Turn your natural language descriptions into fully functional, deployed microservices with a single command! Your imagination is the limit!
- OpenAI key with access to GPT-4
pip install gptdeploy
gptdeploy configure --key <your openai api key>
If you set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY
, the configuration step can be skipped.
Your api key must have access to gpt-4 to use this tool.
We are working on a way to use gpt-3.5-turbo as well.
gptdeploy generate --description "<description of the microservice>" --test "<specification of a test scenario>" --path .
To generate your personal microservice two things are required:
- A
of the task you want to accomplish. - A
scenario that ensures the microservice works as expected. - A
on the local drive where the microservice will be generated.
The creation process should take between 5 and 15 minutes. During this time, GPT iteratively builds your microservice until it finds a strategy that make your test scenario pass.
Be aware that the costs you have to pay for openai vary between $0.50 and $3.00 per microservice (using GPT-4).
Run the microservice locally. With this command a playground opens in your browser where you can test the microservice.
gptdeploy run --path <path to microservice>
If you want to deploy your microservice to the cloud a Jina account is required. When creating a Jina account, you get some free credits, which you can use to deploy your microservice ($0.025/hour). If you run out of credits, you can purchase more.
gptdeploy deploy --microservice_path <path to microservice>
To save credits you can delete your microservice via the following commands:
jc list # get the microservice id
jc delete <microservice id>
gptdeploy generate --description "Given an image, return the image with bounding boxes of all animals (https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pjreddie/darknet/master/cfg/yolov3.cfg)" --test "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1444212477490-ca407925329e contains animals"
gptdeploy generate --description "Generate a meme from an image and a caption" --test "Surprised Pikachu: https://media.wired.com/photos/5f87340d114b38fa1f8339f9/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/Ideas_Surprised_Pikachu_HD.jpg, TOP:When you discovered GPTDeploy"
gptdeploy generate --description "Given a word, return a list of rhyming words using the datamuse api" --test "hello"
gptdeploy generate --description "Generate a word cloud from a given text" --test "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
gptdeploy generate --description "Given a 3d object, return vertex count and face count" --test "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/polygonjs/polygonjs-assets/master/models/wolf.obj"
gptdeploy generate --description "Given a URL, extract all tables as csv" --test "http://www.ins.tn/statistiques/90"
gptdeploy generate --description "Create mel spectrograms from audio file" --test "https://cdn.pixabay.com/download/audio/2023/02/28/audio_550d815fa5.mp3"
gptdeploy generate --description "Convert text to speech" --test "Hello, welcome to GPT Deploy!"