MobX Docs
https://mobxjs.github.io/mobx/getting-started.html The official MobX site, with documentation including a getting started introduction and API reference. -
Getting Started with MobX - Video Series
A quick two videos introduction to MobX: how to set it up, and get started coding a simple ToDo App. -
Managing complex state in React with MobX - Video Series
Videos describing MobX fundamentals including debugging with the MobX-react devtools. -
Introduction video to MobX with React - Video
In depth introduction to MobX with React including 'Why mobx' (all coded with ES5). -
React Native with MobX — Getting Started https://medium.com/@dabit3/react-native-with-mobx-getting-started-ba7e18d8ff44
An introduction article about combining MobX and React Native to create a simple list app. -
Real World MobX
A talk by MobX creator Michel Weststrate, describing MobX's concepts and usage
- Testing React and MobX
A look at ways to test React components and MobX logic
Comparing MobX and Redux - Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83v8cdvGfeA A great video to understand the differences between MobX and Redux. -
Redux or MobX: An attempt to dissolve the confusion
An in-depth comparison of the ideas, concepts, approaches, and use cases for the two state management libraries -
Redux vs MobX by example
Implementation of the same app using both Redux and MobX, and a final comparison of the approaches -
"How does MobX compare with Redux, and which is better for React app development?"
An excellent answer comparing the two libraries and their philosophies