Run PHP scripts through FastCGI from the command line
A PHP CLI script to run PHP scripts through a php-fpm worker that is also a pure-PHP FastCGI request CLI.
Usage: php-fpm-cli -c <socket> [options] [script]
-c, --connect <socket> Connect to <socket> file or host:port
-p, --param <key>=<value> FCGI request <key>=<value> param
-b, --body <body> FCGI request STDIN <body>
-d, --data <file> FCGI request STDIN body from <file>
-i, --include FCGI response headers included in output
-t, --timeout <duration> Connect timeout in milliseconds
-h, --help Display help and exit
-v, --version Display version and exit
The cache used by fpm workers and the CLI is separate, so we need to run it inside a php-fpm worker.
printf("%d\n", opcache_reset());
$ php-fpm-cli -c /var/run/php-fpm.sock opcache-reset.php
A query string can be pass by the FCGI parameter.
$ php-fpm-cli -c /var/run/php-fpm.sock -p 'QUERY_STRING=foo=bar&baz=qux' dump-get.php
array(2) {
string(3) "bar"
string(3) "qux"
A request body can be added which PHP will automatically parse with the correct content type.
$ php-fpm-cli -c /var/run/php-fpm.sock -p 'CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -b 'foo=bar&baz=qux' dump-post.php
array(2) {
string(3) "bar"
string(3) "qux"
can be overridden.
echo md5(file_get_contents('php://input')), "\n";
Hello world!
$ php-fpm-cli -c /var/run/php-fpm.sock -p 'REQUEST_METHOD=PUT' -d file.txt put.php
Sending and printing headers (a non-2XX response produces a non-zero exit code).
header("X-Foo: {$_SERVER['HTTP_X_BAZ']}");
echo "Headers above\n";
$ php-fpm-cli --c /var/run/php-fpm.sock -p 'HTTP_X_BAZ=Bar' -i headers.php
Status: 403 Forbidden
X-Powered-By: PHP/X.X.X
X-Foo: Bar
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Headers above
$ echo $?
The FastCGI request can be manually constructed with just params.
$ php-fpm-cli -c /var/run/php-fpm.sock -p 'SCRIPT_FILENAME=/path/to/script.php' -p 'REQUEST_METHOD=GET'
GET /path/to/script.php
Copyright (c) 2024 Alexander O'Mara
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
If this license does not work for you, feel free to contact me.