An opinionated PHP development and production container with Nginx support.
- PHP 7.4.10
- PHP Extensions: imagick, amqp, gd, intl, pdo_mysql, zip, soap, bcmath
- Composer
- Dev Build contains pre-configured XDebug
- Nginx Build contains FPM-Nginx Chain via Supervisor (similar to php-apache, but with nginx)
Multiple tags are available that provide different feature sets.
Contains only PHP and the extensions. Good to run PHP-based processes in isolated containers.
$ docker run agrora/php php -i
# Prints the PHP Info of the container
Contains only PHP and the extensions including XDebug. Good to develop PHP-based processes in isolated containers.
$ docker run agrora/php:cli-dev php -i | grep xdebug
xdebug support => enabled
Contains PHP, the extensions and PHP-FPM. Good to run PHP applications behind a reverse proxy or any FastCGI.
$ docker run -p 9000:9000 agrora/php:fpm
Contains PHP, the extensions including XDebug and PHP-FPM on port 9000. Good to develop PHP applications behind a reverse proxy or any FastCGI.
$ docker run -p 9000:9000 agrora/php:fpm-dev
Contains PHP, the extensions and Supervisor which manages Nginx and PHP-FPM
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/var/www/html agrora/php:fpm-nginx
The Nginx uses a Lua Plugin to make itself configurable easily via environment variables
$ docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v .:/your/own/root \
-e DOCUMENT_ROOT=/your/own/root
-e FALLBACK_ROUTER_PATH=route-404.php
)The folder Nginx serves files from. If possible, don't point this directly to your PHP sources, but to a folder containing only the front-controller file.
You can, however, also serve unusual PHP applications like WordPress.
)The HTTP Methods to allow for CORS requests
)The inbound allowed HTTP headers for CORS requests
)A PHP file path that will handle requests that couldn't be resolved to a file.
By default, the index.php will always be the Front Router, similar to how most frameworks work.
You can also turn the request into a query string with this by using
as a value. That way you can retrieve the request uri info in arequest
-query value
As Nginx doesn't forward OPTIONS requests, it handles them itself and always returns the request origin as an allowed origin.
If you want true, custom CORS protection, use a reverse proxy in front of the Nginx that handles CORS headers.
Alternatively you could overwrite the Nginx Configuration file
or add an own one yourself. Either overwrite /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
or add a /etc/nginx/conf.d/your-own.conf
Since Lua is enabled, you can also control CORS logic via Lua.
Good to deploy front-facing PHP web applications.
Same as the fpm-nginx container, but with enabled XDebug. Good to develop front-facing PHP web applications.