Magnificent crawler: powerful, scalable and purely sexy. The main goal is collecting data from well-known site for travelers – TripAdvisor.
- MongoDB
- RabbitMQ
- Python 3.6 with next packages: a. Celery – Distributed Task Queue b. PyMongo – driver for MongoDB c. Requests – HTTP library d. lxml – paring HTML actually e. fake_useragent – for overcoming the 301 response from server
[Master] MongoDB
First of all, we need a Database for storing our crawled data. Taking into account the hierarchical and quite complex structure of data, we have selected MondoDB as a database for our purpose. *If you already have a configured MongoDB on your server, feel free to skip this part of guide.
- Install MongoDB on your server;
- Create a user with readWrite role and access to the TripY db;
db.createUser({user: 'exam', pwd: 'A', roles: [{role: 'readWrite', db: 'TripY'}]})
- Enable auth and remote access to MongoDB a) bindIp: <- change this line b) security: authorization: 'enabled'
- Open 27017 port for remote connection to your db: sudo ufw allow 27017
- Restart MongoDB: sudo service mongod restart
We have finished with database installation now.
[Master] RabbitMQ
For making easier next step, we’ve prepared some bash scripts, which you can find in project repo. However, if you prefer manual installation – it’s your choice! *If you already have a configured RabbitMQ on your server, feel free to skip this part of guide.
- Install git to your server;
- Clone project repo:
git clone
- Make RabbitMQ installation script executable: chmod +x
- Run: ./
After all, you should see the final message like:
RabbitMQ web management console
We’ve finished with required stuff on the [Master] side, so now we can prepare our workers.
[Worker] Docker and Docker-compose
Have a look on this tutorial.
Install all packages from _ requiments.txt_
Cloning repo from git
- First of all, we should clone project repo to our [Worker] machines.
git clone
- Configure MongoDB and RabbitMQ addresses Change IPs in config file (/ TripY/cluster_managment/
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://<user>:<pwd>@<IP>:<Port>’
MONGO = ‘mongodb://<user>:<pwd>@<IP>/<DataBase>’
For instance, our configuration was:
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://radmin:a@'
MONGO = 'mongodb://exam:A@'
- Additionally, in this file you can select the option for crawling reviews: True or False.
However, you should take into account the fact that common entity has roughly 500 reviews, what could make your crawling process critical slow.
- Run Docker containers
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build --scale worker= 4
The last parameter sets the number of workers, we strongly recommended set it according to 1 GB per worker , otherwise some problems could be happened.
Our crawler just works, and it’s amazing!
- Run and type the city name (or first letters of city name), if it’s real city which is already in TripAdvisor database.
- Wait until the crawl will finished the parsing links to entities and broadcast them to workers.
- After that, you can off your client. And connect via your preferable client to MongoDB with given address and User/Pwd pair.
- Hotel/Attraction/Restaurant
- Title
- Address
- Link
- Rating
- Prices
- Contacts: official site and phone number – optionally
- Specific features
- Reviews – optionally
- Review
- Entity ID
- UserID
- User nickname
- Date
- Title
- Full text
- Ratings
All Data in database has crossing field (such as GEO_ID, ID or User_ID), what gives the opportunity easily getting specific data after crawling process.