outdated (if any) entities). The first one simply triggers a delete from entity_name statement, while the second one triggers a delete from entity_name where id=? or id=? or id=? ... statement. Using these methods for deleting parent-entities and the associated entites (child-entities) requires explicit calls for both sides. For batching rely on deleteAll(), deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities) or even better, on delete() method. Behind the scene, deleteAll() methods uses delete(). The delete() and deleteAll() methods rely on EntityManager.remove(), therefore, the persistent context is synchronized.

Key points for using deleteAll()/delete():
- in this example, we have a Author entity and each author can have several Book (one-to-many)
- first, we use orphanRemoval=true and CascadeType.ALL
- second, we dissociate all Book from the corresponding Author
- third, we explicitly (manually) flush the persistent context; is time for orphanRemoval=true to enter into the scene; thanks to this setting, all disassociated books will be deleted; the generated DELETE statements are batched (if orphanRemoval is set to false, a bunch of updates will be executed instead of deletes)
- forth, we delete all Author via the deleteAll() or delete() method (since we have dissaciated all Book, the Author deletion will take advantage of batching as well)

  1. How To Batch Deletes In MySQL Via SQL "ON DELETE CASCADE"

Description: Batch deletes in MySQL via ON DELETE CASCADE. Auto-generated database schema will contain the ON DELETE CASCADE directive.

Note: Spring deleteAllInBatch() and deleteInBatch() don't use delete batching and don't prevent lost updates. They trigger bulk operations via Query.executeUpdate(), therefore, the persistent context is not synchronized accordingly (it is advisable to flush (before delete) and close/clear (after delete) the Persistent Context accordingly to avoid issues created by unflushed (if any) or outdated (if any) entities). The first one simply triggers a delete from entity_name statement, while the second one triggers a delete from entity_name where id=? or id=? or id=? ... statement. Both of them take advantage on ON DELETE CASCADE and are very efficient. For delete batching rely on deleteAll(), deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities) or delete() method. Behind the scene, the two flavors of deleteAll() relies on delete(). Mixing batching with database automatic actions (ON DELETE CASCADE) will result in a partially synchronized persistent context.

Key points:
- in this application, we have a Author entity and each author can have several Book (one-to-many)
- first, we remove orphanRemoval or set it to false
- second, we use only CascadeType.PERSIST and CascadeType.MERGE
- third, we set @OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE) next to @OneToMany
- fourth, we set to org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
- fifth, we run through each deleteFoo() method

Output example:

  1. How To Use Hibernate @NaturalId In Spring Boot Style

Alternative implementation: In case that you want to avoid extending SimpleJpaRepository check this implementation.

Description: This is a SpringBoot application that maps a natural business key using Hibernate @NaturalId. This implementation allows us to use @NaturalId as it was provided by Spring.

Key points:

  • in the entity (e.g., Book), mark the properties (business keys) that should act as natural IDs with @NaturalId; commonly, there is a single such property, but multiple are suppored as well as here.
  • for non-mutable ids, mark the columns as @NaturalId(mutable = false) and @Column(nullable = false, updatable = false, unique = true, ...)
  • for mutable ids, mark the columns as @NaturalId(mutable = true) and @Column(nullable = false, updatable = true, unique = true, ...)
  • override the equals() and hashCode() using the natural id(s)
  • define a @NoRepositoryBean interface (NaturalRepository) to define two methods, named findBySimpleNaturalId() and findByNaturalId()
  • provide an implementation for this interface (NaturalRepositoryImpl) relying on Hibernate, Session, bySimpleNaturalId() and byNaturalId() methods
  • use @EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryBaseClass = NaturalRepositoryImpl.class) to register this implementation as the base class
  • for the entity, write a classic repository
  • inject this class in your services and call findBySimpleNaturalId() or `findByNaturalId()

  1. How To Set Up p6spy in Spring Boot

Description: This is a Spring Boot application that uses P6Spy. P6Spy is a framework that enables database data to be seamlessly intercepted and logged with no code changes to the application.

Key points:
- in pom.xml, add the P6Spy Maven dependency
- in, set up JDBC URL as, jdbc:p6spy:mysql://localhost:3306/db_users
- in, set up driver class name as, com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver
- in the application root folder add the file (this file contains P6Spy configurations); in this application, the logs will be outputed to console, but you can easy switch to a file; more details about P6Spy configurations can be found in documentation

Output sample:

  1. How To Retry Transactions After OptimisticLockException Shaped Via @Version

Note: Optimistic locking via @Version works for detached entities as well.

Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. When such exception occur, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.

Key points:
- in pom.xml, add the db-util dependency
- configure the OptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect bean
- mark the method (not annotated with @Transactional) that is prone to throw (or that calls a method that is prone to throw (this method can be annotated with @Transactional)) an optimistic locking exception with @Retry(times = 10, on = OptimisticLockingFailureException.class)

Output sample:

  1. How To Retry Transaction After OptimisticLockException Shaped Via Hibernate Version-less Optimistic Locking

Note: Optimistic locking via Hibernate version-less doesn't work for detached entities (don't close the persistent context).

Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception (e.g., in Spring Boot, OptimisticLockingFailureException) via Hibernate version-less optimistic locking. When such exception occur, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.

Key points:
- in pom.xml, add the db-util library dependency
- configure the OptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect bean
- annotate the corresponding entity (e.g., Inventory) with @DynamicUpdate and @OptimisticLocking(type = OptimisticLockType.DIRTY)
- mark the method (not annotated with @Transactional) that is prone to throw (or that calls a method that is prone to throw (this method can be annotated with @Transactional)) an optimistic locking exception with @Retry(times = 10, on = OptimisticLockingFailureException.class)

  1. How To Enrich DTOs With Virtual Properties Via Spring Projections

Note: You may also like to read the recipe, "How To Create DTOs Via Spring Data Projections"

Description: Fetch only the needed data from the database via Spring Data Projections (DTOs) and enrich the result via virtual properties.

Key points:
- we fetch from the database only the user name and city
- in the projection interface, UserDetail, use the @Value and Spring SpEL to point to a backing property from the domain model (in this case, the domain model property city is exposed via the virtual property livingin)
- in the projection interface, UserDetail, use the @Value and Spring SpEL to enrich the result with two virtual properties that don't have a match in the domain model (in this case, sessionid and status)

Output example:

  1. How To Use Query Creation Mechanism For JPA To Limit Result Size

Description: Spring Data comes with the query creation mechanism for JPA that is capable to interpret a query method name and convert it into a SQL query. This is possible as long as we respect the naming conventions of this mechanism. This is an application that exploit this mechanism to write queries that limit the result size. Basically, the name of the query method instructs Spring Data how to add the LIMIT (or similar clauses depending on the RDBMS) clause to the generated SQL queries.

Key points:
- define a Spring Data classic repository (e.g., AuthorRepository)
- write query methods respecting the query creation mechanism for JPA naming conventions

- List<Author> findFirst5ByAge(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeGreaterThanEqual(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeLessThan(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeOrderByNameDesc(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByGenreOrderByAgeAsc(String genre);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByAgeGreaterThanEqualOrderByNameAsc(int age);
- List<Author> findFirst5ByGenreAndAgeLessThanOrderByNameDesc(String genre, int age);
- List<AuthorDto> findFirst5ByOrderByAgeAsc();
- Page<Author> queryFirst10ByName(String name, Pageable p);
- Slice<Author> findFirst10ByName(String name, Pageable p);

The list of supported keywords is listed below:

  1. How To Generate A Schema Via schema-*.sqlIn MySQL

Note: As a rule, in real applications avoid generating schema via hibernate.ddl-auto. Use schema-*.sql file or better Flyway or Liquibase migration tools.

