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=== WPSmartContracts ===
Contributors: wpsmartcontracts
Tags: ethereum, ERC20 token, smart contracts, ico, initial coin offering, uniswap
Donate link:
Stable tag: 1.2.4
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 5.7.2
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
Requires Metamask: 9.5.7
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Create and interact with Ethereum Smart Contracts in your website

== Description ==

WP Smart Contracts is Ethereum blockchain technology for WordPress. You can easily create Smart Contracts on your website.


Create Distributed Applications built with Ethereum Solidity Language without the need to be a developer.


Create your own Smart Contracts with Wordpress intuitive & easy to use interface. Flexible and powerful tools to interact with your Contract.


Take advantage of Ethereum trustworthy Blockchain: Confidentiality, Privacy, and Secure Smart Contract Execution for your own projects and business.

= Create Smart Contracts on your website =

* Smart Contracts are programs that can be executed, store information and interact with a Blockchain.
* Our contracts are classified using flavors, each one of them is based on very well-known and audited contracts from the Ethereum community, like OpenZeppelin and ConsenSys smart contracts.


* Ethereum mainnet
* xDai Chain
* Binance Smart Chain
* Polygon (previously Matic)

== Testnet supported ==

* Ethereum Rinkeby
* Ethereum Ropsten
* Ethereum Kovan
* Ethereum Göerli
* xDai Chain Sokol
* Binance Smart Chain
* Mumbai Matic

=== Layer 2 Solutions ===

Ethereum gas fees have been rocketing since the price of Ethereum and the hype about cryptocurrencies has increased.

Now you can deploy all smart contracts flavors in:

* xDai Chain.
* Binance Smart Chain
* Polygon (previously Matic)


* Deploy and interact with your contracts with low fees.
* Faucets to get free coins.
* Test networks available.
* No need to install new software.
* Use new chains from the comfort of Metamask in your browser.

More information

=== Smart Contract Flavors ===


* *Vanilla* is a simple ERC-20 implementation, for standards-compliant tokens on Ethereum. It is focused on Gas Saving transactions.
* *Pistachio* is an advanced set of interfaces, contracts, and utilities that implement a Standard Ethereum Token, focused on security.
* *Chocolate* is an advanced set of interfaces, contracts, and utilities that implement a Standard Ethereum Token, focused on security and also adds an extra level of advanced features.


* *Mango* is a simple crowdfunding campaign that can receive contributions in Ether. The owner can spend the donations only on contributors’ approval.


* *Raspberry* is a pausable Initial Coint Offering (ICO) that can receive contributions in Ether.
* *Bluemoon* is an advanced Initial Coint Offering (ICO) to create hard capped and ICOs with opening and closing dates.


* *Matcha* is a NFT Marketplace, a fully featured Non Fungible Token with selling and auction marketplace

= The Power of Ethereum + Wordpress =

Connect Ethereum Blockchain with Wordpress using Metamask. A frictionless experience to create decentralized smart contracts.

* Choose your favorite contract flavor and customize it to your needs using a visual interface.
* Try your Smart Contracts in the Testnet before going live without spending real Ether.
* Deploy your contracts in the Ethereum mainnet when you are ready.

= Links =
* [Website](
* [Documentation](
* [Blog](
* [Tutorials](
* [Twitter](

== Screenshots ==

1. Fully integrated experience: WordPress + Blockchain
2. Handle your Smart Contracts easily
3. Vanilla: ERC-20 Gas Saving Standard Token
4. Pistachio: ERC-20 Security Improved Standard Token
5. Chocolate: ERC-20 Advanced Token
6. Mango: Safe crowdfundings
7. Raspberry: Pausable ICO
8. Bluemoon: Timed and Capped ICO
9. Matcha: NFT Marketplace

== Changelog ==

= 1.2.4 =
Support to IPFS decentralized storage service for media
Connects to Binance Smart Chain if Metamask is not present
Clean notices and warnings
Avoid right click on NFT images
Change links from matic explorer to Polygon explorer
Order collections alphabeticaly names in admin list
Remove download option from audio and video on NFT view
Deprecate previous Matcha Factories
Deprecate options from Tokens: DEX links and Social Networks

