confetti generator worklet for CSS
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Import it as a script.
// feature detection
if ("paintWorklet" in CSS) {
// importing types (optional)
const confettiTypesScript = document.createElement("script");
confettiTypesScript.setAttribute("type", "module");
confettiTypesScript.setAttribute("src", "src/types.js");
// adding the worklet
} else {
// do something if the feature doesn't exist on the user's browser
Then in your css selector you can write:
background-image: paint(confetti);
You can control the confetti generation variables:
--confetti-dimentions: 10px 20px;
--confetti-padding: 20px;
--confetti-amount: 50;
👤 Amir Asghary
- Github: @AmirAsghary
- LinkedIn: @AmirAsghary
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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