Description: This application is an example of using schema-*.sql to generate a schema(database) in MySQL.

Key points:
- in, set the JDBC URL (e.g., spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstoredb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true)
- in, disable DDL auto (just don't use explicitly the hibernate.ddl-auto setting)
- in, instruct Spring Boot to initialize the schema from schema-mysql.sql file

  1. How To Generate Two Databases Via schema-*.sql And Match Entities To Them Via @Table In MySQL

Note: As a rule, in real applications avoid generating schema via hibernate.ddl-auto. Use schema-*.sql file or better Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is an example of using schema-*.sql to generate two databases in MySQL. The databases are matched at entity mapping via @Table.

Key points:
- in, set the JDBC URL without the database, e.g., spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306
- in, disable DDL auto (just don't specify hibernate.ddl-auto)
- in, instruct Spring Boot to initialize the schema from schema-mysql.sql file
- in Author entity, specify that the corresponding table (author) is in the database authorsdb via @Table(schema="authorsdb")
- in Book entity, specify that the corresponding table (book) is in the database booksdb via @Table(schema="booksdb")

Output example:

  • Persisting a Author results in the following SQL: insert into (age, genre, name) values (?, ?, ?)
  • Persisting a Book results the following SQL: insert into (isbn, title) values (?, ?)

  1. How To Stream Result Set Via Spring Data In MySQL

Note: For web-applications, pagination should be the way to go, not streaming. But, if you choose streaming then keep in mind the golden rule: keep th result set as small as posible. Also, keep in mind that the Execution Plan might not be as efficient as when using SQL-level pagination.

Description: This application is an example of streaming the result set via Spring Data and MySQL. This example can be adopted for databases that fetches the entire result set in a single roundtrip causing performance penalties.

Key points:
- rely on forward-only result set (default in Spring Data)
- rely on read-only statement (add @Transactional(readOnly=true))
- set the fetch-size set (e.g. 30, or row-by-row; Integer.MIN_VALUE (recommended in MySQL))

  1. How To Migrate MySQL Database Using Flyway - Database Created Via createDatabaseIfNotExist

Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase

Description: This application is an example of migrating a MySQL database via Flyway when the database exists (it is created before migration via MySQL specific parameter, createDatabaseIfNotExist=true).

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- in, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstoredb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
- each SQL file containing the schema update add it in classpath:db/migration
- each SQL file name it as V1.1__Description.sql, V1.2__Description.sql, ...

  1. How To Migrate MySQL Database Using Flyway - Database Created Via spring.flyway.schemas

Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase

Description: This application is an example of migrating a MySQL database when the database is created by Flyway via spring.flyway.schemas. In this case, the entities should be annotated with @Table(schema = "bookstoredb") or @Table(catalog = "bookstoredb"). Here, the database name is bookstoredb.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- in, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
- in, add spring.flyway.schemas=bookstoredb, where bookstoredb is the database that should be created by Flyway (feel free to add your own database name)
- each entity that should be stored in this database should be annotated with, @Table(schema/catalog = "bookstoredb")
- each SQL file containing the schema update add it in classpath:db/migration
- each SQL file name it as V1.1__Description.sql, V1.2__Description.sql, ...

Output of migration history example:

  1. How To Auto-Create And Migrate Schemas For Two Data Sources (MySQL and PostgreSQL) Using Flyway

Note: For production don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto to create your schema. Remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is an example of auto-creating and migrating schemas for MySQL and PostgreSQL. In addition, each data source uses its own HikariCP connection pool. In case of MySQL, where schema=database, we auto-create the schema (authorsdb) based on createDatabaseIfNotExist=true. In case of PostgreSQL, where a database can have multiple schemas, we use the default postgres database and auto-create in it the schema, booksdb. For this we rely on Flyway, which is capable to create a missing schema.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- in, configure the JDBC URL for MySQL as, jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/authorsdb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true and for PostgreSQL as, jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=booksdb
- in, set spring.flyway.enabled=false to disable default behavior
- programmatically create a DataSource for MySQL and one for PostgreSQL
- programmatically create a FlywayDataSource for MySQL and one for PostgreSQL
- programmatically create an EntityManagerFactory for MySQL and one for PostgreSQL
- for MySQL, place the migration SQLs files in db\migration\mysql
- for PostgreSQL, place the migration SQLs files in db\migration\postgresql

  1. How To Auto-Create And Migrate Two Schemas In PostgreSQL Using Flyway

Note: or production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is an example of auto-creating and migrating two schemas in PostgreSQL using Flyway. In addition, each data source uses its own HikariCP connection pool. In case of PostgreSQL, where a database can have multiple schemas, we use the default postgres database and auto-create two schemas, authors and books. For this we rely on Flyway, which is capable to create the missing schemas.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- in, configure the JDBC URL for books as jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=books and for authors as jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=authors
- in, set spring.flyway.enabled=false to disable default behavior
- programmatically create two DataSource, one for books and one for authors
- programmatically create two FlywayDataSource, one for books and one for authors
- programmatically create two EntityManagerFactory, one for books and one for authors
- for books, place the migration SQLs files in db\migration\books
- for authors, place the migration SQLs files in db\migration\authors

  1. How To JOIN FETCH an @ElementCollection

Description: This application is an example applying JOIN FETCH to fetch an @ElementCollection.

Key points:
- by default, @ElementCollection is loaded lazy, keep it lazy
- use JOIN FETCH in the repository

  1. How To Map An Entity To a Query (@Subselect) in a Spring Boot Application

Note: Consider using @Subselect only if using DTO + extra queries or map a database view to an entity is not a solution.

Description: This application is an example of mapping an entity to a query via Hibernate, @Subselect. Mainly, we have two entities in a bidirectional one-to-many association. An Author has wrote several Book. The idea is to write a read-only query to fetch from Author only some fields (e.g., DTO), but to have the posibility to call getBooks() and fetch the Book in a lazy manner as well. As you know, a classic DTO cannot be used, since such DTO is not managed and we cannot fetch managed associations. Via Hibernate, @Subselect we can map a read-only, immutable entity to a query. Being an entity, it can lazy load the managed associations.

Key points:
- define a new entity that contains only the needed fields from the Author (including association to Book)
- for these fields, define only getters
- mark the entity as @Immutable since no write operations are allowed
- flush pending state transitions for the used entities by @Synchronize
- use @Subselect to write the needed query, map an entity to an SQL query

  1. How To Use Hibernate Soft Deletes in a Spring Boot Application

Description: This application is an example of using Hibernate soft deletes in a Spring Boot application.

Key points:
- define an abstract class BaseEntity with a field named deleted
- the entities (e.g., Author and Book entities) that should take advantage of soft deletes should extend BaseEntity
- these entities should be marked with Hibernate, @Where annotation like this: @Where(clause = "deleted = false")
- these entities should be marked with Hibernate, @SQLDelete annotation to trigger UPDATE SQLs in place of DELETE SQLs, as follows: @SQLDelete(sql = "UPDATE author SET deleted = true WHERE id = ?")
- for fetching all entities including those marked as deleted or for fetching only the entities marked as deleted we need to rely on SQL native queries

Output example:

  1. How To Programmatically Configure HikariCP Via DataSourceBuilder

If you use the spring-boot-starter-jdbc or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa "starters", you automatically get a dependency to HikariCP

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up HikariCP via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users. Check the HickariCP report revealing the connection pool status.

