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A feature-packed grocery shopping app built with Flutter, offering secure authentication, real-time location services, seamless order tracking, and efficient payment handling.

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Nectar App

A feature-packed mobile application designed to streamline grocery shopping, integrated with modern location services and optimized for efficiency.

📱 Features

  • Account Management: Manage your account information, change passwords, and keep your profile up-to-date.
  • Authentication: Secure login and registration with email/password and phone number OTP verification.
  • Shopping Cart: Easily add and manage items in your cart, and the checkout process will be smooth.
  • Explore & Favorites: Browse and discover grocery items, and save favorites for easy access.
  • Order Tracking: View and manage your orders with detailed tracking information.
  • Location Services: Use Google Maps and Geolocation to detect your location. The API key is stored securely in a .env file.
  • Search: Use a floating search bar to find products efficiently.
  • Reviews: Read and leave reviews, with user-specific options to edit them.
  • Payment Handling: Use webview_flutter for secure payment processing with integration for Paymob.

🛠️ Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Built with Flutter
  • State Management: Bloc for efficient state management
  • Location: Google Maps and Geolocator for real-time location services
  • Network: Dio with Retrofit for API handling and Pretty Dio Logger for logging
  • Caching: Cached Network Image for efficient image loading
  • Backend: Dart Frog for backend services

📦 Dependencies

Here are the key packages used in the project:

  • State Management: flutter_bloc, bloc, equatable
  • Networking: dio, retrofit, pretty_dio_logger, dartz for functional programming
  • Location & Maps: google_maps_flutter, geolocator
  • UI Enhancements: flutter_native_splash, flutter_svg, carousel_slider, shimmer, lottie, blur, material_floating_search_bar_2
  • Form Handling: form_validator, intl_phone_number_input, pinput
  • Storage: shared_preferences for local storage, flutter_dotenv for environment variables
  • Miscellaneous: uuid, provider, timeline_tile, flutter_rating_bar, image_picker, fluttertoast, readmore, dart_jsonwebtoken, intl, webview_flutter

⚙️ Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd groceries_app
  3. Install dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  4. Set up API Keys:

    • Create a .env file in the project root and add your Google Maps API key:

  5. Configure Backend URL:

    • The app works on the hostname and port 8080

    • If you want to change it, modify the baseUrl variable in the lib/core/network/api_constants.dart file from:

      static const String baseUrl = "";
    • Set it to the hostname and port where your backend is running.

  6. Run the app:

    flutter run

🗂️ Project Structure

├── core/               # Core utilities and helpers
├── features/           # All features organized in subdirectories
├── app.dart            # Main app widget
├── bloc_observer.dart  # Bloc observer for debugging
└── main.dart           # Entry point of the app

🔗 Backend Repository

The app communicates with a Dart Frog backend. You can find the backend repository here.

📹 Demo


🤝 Contribution

We welcome contributions! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

📬 Contact

For any inquiries or support, please reach out to Abdelrahman Waheed.


A feature-packed grocery shopping app built with Flutter, offering secure authentication, real-time location services, seamless order tracking, and efficient payment handling.




