Soft Intellect Linux Course
- Think about the material, try to explain to yourself or to your classmates.
- Make all the homeworks, they are really important, do not skip any.
- Ask me as many questions as you want, it's not about how you look, it's about your knowledge after the course ends.
- Experiment in your virtual machine, do not be afrad, that's why it's virtual.
History of Linux, Virtual Machine Set Up(Oracle VM + CentOS7), Bash Shell, Basic Shell Commands, Environment Variables, Homework.
Vimtutor, Man pages, I/O redirection, Find, Grep, Homework.
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, Absoluve vs Relative Paths, Working with files (cp, mv and rm), Hard vs Soft Links, Archiving and compression, Homework.
Different kinds of users. Groups. /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow. visudo. Regular expressions. Basic LDAP. Homework.
Directory permission, File permissions, umask, Access Control Lists, Homework.
IP, Netmask, Networking Protocols, IP/TCP Suite, nmcli, nmtui, /etc/resolv.conf, DNS, DNS zones, Resource Records. Homework.
Foreground processes, Background processes, Process priority, Process id, top, ps, kill, pkill, Homework.
Partitions, GPT vs MBR, fdisk, LVM, FS mount, /etc/fstab, UUID, block device, ext4 vs xfs, Homework.
Repository, yum vs rpm, cron vs at, Creating Local Repository, Homework.
Units, Targets, Systemctl, Grub2, Resetting the root password, Homework.
Syslog/Rsyslog, Journalctl, logger, Log rotation, Homework.
Private vs public keys, SSH, PermitRootLogin. NFS, /etc/exports, nfs_nobody, uid, guid, group collaboration. SAMBA, /etc/samba/smb.conf, Global directives, Shares directives, Homework.
Firewalld, Zones, Default zone, Homework.
Variables, Loops, Functions, AWK, Sed, Homework.
Centralized management, Ansible commands, Playbooks, Homework.