Used sensors to monitor temperature(LM35D), light intensity(LDR), humidity(DHT11), magnetic field(REED), optocoupler(PC817), power(Switch), location(GPS) and human presence(PIR).
- These sensors looks like below:
Connected Arduino with the these sensors on the corresponding pins via sensor board and connected it with the computer. Arduino and Sensor board looks like below:
Using Arduino Software a code is generated in setup and loop which gives instruction to the arduino board and read and write on the corresponding pin.
- The overall setup would be like shown:
Rest API is used and an online website for storing the data(here) and a channel is created having the corresponding fields same as the data we get from Arduino via sensors.
This data is stored and sent to cloud(on our channel) using wifi(ESP8266){which gets connected with our hotspot} or we can use sim(SIM800), API key of site is used for authentication and finally the data gets stored in JSON format on our channel{In Public and Private View one can see the charts created for the data}.
Then this JSON data gets exported from cloud and is hosted on a server(MongoDB){I tried both local and remote python files are included in experiments directory} on mLab webite(One have to enable API key and add it in your python code). Finally we have a hosted cloud server which provides us usefull information.
The running mongo instance on cloud(mlab) would look like this:
JSON data that would be visible in mongo instance created is shown:
In pi directory some codes are given for same operation in RaspberryPi.