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Task: Set the status of the furniture to be sold into selling state if it passes the voting. #522




🧹 Task Description

  • Task: Set the status of the furniture to be sold into selling state in corresponding ClanFurniture object if it passes the voting. Otherwise make the furniture available again in storage.
  • Purpose: This provides info about the fact that the furniture is in selling state.
    Making it:
    • Available in the clans own flea market stall.
    • Unable to be placed in soulhome
    • Unable to be put into a new selling vote.

Steps to Complete

  1. When the vote ends remove it from the active vote list and move it to the past votes list.
  2. Set the votedToSell flag to true (if passed the vote) and inVoting flag to false in the furniture ClanFurniture object.
  3. Make the furniture have the marked for selling text over it in storage. (Passed the vote)

📎 Additional Information

A lot of this should eventually happen on the server, but for now it should be handled by the client.






  • Status

    OMAISUUS hommat


No milestone


None yet


No branches or pull requests

Issue actions

    Task: Set the status of the furniture to be sold into selling state if it passes the voting. · Issue #522 · Alt-Org/Altzone