Module author: Krutika Gaonkar (@kgaonkar6) and Jaclyn Taroni (@jaclyn-taroni); code adapted from Gregory Way (@gwaygenomics)
Modified: Komal Rathi (@komalsrathi)
This module is adapted from: marislab/pdx-classification
Now published in Rokita et al. Cell Reports. 2019.
In brief, TP53 inactivation, NF1 inactivation, and Ras activation classifiers are applied to the stranded and polya OpenPBTA RNA-seq data.
The classifiers were trained on TCGA PanCan data (Way et al. Cell Reports. 2018, Knijnenburg et al. Cell Reports. 2018.).
for more information about the procedure.
To evaluate the classifier scores, we use
and input SNV data to identify true TP53/NF1 loss samples and compare scores of shuffled data to true calls and plot ROC curves.
The analysis can be run with the following (assuming you are in the root repository of the project):
bash analyses/tp53_nf1_score/
The script contains several additional flags that can be specified:
:- if value is 1, then uses
for subtyping. - if value is 0 (DEFAULT), runs all modules with
- if value is 1, then uses
:- if value is 1, uses expression data in the data release for prediction
- if value is 0 (DEFAULT), uses expression data in the
module for prediction
:- if value is 1 (DEFAULT), runs the POLYA steps
- if value is 0, skips the POLYA steps
Alternatively, to run a different version of the module that will focus on re-analyzing stranded expression data specifically for those tumors passing the tumor purity threshold, run this the following (assuming you are in the root repository of the project):
bash analyses/tp53_nf1_score/
Results from running this pipeline are described in the section Additional files generated by
: fromsnv-callers
module which gathers calls that are present in all 3 callers (strelka2,mutect2 and lancet)pbta-snv-scavenged-hotspots.maf.tsv.gz
: fromhotspot-detection
module to gather calls that overlap MSKCC hotspots found in any caller (except if only vardict calls the site as variant, we remove these calls since we have a lot of calls unique to vardict which we consider as false positive as discussed here)- pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.stranded.rds : stranded FPKM values per gene in biospecimen_id
- pbta-gene-expression-rsem-fpkm-collapsed.polya.rds : polya FPKM values per gene in biospecimen_id
- consensus_seg_with_status.tsv : created by analyses/focal-cn-file-preparation/02-add-ploidy-consensus.Rmd
- pbta-sv-manta.tsv.gz : Structural Variants called by manta
, which contains information about the presence or absence of coding SNVs in TP53 and NF1 for the purpose of evaluating the classifier results. For evaluation purposes, a coding SNV 1) is found in a CDS region and 2) is not a silent mutation or in an intron as indicated by theVariant_Classification
column of the consensus mutation file. NF1 positive examples are additionally filtered to remove missense mutations, as these are not annotated with OncoKB (#381 (comment)). -
, which contains all 3 classifier scores for the stranded data and for shuffled stranded (e.g., random) data. -
here expression of TP53 gene was compared to TP53 classifier score. We didn't find a strong correlation between TP53 expression and TP53 inactivation score, thus, expression and classifier score together cannot predict function. -
here copy_number of regions overlapping TP53 functional domains were compared to TP53 classifier score to visualize the distribution of scores. We also save the TP53 loss calls which will be input for downstream altered status script. -
here structural variant breakpoints overlapping TP53 are investigated for CNV loss or low expression to gather high confidence TP53 loss via Structural Variants. -
here we take a deeper look into tp53 altered status with respect to number of SNVs/CNVs suggesting bi-allelic mutations or with respect to cancer_predisposition, molecular subtypes and tp53 classifier scores. -
specifically reassesses results generated from the filtered tumor purity stranded data and compares them to original results with the full stranded data. This notebook is only run by the alternative pipeline
Columns | Description |
sample_id | 7316-XXXX id used to match DNA and RNA Kids_First_Biospecimen_IDs |
Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID_DNA | Associated DNA Kids_First_Biospecimen_IDs |
Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID_RNA | Associated RNA Kids_First_Biospecimen_IDs |
cancer_predispositions | Germline cancer predisposition status |
tp53_score | TP53 loss classifier score |
SNV_indel_counts | Number of deleterious SNVs found in DNA sample |
CNV_loss_counts | Number of CNV losses found in DNA sample |
HGVSp_Short | Short format of protein level change used as SNV evidence |
