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Manage Merge requests and Releases with gitlab-api

This script is designed to help you deal with changelog. When you want to add a changelog there's different ways to create it. And the main goal here it's to have it done automatically without committing a file each time. The strategy relies on merge requests.

A Python script for:

  • merge requests:
    • lists them wip or not
    • update a MR with label and milestone
  • changelog:
    • print changelog for a certain milestone (aka next tag) in different output: json, text, html
    • push with the release API on gitlab your changelog

Table of Contents


Merge requests

Merge requests are a good way to work with git because it permit to review code easily in an environment of multiple users (or not) You can also defined a list of merge requests wich will be merged for a certain release. We will use two important features of MR: label and milestone.

  • label: Tag to put on a MR: Example: You created 2 MRs for 2 different goals, the first one is a bug fix to correct some issue in your code. you can add the label FIX on your MR The second one is an important feature to add a functionality to your code you can then add a label Feature on this particular MR
  • milestone: Milestone can be seen as tag. You have 3 MRs and you want the two first to be released at the next version of your code. You can add for example a tag 1.0.0 to them and a tag 2.0.0 for the last one. Now you know which MRs will be on which release.


Changelog is important for communication to your team, other teams or even any user of your code. With a changelog, everyone knows differences between each release of your code. But a changelog is difficult to maintain. Some people commit a file in their repo, others will print each commit on the changelog.. There's no better way of dealing with it. You have to find the right one suitable for you.

I think you realized that my way for generating a changelog is with merge requests.

With this script, I chose to use Gitlab feature called: Releases. There's an API given by Gitlab to manage them.

So when I have a list of MRs for a certain milestone I can push that on gitlab and have a really nice changelog on Releases section of Gitlab.


This module requires Python 3. You can download it or install it with brew on Mac.

$ brew install python3

Clone this repository and install pip dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd gitlab-manager
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Important: To contact Gitlab API you need 2 parameters: an URL and a private token

You can speficy this parameters with the script or the best way is to have on your home a file called .python-gitlab.cfg

ssl_verify = true
timeout = 5

url =
private_token = YOUR_TOKEN
usage: gitlab-manager [-h] [--gitlab-url GITLAB_URL]
                      [--gitlab-token GITLAB_TOKEN]
                      project {mr,changelog} ...

manage gitlab api mr and changelog

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --gitlab-url GITLAB_URL
                        Specify gitlab url ex:
  --gitlab-token GITLAB_TOKEN
                        Specify private gitlab token

Lists MRs

usage: gitlab-manager project mr ls [-h] [--wip {yes,no}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --wip {yes,no}  search wip or not
$ gitlab-manager MY_PROJECT_NAME mr ls
    Here is the list of MRs for your chosen project:

        "Author": "Adriks976",
        "Description": "Description for my new feature",
        "Id": 1,
        "Label": "Feature",
        "Title": "New feature",
        "Url": ""
        "Author": "Adriks976",
        "Description": "Description for my bug fix",
        "Id": 2,
        "Label": "Fix",
        "Title": Wip: [Fix]: oupss there's a bug",
        "Url": ""

$ gitlab-manager MY_PROJECT_NAME mr ls --wip no
    Here is the list of MRs for your chosen project:

        "Author": "Adriks976",
        "Description": "Description for my new feature",
        "Id": 1,
        "Label": "Feature",
        "Title": "New feature",
        "Url": ""
$ gitlab-manager MY_PROJECT_NAME mr ls --wip yes
    Here is the list of MRs for your chosen project:

        "Author": "Adriks976",
        "Description": "Description for my bug fix",
        "Id": 2,
        "Label": "Fix",
        "Title": Wip: [Fix]: oupss there's a bug",
        "Url": ""

Update a MR

You can add label and milestone.

usage: gitlab-manager project mr update [-h] [--label LABEL] [--tag TAG] mr_id

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --label LABEL  put a speficic label ex: Feature
  --tag TAG      put a speficic tag ex: 0.2.0
$ gitlab-manager MY_PROJECT_NAME mr update 1 --label FEATURE --tag 0.1.0
    ### [FEATURE]: New feature

    *  Description for my new feature

        * by: Adriks976

        * Merge Request ID:1

Generate changelog

usage: gitlab-manager project changelog print [-h] [--output {json,text,html}] tag

positional arguments:
  tag                   generate changelog for specific tag ex: 0.2.0

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output {json,text,html}
                        Define the output you want for the changelog
$ gitlab-manager MY_PROJECT_NAME changelog print 0.1.0
    Your changelog for 0.1.0 on Project MY_PROJECT_NAME:

        "Author": "Adriks976",
        "Description": "Description for my new feature",
        "Id": 1,
        "Label": "Feature",
        "Title": "New feature",
        "Url": ""
$ gitlab-manager MY_PROJECT_NAME changelog print 0.1.0 --output text
    Your changelog for 0.1.0 on Project MY_PROJECT_NAME:

    ### [FEATURE]: New feature

    *  Description for my new feature

        * by: Adriks976

        * Merge Request ID:1
$ gitlab-manager MY_PROJECT_NAME changelog print 0.1.0 --output html
    Your changelog for 0.1.0 on Project MY_PROJECT_NAME:

    <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-hover"><thead><tr><th>Author</th><th>Description</th><th>Id</th><th>Label</th><th>Title</th><th>Url</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Adriks976</td><td>Description for my new feature</td><td>1</td><td>Feature</td><td>New feature</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>

Push changelog on Relases

usage: gitlab-manager project changelog push [-h] tag

positional arguments:
  tag         generate changelog for specific tag ex: 0.2.0

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


PRs accepted.

Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
