This is a Streamlit web application for option pricing using various models. It provides features for option pricing, tree plotting, and model comparison.
This application provides a user-friendly interface to perform option pricing using different models. It includes the following functionalities:
Option Pricing: Calculate option prices using Black-Scholes, Jarrow-Rudd, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, and Kamrad-Ritchken models.
Tree Plotter: Visualize option and stock trees for selected models.
Model Comparison: Compare the convergence of different pricing models.
Install the required dependencies using the following command:
pip install streamlit tree_pricing_drawings matplotlib networkx plotly scipy
Run the application using the following command:
streamlit run
The application will open in your default web browser. You can select the desired option from the sidebar and input the required parameters.
- streamlit
- scipy
- tree_pricing_drawings
- matplotlib
- networkx
- plotly
- Select the option from the sidebar (Option Pricing, Tree plotter, Model Comparison).
- Input the required parameters.
- Click the "Calculate Option Price" or "Draw Tree" button as applicable.