Key points:
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource configured programmatically via DataSourceBuilder

  1. How To Setup Spring Data JPA Auditing

Description: Auditing is useful for maintaining history records. This can later help us in tracking user activities.

Key points:
- create an abstract base entity (e.g., BaseEntity) and annotate it with @MappedSuperclass and @EntityListeners({AuditingEntityListener.class})
- in this base entity, add the following fields that will be automatically persisted:
      - @CreatedDate protected LocalDateTime created;
      - @LastModifiedDate protected LocalDateTime lastModified;
      - @CreatedBy protected U createdBy;
      - @LastModifiedBy protected U lastModifiedBy;
- enable auditing via @EnableJpaAuditing(auditorAwareRef = "auditorAware")
- provide an implementation for AuditorAware (this is needed for persisting the user that performed the modification; use Spring Security to return the currently logged-in user)
- expose this implementation via @Bean
- entites that should be audited should extend the base entity
- store the date-time in database in UTC

  1. Hibernate Envers Auditing (spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create)

Description: Auditing is useful for maintaining history records. This can later help us in tracking user activities.

Key points:
- in pom.xml add the dependency hibernate-envers and JAXB API
- each entity that should be audited should be annotated with @Audited
- optionally, annotate entities with @AuditTable to rename the table used for auditing
- rely on ValidityAuditStrategy for fast database reads, but slower writes (slower than the default DefaultAuditStrategy)

  1. Attributes Lazy Loading Via Subentities

Description: By default, the attributes of an entity are loaded eager (all at once). This application is an alternative to Attribute Lazy Loading from here. This application uses a base class to isolate the attributes that should be loaded eagerly and subentities (entities that extends the base class) for isolating the attributes that should be loaded on demand.

Key points:
- create the base class (this is not an entity), BaseAuthor, and annotate it with @MappedSuperclass
- create AuthorShallow subentity of BaseAuthor and don't add any attribute in it (this will inherit the attributes from the superclass)
- create AuthorDeep subentity of BaseAuthor and add to it the attributes that should be loaded on demand (e.g., avatar)
- map both subentities to the same table via @Table(name = "author")
- provide the typical repositories, AuthorShallowRepository and AuthorDeepRepository

Run the following requests (via BookstoreController):
- fetch all authors shallow (without avatars): localhost:8080/authors/shallow
- fetch all authors deep (with avatars): localhost:8080/authors/deep

  1. DTOs Via Constructor And Spring Data Query Builder Mechanism

Description: Fetching more data than needed is prone to performance penalities. Using DTOs allows us to extract only the needed data. In this application we rely on Constructor Expression and JPQL.

Key points:
- write a proper constructor in the DTO class
- rely on Spring Data Query Builder Mechanism for expression the SQL
- for using Spring Data Projections check this recipe

See also:
Dto Via Constructor Expression and JPQL


Description: Combining JOIN FETCH and DTOs can be done under several constrains. Mainly, the JPQL containing the JOIN FETCH cannot be used to fetch only some columns from the involved entities (in such cases, JOIN is the proper choice). It must fetch all attributes of the involved entities.

Key points:
- define two related entities (e.g., Author and Book in a one-to-many lazy bidirectional relationship)
- define the proper DTOs classes (e.g., BookDto and AuthorDto)
- the BookDto and AuthorDto may map only the needed columns, but the triggered SQL will fetch all of them anyway
- write a JPQL JOIN FETCH to fetch an author including his books

- this is ok: SELECT a FROM Author a JOIN FETCH a.books
- this is not ok: SELECT a.age as age FROM Author a JOIN FETCH a.books -> org.hibernate.QueryException: query specified join fetching, but the owner of the fetched association was not present in the select list
- this is not ok: SELECT a FROM Author a JOIN FETCH a.books.title -> org.hibernate.QueryException: illegal attempt to dereference collection [] with element property reference [title]


Description: Let's assume that we have two entities engaged in a one-to-many (or many-to-many) lazy bidirectional (or unidirectional) relationhip (e.g., Author has more Book). And, we want to trigger a single SELECT that fetches all Author and the corresponding Book. This is a job for JOIN FETCH which is converted behind the scene into a INNER JOIN. Being an INNER JOIN, the SQL will return only Author that have Book. If we want to return all Author, including those that doesn't have Book, then we can rely on LEFT JOIN FETCH. Similar, we can fetch all Book, including those with no registered Author.

Key points:
- define two related entities (e.g., Author and Book in a one-to-many lazy bidirectional relationship)
- write a JPQL LEFT JOIN FETCH to fetch all authors and books (fetch authors even if they don't have registered books)
- write a JPQL LEFT JOIN FETCH to fetch all books and authors (fetch books even if they don't have registered authors)


Description: This is an application meant to reveal the differences between JOIN and JOIN FETCH. The important thing to keep in mind is that, in case of LAZY fetching, JOIN will not be capable to initialize the associations/collections along with their parent objects using a single SQL SELECT. On the other hand, JOIN FETCH is capable to accomplish this kind of task. But, don't underestimate JOIN, because JOIN is the proper choice when we need to combine/join the columns of two (or more) tables in the same query, but we don't need to initialize the association on the returned entity (e.g., very useful for fetching DTOs).

Key points:
- define two related entities (e.g., Author and Book in a one-to-many lazy bidirectional relationship)
- write a JPQL JOIN and JOIN FETCH to fetch an author including his books
- write a JPQL JOIN and JOIN FETCH to fetch a book including its author

Notice that:
- via JOIN, fetching each Author of a Book (or each Book of an Author) may require additional SELECT(s) being prone to N+1 performance penalty
- via JOIN FETCH, fetching each Author of a Book (or each Book of an Author) required a single SELECT

  1. Entity Inside Spring Projection

Description: If, for any reason, you need an entity in your Spring projection (DTO), then this application shows you how to do it via an example. In this case, there are two entities, Author and Book, involved in a lazy bidirectional one-to-many association (it can be other association as well, or even no materialized association). And, we want to fetch in a Spring projection the authors as entities, Author, and the title of the books.

Key points:
- define two related entities (e.g., Author and Book in a one-to-many lazy bidirectional relationship)
- define the proper Spring projection having public Author getAuthor() and public String getTitle()
- write a JPQL to fetch data

  1. Entity Inside Spring Projection (no association)

Description: If, for any reason, you need an entity in your Spring projection (DTO), then this application shows you how to do it via an example. In this case, there are two entities, Author and Book, that have no materialized association between them, but, they share the genre attribute. We use this attribute to join authors with books via JPQL. And, we want to fetch in a Spring projection the authors as entities, Author, and the title of the books.

Key points:
- define two unrelated entities (e.g., Author and Book)
- define the proper Spring projection having public Author getAuthor() and public String getTitle()
- write a JPQL to fetch data

  1. Avoid Entity In DTO Via Constructor Expression (no association)

Description: Let's assume that we have two entities, Author and Book. There is no materialized association between them, but, both entities shares an attribute named, genre. We want to use this attribute to join the tables corresponding to Author and Book, and fetch the result in a DTO. The result should contain the Author entity and only the title attribute from Book. Well, when you are in a scenario as here, it is strongly advisable to avoid fetching the DTO via constructor expression. This approach cannot fetch the data in a single SELECT, and is prone to N+1. Way better than this consists of using Spring projections, JPA Tuple or even Hibernate ResultTransformer. These approaches will fetch the data in a single SELECT. This application is a DON'T DO THIS example. Check the number of queries needed for fetching the data. In place, do it as here: Entity Inside Spring Projection (no association).

