This is a CLI App example using the Cobra and Viper libraries for Go. This application provides commands (per Cobra) to read, write, update, and delete configuration records from a configuration file using Viper.
<cli> config -h
provides the following documentation for using this CLI App.
Available Commands:
add The 'add' subcommand will add a passed in key value pair to the application configuration file.
delete The 'delete' subcommand removes a key value pair from the configuration file.
update The 'update' subcommand will update a passed in key value pair for an existing set of data to the application configuration file.
view The 'view' subcommand will provide a list of keys and a map of the values.
-h, --help help for config
-k, --key string The key for the key value set to add to the configuration.
-v, --value string The value for the key value set to add to the configuration.
./cli config add -k "blog" -v ""
example writes a record to the configuration file with a key of "blog" and a value of "".
./cli config view
displays the contents of the configuration file and CLI specific environment variables. These are the configuration files located in the .cobrae-cli-samples.yml
and environment variables prefaced with COBRACLISAMPLES
. The list of keys is displaced first and then the keys and values are displayed below that.
./cli config update -k "blog" -v "not found"
will update the blog entry in the configuration to read not found
for the value.
./cli config delete ...
Currently this doens't work as there isn't a working or clear practice around using viper to delete a key value within the configuration.
Following a fairly standard clone, one can build this project with a single step using the ./
file. If you'd like to contribute the same for Windows, feel free I'd be happy to pull that PR in. Once the project is built use the CLI as defined above.
This application can be installed as a CLI app by referencing it's location in your bash (powershell? etc) startup script.