This is an angular component for showing percentage. For the first version it has 2 modes :
- without animation
- with animation For the second mode it works with sammScroll.service which you can find here :
The sammPercentSlider.compnent file address is : src/app/ directives/sammPercentSliderDrv/ sammPercentSlider.component.ts This component needs a config object like :
title : 'item1',
value : 75,
linebarColorClass : 'line-bg-color',
titleColorClass : 'line-title-color' ,
valueAnimation : false
linebarColorClass is the name of the Css class which determines the color of the bar. titleColorClass is the name of the Css class which determines the color of the title.
The scroll.service file address is : src/app/services/sammScrollSrv/sammScroll.service.ts
Firstly, import the service in your module :
import { SammScrollService } from ‘../../services/sammScrollSrv/sammScroll.service’;
import { SammPercentSliderComponent } from '../../directives/sammPercentSliderDrv/sammPercentSlider.component';
imports: [
/* Other imports here */
declarations: [
/* Other imports here */
providers: [
/* Other imports here */
export class AppModule {
Then use it like this :
In your component.ts
linebarConfig = {
title : 'item1',
value : 75,
linebarColorClass : 'line-bg-color',
titleColorClass : 'line-title-color' ,
valueAnimation : false
In your component.html
<samm-percent-slider [config]=" linebarConfig "></samm-percent-slider>
In your component.css
:host ::ng-deep .line-bg-color{
background-color: firebrick;
:host ::ng-deep .line-title-color{
color: firebrick;