This is ME, Adel LAJIL, a C#.NET Full Stack Developer working on Podyam.
Familiare with C#.Net , MSSQL, Azure, MongoDB and Angular Done few live projects and portfolio work in above. Industrial engineer graduated on 2020 from the National Engineering School of Carthage with.
Interested in new technology and the integration of IT tools for making the work more efficiently and looking forward to digitailaise the processus. Computer-savvy, .NET & Angular developer, SQL Server & MongoDb fans. I am interested in all areas that allow me to develop my skills and learn new technologies.
Self-motivated, lover of innovation and everything related to generate new knowledge.Face problems with a smile and look forward to solve them.
🔭 I’m currently working on SnB and Podium360
👨💻 All of my projects are available at
💬 Ask me about C#, .Net, Angular
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact Always learning new things