Competitive-Programming-3 My Solutions to Problems in [Copetitive Programming 3 By Steven Halim] Contents Problem Solving Paradigms 2.1 Complete Search 2.1.1 Iterative Complete Search UVa 725 Division Graph 4.1 Graph Traversal 4.1.1 Just Graph Traversal UVa 11902 Dominator UVa 11902 Dominator [BFS] 4.1.2 Flood Fill and Finding Connected Components UVa 1103 Ancient Messages (World Final 2011) UVa 459 Graph Connectivity UVa 459 Graph Connectivity [BFS] UVa 785 Grid Colouring UVa 352 The Seasonal War UVa 260 Il Gioco dell'X 4.1.3 Topological Sort UVa 11686 Pick up sticks UVa 11060 Beverages UVa 10305 Ordering Tasks UVa 872 Ordering UVa 200 Rare Order UVa 124 Following Orders 4.1.4 Bipartite Graph Check Uva 10505 Montesco vs Capuleto UVa 11080 Place the Guards 4.1.5 Finding Articulation Points and Bridges UVa 315 Network UVa 796 Critical Links UVa 10199 Tourist Guide UVa 610 Street Directions 4.2 Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) 4.2.1 Unweighted Graph: BFS UVa 821 Page Hopping 4.2.2 Weighted Graph: Dijkstra UVa 929 Number Maze UVa 10801 Lift Hopping UVa 1112 Mice and Maze 4.2.3 Weighted Graph with Negative Weight Cycle: Bellman-Ford UVa 558 Wormholes UVa 10557 XYZZY (SPFA) UVa 10557 XYZZY (Bellman-Ford) 4.3 All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) UVa 821 Page Hopping UVa 567 Risk