= 1.2.3 =
Bug fix in Matcha Smart Contract in all networks. Read full bug report:
Fix coin symbol in NFT view
All Smart Contracts code are verified in BSC

= 1.2.2 =
NFT Matcha deployment to Ethereum mainnet 
Bug fix in history and graph on NFT view
Fix tokenURI image url
Fix minor bugs on the backend interface

= 1.2.1 =
NFT available on Binance Smart Chain, xDai Chain and Polygon (Matic)
Ability to add attributes from NFT Minting interface
Added the ability to edit NFT Items from the frontend
JS code optimized

= 1.2.0 =
Add NFT Marketplace support
Remove McAfee links
Fix web3.isAddress calls
Fix frontend calls to metamask
Reload pages when account change in Metamask
Fix bug in copy contracts code and ABI to clipboard

= 1.1.11 =
Fix Layer 2 Solutions Labels
Add help for Layer 2 Solutions and other blockchains deploy

= 1.1.10 =
Bug fixed handling coins in Layer2 Solutions
Add Binance Smart Chain Support
Add Polygon (Matic) Support

= 1.1.9 =
Add xDai Support

= 1.1.8 =
Fix Metamask web3 issue
Clean up console.log
Fix design of coins deployer window
Remove double connect button on crowdfundings

= 1.1.7 =
Rewards and Redeem with WPIC Token

= 1.1.6 =
Adding WordPress 5.6 compatibility
Fix a bug with rates in ICOs
Fix a bug with dates in Bluemoon ICO
Adding WPIC Token

= 1.1.5 =
Adding Uniswap to the list of allowed DEX
Adding compatibilty to WP 5.5.1

= 1.1.4 =
*Release Date - January 15, 2020 - Ξ166*
Freeing deployment fee of smart contracts
Bug fix in links on the block explorer rows

= 1.1.3 =
*Release Date - January 12, 2020 - Ξ144*
Russian translation made (thanks to

= 1.1.2 =
*Release Date - January 11, 2020 - Ξ143*
Bug fix in ICO Bluemoon token cap limits
Bug fix in WPST deployer
Bug fix in exchanges view
Add Russian (automated) translations (Beta)
Add Spanish translations
Send an alert in wp-admin if the WP Rest API is failing
Connect to Metamask only when needed

= 1.1.1 =
*Release Date - January 2, 2020 - 127Ξ*
Bug fix in block explorer metamask connections
Bug fix in Chocolate Coin control panel buttons

= 1.1.0 =
*Release Date - December 27, 2019 - 127Ξ*
* Adding WP Smart Token (WPST) as form of payment and rewards
* Adding new flavors: Raspberry and Bluemoon for Initial Coin Offerings.
* Adding new flavors: Mango for crowdfunding campaigns.
* Minor bugs fixing and typos
* Allow to connect with metamask after rejecting a connection
* Adding new Decentralized Exchanges to coins: McAfee
* Allow block explorer to get an address as parameter
* Add internal transactions to Coin Block Explorer
* Remove setMaxListeners warning in coins view
* Remove Javascript confirmation when interacting with Smart Contracts
* Design change to balance and "connect to metamask" button in views
* Fix a few issues with Etherscan API calls: notices and warnings in settings and API calls.

= 1.0.5 =
*Release Date - December 8, 2019 - Ξ148*
* Fix web3 not found

= 1.0.4 =
*Release Date - December 5, 2019 - Ξ147*
* Fix problem with URL on transaction and account detail section

= 1.0.3 =
*Release Date - September 15, 2019 - Ξ190*
* Bug fix for link to from a selected trasaction in Block Explorer.
* Remove warning in number_format in helpers

= 1.0.2 =
*Release Date - June 27, 2019 - Ξ290*
* Add logic to handle wpsc-views folder in current theme
* Fix audit section of Block Explorer for loaded contracts
* EIP-1102 compliance, ask for user approval to expose accounts
* Fix styling in wp admin

= 1.0.1 =
*Release Date - June 21, 2019 - Ξ303*
* Fix social networks description
* Fix Learn More links
* Add link to DEX in Block Explorer

= 1.0.0 =
*Release Date - June 17, 2019 - Ξ272*
* ERC20 token creation and wallet interaction.