NuGet Server is essentially a self-hosted wrapper of the NuGet.Server package. NuGet Server is distributed with its own IIS Express instance and as such does not require a webserver to be installed on the machine.
- .NET 4.6 or higher
- Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
- Download Install.msi from the Releases page
- Run Install.msi as a user with Administrator privledges
- Complete all wizard steps
- Browse to http://localhost:8080
- Download from the Releases page
- Unzip to a location of your choosing
- Run Svenkle.NuGetServer.Service.exe
You can configure many different features of the host using the applicationhost.config file located in Host\Website\Configuration.
You can customise all of the normal NuGet.Server functionality by editing the Web.config located in the Website folder under the application root. Further documentation on the configuration settings can be found here.
It's simple! This one is free and open-source.
In order to increase support for servers that do not have IIS Express installed it must be bundled with the service. The Microsoft license agreement for IIS Express only allows distribution in .msi form.