  1. How To DTO an @ElementCollection

Description: This application is an example of fetching a DTO that includes attributes from an @ElementCollection.

Key points:
- by default, @ElementCollection is loaded lazy, keep it lazy
- use a Spring projection and JOIN in the repository

  1. Ordering The Set Of Associated Entities In @ManyToMany Via @OrderBy

Description: In case of @ManyToMany association, we always should rely on Set (not on List) for mapping the collection of associated entities (entities of the other parent-side). Why? Well, please see Prefer Set Instead of List in @ManyToMany Relationships. But, is well-known that HashSet doesn't have a predefined entry order of elements. If this is an issue then this application relies on @OrderBy which adds an ORDER BY clause in the SQL statement. The database will handle the ordering. Further, Hibernate will preserve the order via a LinkedHashSet.

This application uses two entities, Author and Book, involved in a lazy bidirectional many-to-many relationship. First, we fetch a Book by title. Further, we call getAuthors() to fetch the authors of this book. The fetched authors are ordered descending by name. The ordering is done by the database as a result of adding @OrderBy("name DESC"), and is preserved by Hibernate.

Key points:
- ask the database to handle ordering and Hibernate to preserve this order via @OrderBy
- this works with HashSet, but doesn't provide consistency across all transition states (e.g., over transient state)
- for consistency across transient state as well, consider using explicitly LinkedHashSet instead of HashSet

Note: Alternatively, we can use @OrderColumn. This gets materialized in an additional column in the junction table. This is needed for maintaining a permanent ordering of the related data.

  1. Versioned Optimistic Locking And Detached Entities Sample

Description: This is a sample application that shows how versioned (@Version) optimistic locking and detached entity works. Running the application will result in an optimistic locking specific exception (e.g., the Spring Boot specific, OptimisticLockingFailureException).

Key points:
- in a transaction, fetch an entity via findById(1L); commit transaction and close the persistence context
- in a second transaction, fetch another entity via findById(1L) and update it; commit the transaction and close the persistence context
- outside transactional context, update the detached entity (fetched in the first transaction)
- in a third transaction, call save() and pass to it the detached entity; trying to re-attach (EntityManager.merge()) the entity will end up in an optimistic locking exception since the version of the detached and just loaded entity don't match

  1. How To Simulate OptimisticLockException Shaped Via @Version

Note: Optimistic locking via @Version works for detached entities as well.

Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic lock exception. So, running the application should end up with a Spring specific ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException exception.

Key points:
- set up versioned optimistic locking mechanism
- rely on two concurrent threads that call the same a @Transactional method used for updating data

  1. How To Retry Transaction Via TransactionTemplate After OptimisticLockException Shaped Via @Version

Note: Optimistic locking via @Version works for detached entities as well.

Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. When such exception occur, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.

Key points:
- in pom.xml, add the db-util dependency
- configure the OptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect bean
- rely on TransactionTemplate

  1. How To Simulate Version-less OptimisticLockException

Note: Version-less optimistic locking doesn't work for detached entities (do not close the persistence context).

Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic lock exception. So, running the application should end up with a Spring specific ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException exception.

Key points:
- set up version-less optimistic locking mechanism
- rely on two concurrent threads that call the same a @Transactional method used for updating data

  1. How To Retry Transaction Via TransactionTemplate After OptimisticLockException Shaped Via Hibernate Version-less Optimistic Locking Mechanism

Note: Version-less optimistic locking doesn't work for detached entities (do not close the persistence context).

Description: This is a Spring Boot application that simulates a scenario that leads to an optimistic locking exception. When such exception occur, the application retry the corresponding transaction via db-util library developed by Vlad Mihalcea.

Key points:
- in pom.xml, add the db-util dependency
- configure the OptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect bean
- rely on TransactionTemplate

  1. HTTP Long Conversation Via Versioned Optimistic Locking And Detached Entities In Session

Description: This is a sample application that shows how to take advantage of versioned optimistic locking and detached entities in HTTP long conversations. The climax consists of storing the detached entities across multiple HTTP requests. Commonly, this can be accomplished via HTTP session.

Key points:
- prepare the entity via @Version
- rely on @SessionAttributes for storing the detached entities

Sample output (check the message caused by optimistic locking exception):

  1. Filter Association Via Hibernate @Where

Note: Rely on this approach only if you simply cannot use JOIN FETCH WHERE or @NamedEntityGraph.

Description: This application is a sample of using Hibernate @Where for filtering associations.

Key points:
- use @Where(clause = "condition to be met") in entity (check the Author entity)

  1. Batch Inserts In Spring Boot Style

Description: Batch inserts (in MySQL) in Spring Boot style.

Key points:
- in set
- in set (just to check that batching is working)
- in set JDBC URL with rewriteBatchedStatements=true (optimization for MySQL)
- in set JDBC URL with cachePrepStmts=true (enable caching and is useful if you decide to set prepStmtCacheSize, prepStmtCacheSqlLimit, etc as well; without this setting the cache is disabled)
- in set JDBC URL with useServerPrepStmts=true (this way you switch to server-side prepared statements (may lead to signnificant performance boost))
- in case of using a parent-child relationship with cascade persist (e.g. one-to-many, many-to-many) then consider to set up to optimize the batching by ordering inserts
- in entity, use the assigned generator since the Hibernate IDENTITY will cause batching to be disabled
- if is not needed then ensure that Second Level Cache is disabled via

Output example:

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger COUNT(*) OVER And Return Page<entity> Via Extra Column

Description: Typically, in offset pagination, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records. But, we can fetch this information in a single database rountrip via a SELECT COUNT subquery nested in the main SELECT. Even better, for databases vendors that support Window Functions there is a solution relying on COUNT(*) OVER() as in this application that uses this window function in a native query against MySQL 8. So, prefer this one instead of SELECT COUNT subquery.This application fetches data as Page<entity> via Spring Boot offset pagination, but, if the fetched data is read-only, then rely on Page<dto> as here.

Key points:
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- in the entity, add an extra column for representing the total number of records and annotate it as @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
- fetch data via a native query (that includes counting) into a List<entity>, and a Pageable
- use the fetched List<entity> and Pageable to create a Page<entity>

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger SELECT COUNT Subquery And Return List<entity> Via Extra Column

Description: This application fetches data as List<entity> via Spring Boot offset pagination. The SELECT COUNT triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, one query is needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records).

Key points:
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- in the entity, add an extra column for representing the total number of records and annotate it as @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
- fetch data via a native query (that includes SELECT COUNT subquery) into a List<entity>

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger SELECT COUNT Subquery And Return List<projection> That Maps Entities And The Total Number Of Records Via Projection

Description: This application fetches data as List<projection> via Spring Boot offset pagination. The projection maps the entity and the total number of records. This information is fetched in a single database rountrip because the SELECT COUNT triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records). Use this approch only if the fetched data is not read-only. Otherwise, prefer List<dto> as here.

