For Week One I solved the Top K elements Challenge from Leet Code and below is more on the challenge
We are given an integer array nums and an integer k, from the two we are supposed to return the k most frequent elements. We may return the answer in any order.
- 1 <= nums.length <= 105
- k is in the range [1, the number of unique elements in the array].
- It is guaranteed that the answer is unique
The challenged was solved and explained. Below are the Resources Shared
Below is the solution preview in one picture
Below are all the resources used and /or shared during the session. You can also add your resource here
Resource | Link to Acess | Comment |
Presentation Slide | Link | Contains all the Explaination |
Udacity Data Structures and Algorithms Course | Link | Has really good explanation on Hashing and Bucket Sorting |
YouTube Solution Video | Link | Has Pictorial explanation of solution | Algorithm Course | Link | Has a great step by step explanation on Big O |