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Cyrus Harrison edited this page Jul 10, 2019 · 48 revisions

Summit + cuda + shared

git clone --recursive
cd ascent
python scripts/uberenv/ --install --spack-config-dir=scripts/uberenv/spack_configs/olcf/summit/

Note load modules when building running:

ml cuda/9.2.148
ml gcc/5.4.0
ml cmake/3.9.2



We have public install of ascent on cori:


To use the gcc version, you need to run the following:

module switch PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic

SNL Sky Bridge

To build required thirdparty libraries and install ascent use:

python scripts/uberenv/ --install --spack-config-dir scripts/uberenv/spack_configs/snl/skybridge/

To run examples, you will need to load the proper MPI:

module load openmpi-gnu/2.0


Check BLT git log --patch develop -- src/blt/

How to build on LLNL Sierra with xlc:

python scripts/uberenv/ --install --pull  --spec="%xl@coral~shared+cuda~python~openmp~fortran ^cmake~openssl~ncurses ^conduit~fortran"

How to build on NERSC Cori with intel:

python scripts/uberenv/ --install --pull --spec="%intel~python+mfem ^cmake~openssl~ncurses" --spack-config-dir scripts/uberenv/spack_configs/nersc/cori/

How to build on NERSC Cori with gcc+ python:

python uberenv/ --install --spec="%gcc"  --spack-config-dir="uberenv/spack_configs/nersc/cori/"

How to build on Theta with gcc:

module load cce (for some reason the cray modules behave poorly
module load craype/2.5.15
#build your own cmake/3.9.6
export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic

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