Chatly is a responsive web application with the main chat app features using firebase as the backend and database and react for the frontend code and logic.
- you can send and receive messages in real-time, ensuring instant communication with the help of firestore db.
- easy login and register using google OAuth and normal email/password method provided by firebase.
- users can add others as firends or contacts by searching for their name.
- users have the flexibility to edit their name, bio, cover, and profile picture to personalize their profile.
- you can create groups and add friends to it .
- your online/offline status and your friends's status gets updated once they login or disconnet normally or loging out in realtime use realtime database.
- you can view the app in dark or light mode .
-send images as messages in chat .
-show "typing" status when someone is typing .
-indicate if a chat room has unread messages .
Frontend : reactjs - typescript - tailwindcss - react query - react hook form
Backend : firestore for users and rooms data - realtime db for users online status - firebase storage for users profile and cover images