Key points:
- write a Spring projection that maps the entity and the total number of records
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- fetch data via a JPQL query (that includes SELECT COUNT subquery) into a List<projection>

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger COUNT(*) OVER And Return List<entity> Via Extra Column

Description: Typically, in offset pagination, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records. But, we can fetch this information in a single database rountrip via a SELECT COUNT subquery nested in the main SELECT. Even better, for databases vendors that support Window Functions there is a solution relying on COUNT(*) OVER() as in this application that uses this window function in a native query against MySQL 8. So, prefer this one instead of SELECT COUNT subquery.This application fetches data as List<entity> via Spring Boot offset pagination, but, if the fetched data is read-only, then rely on List<dto> as here.

Key points:
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- in the entity, add an extra column for representing the total number of records and annotate it as @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
- fetch data via a native query (that includes COUNT(*) OVER subquery) into a List<entity>

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger SELECT COUNT Subquery And Return Page<entity> Via Extra Column

Description: This application fetches data as Page<entity> via Spring Boot offset pagination. Use this only if the fetched data will be modified. Otherwise, fetch Page<dto> as here. The SELECT COUNT triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records).

Key points:
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- in the entity, add an extra column for representing the total number of records and annotate it as @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
- fetch data via a native query (that includes counting) into a List<entity>, and a Pageable
- use the fetched List<entity> and Pageable to create a Page<entity>

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger SELECT COUNT Subquery And Return Page<projection> That Maps Entities And The Total Number Of Records Via Projection

Description: This application fetches data as Page<projection> via Spring Boot offset pagination. The projection maps the entity and the total number of records. This information is fetched in a single database rountrip because the SELECT COUNT triggered for counting the total number of records is a subquery of the main SELECT. Therefore, there will be a single database roundtrip instead of two (typically, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records). Use this approch only if the fetched data is not read-only. Otherwise, prefer Page<dto> as here.

Key points:
- define a Spring projection that maps the entity and the total number of records
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- fetch data via a JPQL query (that includes counting) into a List<projection>, and a Pageable
- use the fetched List<projection> and Pageable to create a Page<projection>

  1. Offset Pagination - Trigger COUNT(*) OVER And Return Page<dto>

Description: Typically, in offset pagination, there is one query needed for fetching the data and one for counting the total number of records. But, we can fetch this information in a single database rountrip via a SELECT COUNT subquery nested in the main SELECT. Even better, for databases vendors that support Window Functions there is a solution relying on COUNT(*) OVER() as in this application that uses this window function in a native query against MySQL 8. So, prefer this one instead of SELECT COUNT subquery. This application return a Page<dto>.

Key points:
- create a Spring projection (DTO) to contains getters only for the data that should be fetched
- write a repository that extends PagingAndSortingRepository
- fetch data via a native query (that includes counting) into a List<dto>, and a Pageable
- use the fetched List<dto> and Pageable to create a Page<dto>


  1. How To Fetch Slice<entity>/Slice<dto> Via fetchAll/fetchAllDto

Story: Spring Boot provides an offset based built-in paging mechanism that returns a Page or Slice. Each of these APIs represents a page of data and some metadata. The main difference is that Page contains the total number of records, while Slice can only tell if there is another page available. For Page, Spring Boot provides a findAll() method capable to take as arguments a Pageable and/or a Specification. In order to populate a Page containing the total number of records, this method triggers an SELECT COUNT extra-query next to the query used to fetch the current page . This can be a performance penalty since the SELECT COUNT query is triggered every time we request a page. In order to avoid this extra-query, Spring Boot provides a more relaxed API, the Slice API. Using Slice instead of Page removes the need of this extra SELECT COUNT query and returns the page (records) and some metadata without the total number of records. So, while Slice doesn't know the total number of records, it still can tell if there is another page available after the current one or this is the last page. The problem is that Slice work fine for queries containing the SQL, WHERE clause (including those that uses the query builder mechanism built into Spring Data), but it doesn't work for findAll(). This method will still return a Page instead of Slice therefore the SELECT COUNT query is triggered for Slice<T> findAll(...);.

Workaround: The trick is to simply define a method named fetchAll() that uses JPQL and Pageable to return Slice<entity>, and a method named fetchAllDto() that uses JPQL and Pageable as well to return Slice<dto>. So, avoid naming the method findAll().

Usage example:
public Slice<Author> fetchNextSlice(int page, int size) {
    return authorRepository.fetchAll(PageRequest.of(page, size, new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "age")));

public Slice<AuthorDto> fetchNextSliceDto(int page, int size) {
    return authorRepository.fetchAllDto(PageRequest.of(page, size, new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "age")));

  1. How To Use Spring Projections(DTOs) And Inclusive Full Joins (MySQL)

Description: This application is a proof of concept for using Spring Projections(DTOs) and inclusive full joins written in native SQL (for MySQL).

Key points:
- define two entities (e.g., Author and Book in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship)
- populate the database with some test data (e.g., check the file resources/data-mysql.sql)
- write interfaces (projections) that contains getters for the columns that should be fetched from the database (e.g., check
- write inclusive full joins queries using native SQL

  1. How To Declare Immutable Entities And Store Them In Second Level Cache (e.g., EhCache)

Description: This application is a sample of declaring an immutable entity. Moreover, the immutable entity will be stored in Second Level Cache via EhCache implementation.

Key points of declaring an immutable entity:
- annotate the entity with @Immutable (org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable)
- avoid any kind of associations
- set hibernate.cache.use_reference_entries configuration to true

  1. How To Programmatically Customize HikariCP Settings Via DataSourceBuilder

If you use the spring-boot-starter-jdbc or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa "starters", you automatically get a dependency to HikariCP

Note: The best way to tune the connection pool parameters consist in using Flexy Pool by Vlad Mihalcea. Via Flexy Pool you can find the optim settings that sustain high-performance of your connection pool.

Description: This is a kickoff application that set up HikariCP via DataSourceBuilder. The jdbcUrl is set up for a MySQL database. For testing purpose the application uses an ExecutorService for simulating concurrent users. Check the HickariCP report revealing the connection pool status.

Key points:
- write a @Bean that returns the DataSource programmatically

Output sample:

  1. How To Use Hibernate @NaturalIdCache For Skipping The Entity Identifier Retrieval

Description: This is a SpringBoot - MySQL application that maps a natural business key using Hibernate @NaturalId. This implementation allows us to use @NaturalId as it was provided by Spring. Moreover, this application uses Second Level Cache (EhCache) and @NaturalIdCache for skipping the entity identifier retrieval.

Key points:

  • enable Second Level Cache (EhCache)
  • annotate entity with @NaturalIdCache for caching natural ids
  • optionally, annotate entity with @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE, region = "Book") for caching entites as well

Output sample (for MySQL with IDENTITY generator, @NaturalIdCache and @Cache):

  1. How To Calculate Non-Persistent Property via JPA @PostLoad

Description: This application is an example of calculating a non-persistent property of an entity based on the persistent entity attributes. In this case, we will use JPA, @PostLoad.

Key points:
- annotate the non-persistent field and property with @Transient
- define a method annotated with @PostLoad that calculates this non-persistent property based on the persistent entity attributes

  1. How To Calculate Entity Persistent Property Via Hibernate @Generated

Description: This application is an example of calculating an entity persistent property at INSERT and/or UPDATE time via Hibernate, @Generated.

