AdGuard Browser Assistant extension:
This is a replacement for the legacy assistant userscript we were using before that.
yarn install
yarn dev
/yarn beta
/yarn release
(specify chrome | firefox | edge | all by default)- add
if you want to watch for changes
- add
Builds will be located in the build
yarn lint
yarn test
setup your project locales, directories in the file scripts/translations/config.json
yarn locales upload
used to upload baseen
localeyarn locales download
run to download and save all locales
- Put the repository with the
files to the project root directory. yarn crx:beta
andyarn crx:release
create web extension files for Chromium and Google Chrome browsers - build, zipped build, and update manifest XML document. You must have thecertificate-beta.pem
to run the corresponding command.
- Put the repository with the
file containingapiKey
properties with the values of type string to the project root directory. yarn xpi
create web extension files for Mozilla Firefox browser - build, zipped build and update manifest JSON document. You must have themozilla_credentials.json
to run this commands
CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD=<password> yarn artifacts:beta
CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD=<password> yarn artifacts:release
Respectively creates Chrome and Firefox beta and release builds, zipped builds, documents for update and text file containing current version, signs the Firefox build.
Go to file
and read instructions -
Whenever you need to change the API state, do it via the browser console from the background page (e.g.,
hostData.appState.isProtectionEnabled = false
disables AdGuard protection). -
Structure of the hostData
result: 'ok',
version: '7.3.2496',
apiVersion: '3',
isValidatedOnHost: true,
reportUrl: '',
appState: {
isRunning: true,
isProtectionEnabled: true,
isLicenseExpired: false,
isInstalled: true,
isAuthorized: true,
locale: 'ru',
currentFilteringState: {
isFilteringEnabled: true,
isHttpsFilteringEnabled: true,
isPageFilteredByUserFilter: false,
blockedAdsCount: 180,
totalBlockedCount: 1234,
originalCertIssuer: 'RapidSSL RSA CA',
originalCertStatus: 'valid',
Browser | Version |
Chromium Based Browsers | 88 |
Firefox | 109 |
Opera | 74 |
Edge | 88 |
- Permission
allows to indicate the status of websites by changing the icon color - Permission
allows to inject script of adguard-assistant into the content page - Permission
allows to communicate with the native host
This software wouldn't have been possible without:
For a full list of all npm
packages in use, please take a look at package.json file.
- AdGuard installed and launched.
- Browser Assistant build installed.
- In Browser Assistant extension settings copy extension ID
- Paste it in
file- for Chrome or Edge add to
as array (see example below) - for Firefox add to
as array (see example below)
- for Chrome or Edge add to
- Save file in AdGuard folder
/Library/Application Support/com.adguard.mac.adguard/
or/Library/Application Support/com.adguard.mac.adguard.debug/
depends on build configuration
- Open Terminal
- Type
cd /Library/Application\ Support/AdGuard\ Software/com.adguard.mac.adguard/
- Type
sudo chown root devConfig.json
- Type
sudo chmod 444 devConfig.json
- Type your Mac password
- Type
ls -la /Library/Application\ Support/AdGuard\ Software/com.adguard.mac.adguard/
file received root rights
- Restart AdGuard
- Tap on the Browser Assistant icon in a browser
- In Browser Assistant extension settings copy extension ID
- Paste it in
file- for Chrome or Edge add to
as array (see example below) - for Firefox add to
as array (see example below)
- for Chrome or Edge add to
- Save file in AdGuard folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adguard
- Restart AdGuard
- Tap on the Browser Assistant icon in a browser
"chrome_extension_id": [
"firefox_extension_id": [
in chrome_extension_id
is extension ID for Chromedfkjnvdkfvkvdjfnkddksjsdjnfjfdfj
is extension ID for Edge