CNV_loss_evidence | copy_number of CNV overlapping functional domains of TP53 used as evidence |
hotspot | Any 1 SNV shown in HGVSp_Short overlaps MSKCC cancer hotspot database |
activating | Any 1 SNV shown in HGVSp_Short overlaps TP53_ activating mutations R273C and R248W. Reference and reference. |
tp53_altered | Combined evidence, cancer predisposition and score based tp53 status |
TP53 expression profile for activating vs loss TP53 status:
├── tp53_expression_by_altered_status_polya.png
├── tp53_expression_by_altered_status_stranded.png
Plots of TP53 scores vs TP53 altered status:
├── tp53_scores_by_altered_status.png
Plots of TP53 scores vs TP53 altered status per cancer predispositions:
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_Li-Fraumeni\ syndrome.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_NF-1,Other\ inherited\ conditions\ NOS.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_NF-1.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_NF-2,Schwannomatosis.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_NF-2.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_None\ documented.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_Other\ inherited\ conditions\ NOS,Schwannomatosis.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_Other\ inherited\ conditions\ NOS.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_Schwannomatosis.png
└── tp53_scores_vs_tp53_altered_status_Tuberous\ Sclerosis.png
evaluates classifier score with TP53 alterations (non-synonymous SNV and all status == "loss" in consensus CNV file from 00-tp53-nf1-alterations.R)
ROC threshold results for shuffled vs non-shuffled stranded and polya classifier output:
├── polya_TP53_roc_threshold_results.tsv
├── polya_TP53_roc_threshold_results_shuffled.tsv
├── stranded_TP53_roc_threshold_results.tsv
├── stranded_TP53_roc_threshold_results_shuffled.tsv
Because some of the classifier genes are not present in the OpenPBTA dataset, the scores should be interpreted as continuous values representing relative gene alterations and not as probabilities.
using the output obtained
, it creates ROC curves for TP53 classifier scores for stranded and poly-A RNA-seq data:
├── polya_TP53_roc.png
├── stranded_TP53_roc.png
creates violin plots of TP53 scores across all molecular subtypes per broad histology.
Plots of TP53 scores vs Molecular subtypes per broad histology:
├── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Diffuse_astrocytic_and_oligodendroglial_tumor.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Embryonal_tumor.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Ependymal_tumor.png
├── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Low-grade_astrocytic_tumor.png
Associated p-values:
├── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Diffuse_astrocytic_and_oligodendroglial_tumor.tsv
├── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Embryonal_tumor.tsv
├── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Ependymal_tumor.tsv
└── tp53_scores_vs_molecular_subtype_Low-grade_astrocytic_tumor.tsv
creates boxplots comparing broad histology and cancer group.
├── tp53_broad_histology.pdf
├── tp53_cancer_group.pdf
When this alternative analysis pipeline is run, all rendered notebooks, result TSV files, and a single ROC plot will be saved in the directory results/tumor-purity-threshold/
to avoid conflicts with those files generated by the primary pipeline using the full OpenPBTA cohort.
All exported files generated from the tumor purity thresholded data are named the same as their analagous files in the primary pipeline, but they have a _tumor-purity-threshold
string suffix or stranded_tumor-purity-threshold_
- Note that this file is created by
and not by07-plot-roc.R
as it is in the primary pipeline. This is because in the primary pipeline,07-plot-roc.R
will overwrite thematplotlib
plots produced
, but as07-plot-roc.R
is not run
, this PNG file is not overwritten.
- Note that this file is created by
There are several figures in results/tumor-purity-threshold/
that are exported by 10-tp53-tumor-purity-threshold.Rmd
, all generated on the thresholded data:
: Distribution of TP53 scores across cancer groups with medians showntp53-fpkm-status_tumor-purity-threshold.pdf
: Distribution of TP53 FPKM across TP53 altered status groupstp53-roc_tumor-purity-threshold.pdf
: ROC curve of classifiertp53-score-status_tumor-purity-threshold.pdf
: Distribution of TP53 scores across TP53 altered status groups
It is additionally worth noting that the "shuffled" data version classified in
and visualized in the ROC curve exported by
is not currently reproducible, as discussed: #1670 (comment)
AUC values for this control classifier have been observed across the range 0.34-0.65, which means that results are qualitatively not influenced by this known problem.