Key points:
Calculate at INSERT time:
- annotate the corresponding persistent field with @Generated(value = GenerationTime.INSERT)
- annotate the corresponding persistent field with @Column(insertable = false)
Calculate at INSERT and UPDATE time:
- annotate the corresponding persistent field with @Generated(value = GenerationTime.ALWAYS)
- annotate the corresponding persistent field with @Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)

Further, apply:
Method 1:
- if the database schema is generated via JPA annotations (not recommended) then use columnDefinition element of @Column to specify as an SQL query expression the formula for calculating the persistent property
Method 2:
- if the database schema is not generated via JPA annotations (recommended way) then add the formula as part of schema in CREATE TABLE

Note: In production, you should not rely on columnDefinition. You should disable hibernate.ddl-auto (by omitting it) or set it to validate, and add the SQL query expression in CREATE TABLE (in this application, check the discount column in CREATE TABLE, file schema-sql.sql). Nevertheless, not even schema-sql.sql is ok in production. The best way is to rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

  1. How To Calculate Non-Persistent Property via Hibernate @Formula

Description: This application is an example of calculating a non-persistent property of an entity based on the persistent entity attributes. In this case, we will use Hibernate, @Formula.

Key points:
- annotate the non-persistent property with @Transient
- annotate the corresponding non-persistent field with @Formula
- as the value of @Formula add the SQL query expression that calculates the non-persistent property based on the persistent entity attributes

  1. How To Add created, createdBy, lastModified And lastModifiedBy In Entities Via Hibernate

Note: The same thing can be obtained via Spring Data JPA auditing as here.

Description: This application is an example of adding in an entity the fields, created, createdBy, lastModified and lastModifiedBy via Hibernate support. These fields will be automatically generated/populated.

Key points:
- write an abstract class (e.g., BaseEntity) annotated with @MappedSuperclass
- in this abstract class, define a field named created and annotate it with the built-in @CreationTimestamp annotation
- in this abstract class, define a field named lastModified and annotate it with the built-in @UpdateTimestamp annotation
- in this abstract class, define a field named createdBy and annotate it with the @CreatedBy annotation
- in this abstract class, define a field named lastModifiedBy and annotate it with the @ModifiedBy annotation
- implement the @CreatedBy annotation via AnnotationValueGeneration
- implement the @ModifiedBy annotation via AnnotationValueGeneration
- every entity that want to take advantage of created, createdBy, lastModified and lastModifiedBy will extend the BaseEntity
- store the date-time in UTC

  1. Hibernate Envers Auditing (schema-mysql.sql)

Description: Auditing is useful for maintaining history records. This can later help us in tracking user activities.

Key points:
- in pom.xml add the dependency hibernate-envers and JAXB API
- each entity that should be audited should be annotated with @Audited
- optionally, annotate entities with @AuditTable to rename the table used for auditing
- rely on ValidityAuditStrategy for fast database reads, but slower writes (slower than the default DefaultAuditStrategy)
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto for avoiding schema generated from JPA annotations
- create schema-mysql.sql and provide the SQL statements needed by Hibernate Envers
- if the schema is not autommatically found, then point it via for MySQL or for the rest

  1. How To Programmatically Setup Flyway And MySQL DataSource

Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is a kickoff for setting Flyway and MySQL DataSource programmatically.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- configure DataSource and Flyway programmatically

  1. How To Migrate PostgreSQL Database Using Flyway - Use The Default Database postgres And Schema public

Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is an example of migrating a PostgreSQL database via Flyway for the default database postgres and schema public.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- in, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
- each SQL file containing the schema update add it in classpath:db/migration
- each SQL file name it as V1.1__Description.sql, V1.2__Description.sql, ...

  1. How To Migrate Schema Using Flyway In PostgreSQL - Use The Default Database postgres And Schema Created Via spring.flyway.schemas

Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is an example of migrating a schema (bookstore) created by Flyway via spring.flyway.schemas in the default postgres database. In this case, the entities should be annotated with @Table(schema = "bookstore").

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- in, set the JDBC URL as follows: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
- in, add spring.flyway.schemas=bookstore, where bookstore is the schema that should be created by Flyway in the postgres database (feel free to add your own database name)
- each entity that should be stored in this database should be annotated with, @Table(schema = "bookstore")
- each SQL file containing the schema update add it in classpath:db/migration
- each SQL file name it as V1.1__Description.sql, V1.2__Description.sql, ...

  1. How To Programmatically Setup Flyway And PostgreSQL DataSource

Note: For production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is a kickoff for setting Flyway and PostgreSQL DataSource programmatically.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- configure DataSource and Flyway programmatically

  1. How To Auto-Create And Migrate Two Databases In MySQL Using Flyway

Note: or production, don't rely on hibernate.ddl-auto (or counterparts) to export schema DDL to the database. Simply remove (disable) hibernate.ddl-auto or set it to validate and rely on Flyway or Liquibase.

Description: This application is an example of auto-creating and migrating two databases in MySQL using Flyway. In addition, each data source uses its own HikariCP connection pool. In case of MySQL, where a database is the same thing with schema, we create two databases, authorsdb and booksdb.

Key points:
- for Maven, in pom.xml, add the Flyway dependency
- remove (disable) spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto
- in, configure the JDBC URL for booksdb as jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/booksdb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true and for authorsdb as jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/authorsdb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
- in, set spring.flyway.enabled=false to disable default behavior
- programmatically create two DataSource, one for booksdb and one for authorsdb
- programmatically create two FlywayDataSource, one for booksdb and one for authorsdb
- programmatically create two EntityManagerFactory, one for booksdb and one for authorsdb
- for booksdb, place the migration SQLs files in db\migration\booksdb
- for authorsdb, place the migration SQLs files in db\migration\authorsdb

  1. Hibernate hi/lo Algorithm And External Systems Issue

Description: This is a Spring Boot sample that exemplifies how the hi/lo algorithm may cause issues when the database is used by external systems as well. Such systems can safely generate non-duplicated identifiers (e.g., for inserting new records) only if they know about the hi/lo presence and its internal work. So, better rely on pooled or pooled-lo which doesn't have such issues.

Key points:
- use the SEQUENCE generator type (e.g., in PostgreSQL)
- configure the hi/lo algorithm as in entity
- insert a few records via hi/lo
- insert a few records natively (this acts as an external system that relies on NEXTVAL('hilo_sequence') and is not aware of hi/lo presence and/or behavior)

Output sample: Running this application should result in the following error:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "author_pkey"
Detail: Key (id)=(2) already exists.

  1. How To Generate Sequences Of Identifiers Via Hibernate pooled Algorithm

Note: Rely on pooled-lo or pooled especially if, beside your application, external systems needs to insert rows in your tables. Don't rely on hi/lo since, in such cases, it may cause errors resulted from generating duplicated identifiers.

Description: This is a Spring Boot example of using the pooled algorithm. The pooled is an optimization of hi/lo. This algorithm fetched from the database the current sequence value as the top boundary identifier (the current sequence value is computed as the previous sequence value + increment_size). This way, the application will use in-memory identifiers generated between the previous top boundary exclusive (aka, lowest boundary) and the current top boundary inclusive.

Key points:
- use the SEQUENCE generator type (e.g., in PostgreSQL)
- configure the pooled algorithm as in entity
- insert a few records via pooled
- insert a few records natively (this acts as an external system that relies on NEXTVAL('hilo_sequence') and is not aware of pooled presence and/or behavior)

Conclusion: In contrast to the classical hi/lo algorithm, the Hibernate pooled algorithm doesn't cause issues to external systems that wants to interact with our tables. In other words, external systems can concurrently insert rows in the tables relying on pooled algorithm. Nevertheless, old versions of Hibernate can raise exceptions caused by INSERT statements triggered by external systems that uses the lowest boundary as identifier. This is a good reason to update to Hibernate latest versions (e.g., Hibernate 5.x), which have fixed this issue.

