Image loader for Android
image-loader is a simple library that makes it easy to download, display and cache remote images in Android apps. Image download happens off the UI thread and the images are cached with a two-level in-memory/SD card cache.
To start using this library, add these lines to the build.gradle
of your project:
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
password 'BINTRAY_KEY'
url ''
depedencies {
compile 'com.novoda:image-loader:2.0-BETA'
Create the ImageManager. This can be built with a variety of parameters, check out the example project for more details
LoaderSettings settings = new SettingsBuilder().build(context);
ImageManager imageManager = new ImageManager(context, settings);
Create a tag to wrap the url of a image and set it on the ImageView which will hold the image
ImageTagFactory tagFactory = ImageTagFactory.newInstance();
ImageTag tag ="", context);
Use the ImageManager
to get an instance of the ImageLoader
and provide an ImageView
with a tag set
Here are a list of useful links:
- We always welcome people to contribute new features or bug fixes, here is how
- If you have a problem check the Issues Page first to see if we are working on it
- For further usage or to delve more deeply checkout the Project Wiki
- Looking for community help, browse the already asked Stack Overflow Questions or use the tag:
when posting a new question