RTGraph targets C++11 and above. It only relies on the C++ standard library and provides accurate runtime measurements, which are grouped by their identifier string and position in the call graph.
- Very small overhead
- Storage for measurements is pre-allocated. Default is for 1000'000 measurements.
- At each start / stop, only a pointer to a string literal and the current time is written to memory.
- Dynamic strings as identifiers are supported, but have to be moved / copied.
- Entire graph construction as done in separate processing call.
- Print of summary can be customized with a selection of statistical properties.
- JSON export of all measurements and entire graph.
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include "rt_graph/rt_graph.hpp"
int main() {
rt_graph::Timer timer;
auto sleep = [&]() {
rt_graph::ScopedTiming scoped("Sleep", timer);
rt_graph::ScopedTiming scoped2("Group_2", timer);
rt_graph::ScopedTiming scoped2_1("Once", timer);
rt_graph::ScopedTiming scoped2_2("Multiple", timer);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
// process timings
const auto result = timer.process();
// print default statistics
std::cout << "Default statistic:" << std::endl;
std::cout << result.print();
std::cout << std::endl << "Custom statistic:" << std::endl;
// only print the number of measurements and mean
std::cout << result.print({rt_graph::Stat::Count, rt_graph::Stat::Mean}) << std::endl;
return 0;
Default statistic:
# Total % Parent % Median Min Max
Group_1 1 100.30 ms 100.00 100.00 100.30 ms 100.30 ms 100.30 ms
└ Sleep 1 100.30 ms 100.00 100.00 100.30 ms 100.30 ms 100.30 ms
Group_2 1 619.16 ms 100.00 100.00 619.16 ms 619.16 ms 619.16 ms
├ Once 1 100.76 ms 16.27 16.27 100.76 ms 100.76 ms 100.76 ms
│ └ Sleep 1 100.76 ms 16.27 100.00 100.76 ms 100.76 ms 100.76 ms
└ Multiple 1 518.40 ms 83.73 83.73 518.40 ms 518.40 ms 518.40 ms
└ Sleep 5 518.40 ms 83.73 100.00 105.05 ms 100.39 ms 105.06 ms
Custom statistic:
# Mean
Group_1 1 100.30 ms
└ Sleep 1 100.30 ms
Group_2 1 619.16 ms
├ Once 1 100.76 ms
│ └ Sleep 1 100.76 ms
└ Multiple 1 518.40 ms
└ Sleep 5 103.68 ms