  1. How To Generate Sequences Of Identifiers Via Hibernate pooled-lo Algorithm

Note: Rely on pooled-lo or pooled especially if, beside your application, external systems needs to insert rows in your tables. Don't rely on hi/lo since, in such cases, it may cause errors resulted from generating duplicated identifiers.

Description: This is a Spring Boot example of using the pooled-lo algorithm. The pooled-lo is an optimization of hi/lo similar with pooled. Only that, the strategy of this algorithm fetches from the database the current sequence value and use it as the in-memory lowest boundary identifier. The number of in-memory generated identifiers is equal to increment_size.

Key points:
- use the SEQUENCE generator type (e.g., in PostgreSQL)
- configure the pooled-lo algorithm as in entity
- insert a few records via pooled-lo
- insert a few records natively (this acts as an external system that relies on NEXTVAL('hilo_sequence') and is not aware of pooled-lo presence and/or behavior)

  1. Fetching Associations In Batches Via @BatchSize

Note: Fetching associations in the same query with their parent can be done via JOIN FETCH or @NamedEntityGraph. But, Hibernate allows us to fetch associations in batches as well via @BatchSize annotation. This may be useful when JOIN FETCH and @NamedEntityGraph doesn't seem to help.

Description: This application fetches all Author entities via a SELECT query. Further, calling the getBooks() method of the first Author entity will trigger another SELECT query that initializes the association of the first three Author entities returned by the previous SELECT query. This is the effect of @BatchSize.

Key points:
- Author and Book are in a lazy relationship (e.g., @OneToMany bidirectional relationship)
- Author association is annotated with @BatchSize(size = 3)

  1. How To Use Entity Graphs (@NamedEntityGraph) In Spring Boot

Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity’s related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans. To override the current FetchType semantics there are properties that can be set:

Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY regardless of the default/explicit FetchType.

Load Graph, javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType.

Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic (@Basic) attributes.. More details here.

Description: This is a sample application of using entity graphs in Spring Boot.

Key points:
- define two entities, Author and Book, involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship
- in Author entity use the @NamedEntityGraph to define the entity graph (e.g., load in a single SELECT the authors and the associatated books)
- in AuthorRepository rely on Spring @EntityGraph annotation to indicate the entity graph defined at the previous step

  1. How To Use Entity Sub-graphs In Spring Boot

Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity’s related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans. To override the current FetchType semantics there are properties that can be set:

Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY regardless of the default/explicit FetchType.

Load Graph, javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType.

Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic (@Basic) attributes.. More details here.

Description: This is a sample application of using entity sub-graphs in Spring Boot. There is one example based on @NamedSubgraph and one based on the dot notation (.) in an ad-hoc entity graph.

Key points:
- define three entities, Author, Book and Publisher (Author and Book are involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship, Book and Publisher are also involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship; between Author and Publisher there is no relationship)

Using @NamedSubgraph
- in Author entity define an entity graph via @NamedEntityGraph; load the authors and the associatated books and use @NamedSubgraph to define a sub-graph for loading the publishers associated with these books
- in AuthorRepository rely on Spring @EntityGraph annotation to indicate the entity graph defined at the previous step

Using the dot notation (.)
- in PublisherRepository define an ad-hoc entity graph that fetches all publishers with associated books, and further, the authors associated with these books (e.g., @EntityGraph(attributePaths = {""}).

  1. How To Define Ad-Hoc Entity Graphs In Spring Boot

Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity’s related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans. To override the current FetchType semantics there are properties that can be set:

Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY regardless of the default/explicit FetchType.

Load Graph, javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType.

Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic (@Basic) attributes.. More details here.

Description: This is a sample application of defining ad-hoc entity graphs in Spring Boot.

Key points:
- define two entities, Author and Book, involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship
- the entity graph should load in a single SELECT the authors and the associatated books
- in AuthorRepository rely on Spring @EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"books"}) annotation to indicate the ad-hoc entity graph

  1. How To Use Entity Graphs For @Basic Attributes In Hibernate And Spring Boot

Note: In a nutshell, entity graphs (aka, fetch plans) is a feature introduced in JPA 2.1 that help us to improve the performance of loading entities. Mainly, we specify the entity’s related associations and basic fields that should be loaded in a single SELECT statement. We can define multiple entity graphs for the same entity and chain any number of entities and even use sub-graphs to create complex fetch plans. To override the current FetchType semantics there are properties that can be set:

Fetch Graph (default), javax.persistence.fetchgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated as FetchType.LAZY regardless of the default/explicit FetchType.

Load Graph, javax.persistence.loadgraph
The attributes present in attributeNodes are treated as FetchType.EAGER. The remaining attributes are treated according to their specified or default FetchType.

Nevertheless, the JPA specs doesn't apply in Hibernate for the basic (@Basic) attributes. In other words, by default, attributes are annotated with @Basic which rely on the default fetch policy. The default fetch policy is FetchType.EAGER. These attributes are also loaded in case of fetch graph even if they are not explicitly specified via @NamedAttributeNode. Annotating the basic attributes that should not be fetched with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) it is not enough. Both, fetch graph and load graph will ignore these settings as long as we don't add bytecode enhancement as well.

The main drawback consists of the fact the these basic attributes are fetched LAZY by all other queries (e.g., findById()) not only by the queries using the entity graph, and most probably, you will not want this behavior.

Description: This is a sample application of using entity graphs with @Basic attributes in Spring Boot.

Key points:
- define two entities, Author and Book, involved in a lazy bidirectional @OneToMany relationship
- in Author entity use the @NamedEntityGraph to define the entity graph (e.g., load the authors names (only the name basic attribute; ignore the rest) and the associatated books)
- add bytecode enhancement
- annotate the basic attributes that should be ignored by the entity graph with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
- in AuthorRepository rely on Spring @EntityGraph annotation to indicate the entity graph defined at the previous step

  1. How To Implement Soft Deletes Via SoftDeleteRepository In Spring Boot Application

Note: Spring Data built-in support for soft deletes is discussed in DATAJPA-307.

Description: This application is an example of implementing soft deletes in Spring Data style via a repository named, SoftDeleteRepository.

Key points:
- define an abstract class, BaseEntity, annotated with @MappedSuperclass
- in BaseEntity define a flag-field named deleted (default this field to false or in other words, not deleted)
- every entity that wants to take advantage of soft deletes should extend the BaseEntity classs
- write a @NoRepositoryBean named SoftDeleteRepository and extend JpaRepository
- override and implement the needed methods that provide the logic for soft deletes (check out the source code)\
- repositories of entities should extend SoftDeleteRepository

Output example:

  1. How To Implement Concurrent Table Based Queue Via SKIP_LOCKED In MySQL 8

Description: This application is an example of how to implement concurrent table based queue via SKIP_LOCKED in MySQL 8. SKIP_LOCKED can skip over locks achieved by other concurrent transactions, therefore is a great choice for implementing job queues. In this application, we run two concurrent transactions. The first transaction will lock the records with ids 1, 2 and 3. The second transaction will skip the records with ids 1, 2 and 3 and will lock the records with ids 4, 5 and 6.

