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O2 first analysis utilities


The main purpose of this folder is to provide analysis tools to perform analysis of O2 analysis task outputs. It includes for the moment a set of QA plotting macros to inspect AnalysisResults.root of MC and data samples. It also includes some preliminary functionalities for performing efficiency corrections of HF analyses. It is currently being used also for performing Run5 analysis.

Instructions for contributors

  • Write documentation comments to make the code easy to understand.
  • Every file should contain the following details at the top:
    • what the code does,
    • which input it needs (e.g. output of which O2 workflow),
    • how to run it (in case simply executing the script is not enough),
    • names of authors, contributors, maintainers (to contact in case of problems or questions).
  • Follow PEP 8 naming conventions in Python code.
  • Do not use hard-coded paths! A default path should point to a file directly produced by the framework (e.g. ../codeHF/AnalysisResults_O2.root).
  • Handle errors and report them clearly.

Available samples ALICE3

  • D2H KrKr production (X events):
    • AOD O2 tables: /data/Run5data/EMBEDDING_KrKr_CCBARLc_scenario3/TEST
    • Analysis result: /data/Run5data_samples/EMBEDDING_KrKr_CCBARLc_scenario3_20210224/AnalysisResults_O2.root


The analyses validation is supposed to use the HFPlot tool for plotting purposes in the future. It is basically a pythonic wrapper around ROOT with some automated features. As a first use case it is implemented in A more extensive README can be found here and there are also some examples provided.