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File metadata and controls

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1 Setup the Api

1.1 Setup Cassandra Astra and Cassandra API

Following directions from cassandra.api. You can just clone it and run it.

  • However, be sure to clear your C* table at the end (you can use cqlsh in astra GUI if you want to) since we are going to see how to get records in from Kafka.
cqlsh > TRUNCATE <keyspace>.<tablename> ;
  • Make sure the server is running at the end of it, and put the api port into your ./kafka-to-cassandra-worker/src/main/resources/ (unless it is already at localhost:8000)
cp ./kafka-to-cassandra-worker/src/main/resources/ ./kafka-to-cassandra-worker/src/main/resources/
vim ./kafka-to-cassandra-worker/src/main/resources/
# ...

1.4 Build docker image and run all docker containers

docker-compose up
  • cp-kafka
  • cp-zookeeper
  • schema-registry
  • akhq (former kafka-hq)
  • python data importer (imports into kafka) # TODO currently not containerized

2.1 create kafka topics

Assuming we have two topics, one with schema (record-cassandra-leaves-avro) and one without schema (record.cassandra.leaves):

docker exec -it cp_kafka_007 kafka-topics --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic record-cassandra-leaves
docker exec -it cp_kafka_007 kafka-topics --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic record-cassandra-leaves-avro

2.2 check that both topics exist

docker exec -it cp_kafka_007 kafka-topics --list --zookeeper

2.3 create the Kafka schema for topic's messages value

Make sure your python environment has requests module and other dependencies installed. We are using Python3 for this project.

pip3 install -r ./python/requirements.txt

Then you can run the script to create a Kafka schema:

python3 ./kafka/ record-cassandra-leaves ./kafka/leaves-record-schema.avsc
  • If you are using records different from ours, you can generate fields for your own schema by taking one record (in json format) and using a tool such as this one at that takes a json record and creates a sample schema. * For example, take json in a format similar to what we have in python/assets/sample-record.json, and copy it into the toolslick tool. Then just change the name, type and namespace fields. * Also make sure the example record you use has all the fields in your db, or else if one record has a field that you don't include, kafka will throw an error for that as well * If you have any timestamps, make sure to change logical_type of those in the schema from "date" to whatever you need, and make type long instead of int. Our app is currently configured only for timestamp-milliseconds. See here for avro docs on this issue. * Also make sure to allow for any null values in your fields in your avro schema, if you have any null values (e.g., see here). Unless of course you don't want to allow records with null values for those fields to get sent in. * Alternately, you can just write out your own schema manually.
  • If there's an HTTP error while creating the schema (e.g., a 422), you can check the schema registry logs:
    docker logs -f schema-registry

check that the schema exists


or alternatively you can check AKHQ for all kafka resources getting created at

Setup Astra

See instructions here, which apply for this project as well.

  • We are assuming keyspace of demo and table of leaves, as mentioned in these instructions, but if you want to use a different keyspace or table it should work fine. Just know that this is why we named the kafka topic (as specified in config.ini) "record-cassandra-leaves"

Import the data into Kafka

cd ./python
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

check the message arrived in kafka topics

check schema-less topic

docker exec -it cp_kafka_007 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic record-cassandra-leaves --from-beginning

check topic that has schema: (NOTE command below needs to be updated)

docker exec -it kafka kafka-avro-console-consumer --topic record-cassandra-leaves-avro --bootstrap-server --from-beginning --property schema.registry.url=

# Consume from Kafka, write to Cassandra

#### 3.2 execute the scala job to pick up messages from Kafka, deserialize and write them to Cassandra

mvn -f ./kafka-to-cassandra-worker/pom.xml clean package

there should now be two jars in ./kafka-to-cassandra-worker/target, one with-dependencies, one without. We'll use the one with dependencies

mvn -f ./kafka-to-cassandra-worker/pom.xml exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.anant.KafkaAvroConsumer" -Dexec.args="kafka-to-cassandra-worker/target/classes/"

You can confirm we are consuming the correct topic using AKHQ, at `http://localhost:8085/ui/docker-kafka-server/topic`. 
- Send more messages whenever you want to by re-running the python script from the python dir:
    python3 python/

# Sending messages to Kafka using Kafka REST Proxy

Check your topics 

curl curl

Send using data importer's rest proxy mode:

cd ./python python3 --config-file-path configs/rest-proxy-config.ini

# Process messages using Kafka Streams and writing to Cassandra using Processor API
You can use the Kafka processor API if you want to send messages to Cassandra using the REST API we are using.

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.anant.KafkaStreamsAvroConsumer" -Dexec.args="target/classes/"

# Writing to Cassandra using Kafka Connect
We used the Processor API to show what it would look like to write to Cassandra using Kafka Streams and a REST API, but it is generally recommended to use Kafka Connect. We will be using the [Datastax connector]( since it has a free license, but there is also a Confluence Cassandra connector as well as other third party connectors available if you are interested. 

## Setup Kafka Connect
The Datastax Kafka connector also has instructions and a download link from [the Datastax website]( as well as [Confluent Hub](

See `$PROJECT_HOME/kafka/connect/Dockerfile` for the files that are copied into the kafka connect docker image for you already when you run `docker-compose up`. The confluent docker image we use provides a `` (which are the worker properties) for us at `/etc/kafka-connect/`, generated using the env vars we passed in using our docker-compose.yml (see [here]( for where they do that).

- You can see the worker properties they provide as defaults by running: 
    docker exec kafka-connect cat /etc/kafka-connect/

## Setup connector properties
We already made a `` that is setup to run `kafka-connect-cassandra-sink-1.4.0.jar`. However, you will need to change:
  1) the name of the astra credentials zip file, (cloud.secureConnectBundle). The path should be fine.
  2) Topic settings, particularly keyspace and tablename, unless tablename is already leaves, then only change keyspace (topic.record-cassandra-leaves-avro.<my_ks>.leaves.mapping)
  3) Astra db's password and username (auth.password)

Fields that require changing are marked by `### TODO make sure to change!` in the example file.

cp kafka/connect/ kafka/connect/ vim kafka/connect/


## Setup Connect with Astra
- If you have not already, make sure that your Datastax astra secure connect bundle is downloaded 
- Place the secure creds bundle into astra.credentials

mv ./path/to/astra.credentials/ ./kafka/connect/astra.credentials/

- set system env vars to specify where your bundle is and what its name is

this is filename


## Rebuild and Restart Kafka Connect

Before this, the kafka connect job tried to start but likely crashed since it needed your `` file. Rebuild it, which will copy your `` file over, then restart the container. 

docker-compose -up -d --build

- args passed in are as follows: `connect-standalone <> <>`