Key points:
- define an entity that acts as a job queue (e.g., see the Book entity)
- in BookRepository setup @Lock(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE)
- in BookRepository use @QueryHint to setup javax.persistence.lock.timeout to SKIP_LOCKED
- rely on org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL8Dialect dialect
- run two concurrent transactions to see the effect of SKIP_LOCKED

  1. How To Implement Concurrent Table Based Queue Via SKIP_LOCKED In PostgreSQL

Description: This application is an example of how to implement concurrent table based queue via SKIP_LOCKED in PostgreSQL. SKIP_LOCKED can skip over locks achieved by other concurrent transactions, therefore is a great choice for implementing job queues. In this application, we run two concurrent transactions. The first transaction will lock the records with ids 1, 2 and 3. The second transaction will skip the records with ids 1, 2 and 3 and will lock the records with ids 4, 5 and 6.

Key points:
- define an entity that acts as a job queue (e.g., see the Book entity)
- in BookRepository setup @Lock(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE)
- in BookRepository use @QueryHint to setup javax.persistence.lock.timeout to SKIP_LOCKED
- rely on org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL95Dialect dialect
- run two concurrent transactions to see the effect of SKIP_LOCKED

  1. JPA Inheritance - Join Table

Description: This application is a sample of JPA Join Table inheritance strategy (JOINED)

Key points:
- this inheritance strategy can be employed via @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED)
- all the classes in an inheritance hierarchy (a.k.a., subclasses) are represented via individual tables
- by default, subclass-tables contains a primary key column that acts as a foreign key as well - this foreign key references the base class table primary key
- customizing this foreign key can be done by annotating the subclasses with @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn

  1. JPA Inheritance - Table-per-class

Description: This application is a sample of JPA Table-per-class inheritance strategy (TABLE_PER_CLASS)

Key points:
- this inheritance strategy doesn't allow the usage of the IDENTITY generator
- this inheritance strategy can be employed via @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
- all the classes in an inheritance hierarchy (a.k.a., subclasses) are represented via individual tables
- each subclass-table stores the columns inherited from the superclass-table (base class)

  1. JPA Inheritance - @MappedSuperclas

Description: This application is a sample of using the JPA @MappedSuperclass.

Key points:
- the base class is not an entity, it can be abstract, and is annotated with @MappedSuperclass
- subclasses of the base class are mapped in tables that contains columns for the inherited attributes and for their own attibutes
- when the base class doens't need to be an entity, the @MappedSuperclass is the proper alternative to the JPA table-per-class inheritance strategy

  1. How To Avoid Lazy Initialization Issues Caused By Disabling Open Session In View Via Hibernate5Module

Note: Hibernate5Module is an add-on module for Jackson JSON processor which handles Hibernate datatypes; and specifically aspects of lazy-loading.

Description: By default, in Spring Boot, the Open Session in View anti-pattern is enabled. Now, imagine a lazy relationship (e.g., @OneToMany) between two entities, Author and Book (an author has associated more books). Next, a REST controller endpoint fetches an Author without the associated Book. But, the View (more precisely, Jackson), forces the lazy loading of the associated Book as well. Since OSIV will supply the already opened Session, the Proxy initializations take place successfully.

Of course, the correct decision is to disable OSIV by setting it to false, but this will not stop Jackson to try to force the lazy initialization of the associated Book entities. Running the code again will result in an exception of type: Could not write JSON: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.bookstore.entity.Author.books, could not initialize proxy - no Session; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.bookstore.entity.Author.books, could not initialize proxy - no Session.

Well, among the Hibernate5Module features we have support for dealing with this aspect of lazy loading and eliminate this exception. Even if OSIV will continue to be enabled (not recommended), Jackson will not use the Session opened via OSIV.

Key points:
- add the Hibernate5Module dependency in pom.xml
- add a @Bean that returns an instance of Hibernate5Module
- annotate the Author bean with @JsonInclude(Include.NON_EMPTY) to exclude null or what is considered empty from the returned JSON

Note: The presence of Hibernate5Module instructs Jackson to initialize the lazy associations with default values (e.g., a lazy associated collection will be initialized with null). Hibernate5Module doesn't work for lazy loded attributes. For such case consider this item.

  1. How To View Binding Params Via profileSQL=true In MySQL

Description: View the prepared statement binding parameters via profileSQL=true in MySQL.

Key points:
- in append logger=Slf4JLogger&profileSQL=true to the JDBC URL (e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstoredb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&logger=Slf4JLogger&profileSQL=true)

Output sample:

  1. How To Shuffle Small Result Sets

Description: This application is an example of shuffling small results sets. DO NOT USE this technique for large results sets, since is extremely expensive.

Key points:
- write a JPQL SELECT query and append to it ORDER BY RAND()
- each RDBMS support a function similar to RAND() (e.g., in PostgreSQL is random())

  1. The Best Way To Remove Parent And Child Entities

Description: Commonly, deleting a parent and the associated children via CascadeType.REMOVE and/or orphanRemoval=true involved several SQL statements (e.g., each child is deleted in a dedicated DELETE statement). This is far from being efficient, therefore other approaches should be employed. Consider Author and Book in a OneToMany relationship.

Best way to delete when:
- One Author is in Persistent Context, no Book
- More Author are in the Persistent Context, no Book
- One Author and the associated Book are in Persistent Context
- No Author or Book is in Persistent Context

Note: The most efficient way to delete all entities can be done via the built-in deleteAllInBatch().

  1. How To Bulk Updates

Description: Bulk operations (updates and deletes) are fastest than batching, can benefit from indexing, but they have two main drawbacks:

  • bulk updates/deletes may leave the Persistent Context in an outdated state (prevent this by flushing the Persistent Context before update/delete and close/clear it after the update/delete to avoid issues created by potentially unflushed or outdated entities)
  • bulk updates/deletes don't benefit of application-level optimistic locking mechanisms, therefore the lost updates not prevented (it is advisable to signal these updates by explicitly incrementing version (if any is present)).

This application provides examples of bulk updates for Author and Book entities (between Author and Book there is a bidirectional lazy @OneToMany relationship). Both, Author and Book, has a version field.

  1. Why You Should Avoid Unidirectional @OneToMany And Prefer Bidirectional @OneToMany Relationship

Description: As a rule of thumb, unidirectional @OneToMany association is less efficient than the bidirectional @OneToMany or the unidirectional @ManyToOne associations. This application is a sample that exposes the DML statements generated for reads, writes and removal operations when the unidirectional @OneToMany mapping is used.

Key points:
- regular unidirectional @OneToMany is less efficient than bidirectional @OneToMany relationship
- using @OrderColumn come with some optimizations for removal operations but is still less efficient than bidirectional @OneToMany relationship
- using @JoinColumn eliminates the junction table but is still less efficient than bidirectional @OneToMany relationship
- using Set instead of List or bidirectional @OneToMany with @JoinColumn relationship (e.g., @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "author_id", updatable = false, insertable = false)) still performs worse than bidirectional @OneToMany relationship

  1. How To Use Subqeries in JPQL WHERE/HAVING Clause

Description: This application is an example of using subqueries in JPQL WHERE clause (you can easily use it in HAVING clause as well).

Key points:
Keep in mind that subqueries and joins queries may not be semantically equivalent. Joins may returns duplicates that can be removed via DISTINCT.

Even if the Execution Plan is specific to the database, historically speaking joins are faster than subqueries among different databases, but this is not a rule (e.g., the amount of data may significantly influence the results). Of course, do not conclude that subqueries are just a replacement for joins that doesn't deserve attention. Tuning subqueries can increases their performance as well, but this is an SQL wide topic. So, benchmark! Benchmark! Benchmark!

As a rule of thumb, prefer subqueries only if you cannot use joins, or if you can prove that they are faster than the alternative joins.