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Translation Notes

To get started with translation, see:

The main file for translation is:

Read carefully the Important Translation Guidance and note:

  • For the generator to work, you need to be careful not to change indentation, commas, quotes, and special characters. We recommend that you use a markdown editor or a simple text editor — and not a document editor like Microsoft Word that often changes quotes and indentation.
  • The file for translation includes words used for the code that need to stay in English. And words for you to translate. The words before colons stay in English. Translate the words after the colons.
    For example, in:
title: Basic information

Do not translate "title". Do translate "Basic information".

Comments in the file start with #. You do not need to translate the comments.

Installation and local development

Installation as part of the WAI website

This site is built with Jekyll, follow Jekyll's installation guide first.

Then clone this repository:

git clone

If you have installed ruby and jekyll, cd into the project and install dependencies defined inside the Gemfile:

bundle install

Now you can start development with:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Installation as stand-alone

To use the accessibility statement generator tool as a stand-alone to include in your own site you need to build the site once with Jekyll, see "Installation as part of the WAI website".

Build the site:

bundle exec jekyll build

The complete site is built inside the _site folder and the generated files you need will be:

  • HTML: planning/statements/generator/index.html

    You will need all the contents of <div id="accstatement"> and link to required css and javascript below. The rest is all WAI website material.

  • CSS: content-images/wai-statements/generator.css

  • JS: content-images/wai-statements/generator.js

  • WAI theme assets: assets/css/style.css and assets/scripts/main.js

    This is required for the expanding and toggling of sections and information.

For now you need to strip and modify all files manually to make it includeable in your own project.

TODO for stand alone version

  • Add standalone version page generator/standalone.html

Customizing the generator tool

Add, remove and update content

The generator tool is setup in such a way that content is separated from function. In this way, adding and removing form or preview content is easy to do. Addition is only required inside the generator_layout.html file.

When adding new content make sure to update the translation files, these are named and contain all the text data that's used in generator_layout.html.

If you only want to change the text content of the generator, that can be done in the files, without having to edit generator_layout.html.

Editing the statement create form

The create statement contents are wrapped inside <section class="page create">. Just simply add or remove the html markup to edit the form.

Supported form elements are:

  • input

    NOTE: Input types of type radio and checkbox require the value attribute set, for example:

    <input type="radio" name="radiogroup" value="option 1">
    <input type="radio" name="radiogroup" value="option 2">
    <input type="radio" name="radiogroup" value="option x">
  • textarea

  • select

There is one extra functionality available to dynamically add extra line to grouped form input; add-line. To use this there are several practical examples inside the form. Required for add-line to work is this basic setup:

<fieldset class="group">
    <legend>An add-line input group</legend>

        OPTIONAL: Pre defined lines
        class line is optional and will determine the count start
    <div class="field line">
        <label for="some_addline_item_1">Some addline item 1</label>
        <input type="text" id="some_addline_item_1" name="an_addline_grouping_name" />

        REQUIRED: A prototype declared
        class proto required
        [n] = placeholder for the line count
    <div class="field proto">
        <label for="some_addline_item_[n]">Some addline item [n]</label>
        <input type="text" id="some_addline_item_[n]" name="an_addline_grouping_name" />

        REQUIRED: An add-line button
        To add the proto to the fieldset as line
    <button type="button" class="add-line">
        Add another line

Editing the statement preview

The preview statement contents are wrapped inside <section class="page preview">. Just simply add or remove the html markup to edit the form.

Same as with editing the statement create form, just add or remove html markup to edit the statement preview.

To print the form data into the statement preview there is some additional functionality available:

  • Printing form data with data-print attribute:

    Example print usage:

        Single input data
        data-print          REQUIRED    input id to print
        data-printdefault   OPTIONAL    default value if data is missing or empty
        data-printfilter    OPTIONAL    Output transformation; one of [lowercase, capitalize]
    <span data-print="forminput_id" data-printdefault="MY_FORM_DATA" data-printfilter="lowercase, capitalize"></span>
        Print as url
        The data entered will also be outputted into the href
        and can be prefixed like “mailto:” for example.
    <a href="URL_PREFIX" data-print="some_url_data"></a>
        Print Grouped data:
        UL or OL
        Grouped data is stored under the group name
        defined as name on input elements
        Filters added are applied for each data item inside the group
    <ul data-print="some_grouped_data"></ul>
  • Conditionally show sections with data-if attribute:

    To make the statement preview show sections based on filled form inputs / groups, you can wrap contents with a conditional element and / or include a condition to an element like:

    <!-- Wrapped inside condition -->
    <div data-if="required_data_id">
        <!-- Content will be visible based on available data -->
    <!-- Or part of section -->
        <!-- Other content … -->
        <p data-if="some_data">
            This text will be shown if some_data is present.
    <!-- Depending on multiple data sources -->
    <div data-if="this_data, that_data">
        <!-- Stays hidden until one of data sources is present -->


Currently custom handled statement parts are:

  • Conformance meaning data (Updates to hidden input #accstmnt_conformance_meaning)
  • Limitations section (Still reading directly from DOM)

When changes are required here edits to generator.js are necessary.

On the W3C WAI site

Accessibility Statement generator tool pages are a part of the WAI website and use the wai-website-theme as dependency. Both use Jekyll static site generator to create the pages.

Background: Requirements Analysis


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  • HTML 75.3%
  • JavaScript 23.4%
  • CSS 1.2%
  • Ruby 0.1%