This project is a feedback app that users can create feedback including the ratings from the feedback with editing adn updating features, localstorage was used as the Mock Backend for saving feedback.
- Create Feedbacks: User Can Create Feedback
- Form Validation: An Effective Form validation is implemented on input submission.
- Rating Features for feedback: When a feedback is being created User can Add a Rating to it ranging from 1-10.
- Editing Features: User Can edit/update an alreadily created feedback.
- Modern UI: Buttons,inputs and the overall UI are styled for a visually appealing and engaging user experience.
- Delete Features: User Can delete alreadily created Feedback.
- Saving Features: Even On Page Refresh Alreadily Created Task are Saved, so no feedback is lost.
- Lazy loding: Implementation of a smooth loading animation.
- API Integration: Consumes a Json server API to achieve the above functionalities.
git cone
npm install
npm start