- Eat Express is a modern Day restaurant for serving varities types of food.
- parcel is bundler
- Dev Build
- Local Server
- HMR = Hot Module Replacement
- File Watching Algo - written in c++
- Caching - Fast Build (Fast Development) -Image Optimization
- Minification
- Bundling
- Compressing
- Consistent Hashing
- code Splitting
- Differential Bundling -> gives availability support older browser
- Diagnostic
- Error Handling
- Https -> runs on ssh/http also
- Tree shaking - remove unused code
- Diffenent dev and production bundles
- Client Side Routing
- Server Side Routing
- Install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux
- Build our store
- Connect our Store to our app
- Slice (cartSlice)
- Dispatch(action)
- Selector
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- End to End testing or e2e testing
- Install React Testing Library
- Install jest
- Install Babel dependencies from jest lib/website
- Config Babel from jest website
- Config Parcel Config file to disable default babel transpilation
- Jest configuration by npx jest --init
- Install jsdom library from react testing library (if jest version is greater than 28 than install this separately npm install --save-dev jest-environment-jsdom)
- Install @babel/preset-react -so that to make JSX work in test cases
- Include @babel/preset-react inside my babel config
- Install @testing-library/jest-dom
- this __ __ means dunder method. it is use as reserve word