Theory of machines and languages course project. `` reads a DFA from `DFA_Input_1.txt` in the following input order and then gets a string from input. Then it outputs whether input string was accepted by DFA or not.
`` reads a NFA from `NFA_Input_2.txt` in the following input order and then writes equivalent DFA to `DFA_Output_2.txt`.
- First line are automata's alphabet separated by space.
- Second line are states in the automata separated by space.
- Third line is initial state of automata.
- Fourth line are final states separated by space.
And the rest are transitions in states in the automata and each line specifies one transition in the automata (that hasthe following order):
<current state> <letter> <next state>
0 1
q0 q1 q2
q0 λ q1
q0 0 q1
q1 0 q0
q1 1 q1
q1 0 q2
q1 1 q2
q2 0 q2
q2 1 q1