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377 lines (279 loc) · 9.05 KB

Estimate parameters in a PBPK model

Metrum Research Group

Packages and setup

theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "top"))
scale_colour_discrete <- function(...) scale_color_brewer(palette="Set2")

Models are located here:

model_dir <- "model"


Quantitative Analyses of Hepatic OATP-Mediated Interactions Between Statins and Inhibitors Using PBPK Modeling With a Parameter Optimization Method

  • T Yoshikado, K Yoshida, N Kotani, T Nakada, R Asaumi, K Toshimoto, K Maeda, H Kusuhara and Y Sugiyama




  • Example taken from figure 4a from the publication
  • Using this as example data to fit
data.file <- "data/fig4a.csv"

data <-
  data.file %>% 
  read_csv() %>% 
    profile = NULL, 
    typef=factor(ID, labels = c("Statin", "Statin+CsA")), 
    DV = ifelse(DV==-1, NA_real_, DV)

. # A tibble: 23 x 8
.       ID  time     DV  evid   amt   cmt  type typef     
.    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     
.  1     2  0     NA        1  2000     2     2 Statin+CsA
.  2     2  1     NA        1    30     1     2 Statin+CsA
.  3     2  1.49  73.7      0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
.  4     2  1.99 102.       0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
.  5     2  2.49  59.9      0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
.  6     2  3.00  37.6      0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
.  7     2  3.97  15.7      0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
.  8     2  5.01   9.24     0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
.  9     2  6.99   3.54     0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
. 10     2  9.01   2.22     0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
. # … with 13 more rows
data %>% filter(evid==1)
. # A tibble: 3 x 8
.      ID  time    DV  evid   amt   cmt  type typef     
.   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     
. 1     2     0    NA     1  2000     2     2 Statin+CsA
. 2     2     1    NA     1    30     1     2 Statin+CsA
. 3     1     1    NA     1    30     1     1 Statin
  • The goal is to fit the pitavastatin data either alone or in combination with cyclosporin administered 1 hour before the pitavastatin
ggplot(data=data,aes(time,DV)) + 
  geom_point(aes(col = typef), size = 3) + 
  geom_line(col = "darkgrey", aes(group = typef)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(trans="log", limits=c(0.1,300), breaks=logbr()) 

PBPK model: pitavastatin / CsA DDI

  • Check out the model / data with a quick simulation
mod <- mread_cache("yoshikado", model_dir)

Make some persistent updates to the model

  • Simulate out to 14 hours
  • Only interested in CP, the pitavastatin concentration
mod <- mod %>% update(end=14, delta=0.1) %>% Req(CP) 

A practice simulation

dose <- filter(data, evid==1) %>% mutate(typef=NULL)

sims <- 
  mod %>% 
  mrgsim_d(dose, obsaug=TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(type = typef(ID))

ggplot(sims, aes(time,CP,col=type)) + 
  geom_line(lwd = 1) + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,12,2)) + 
  scale_y_log10(name = "Pitavastatin concentration")

sims %>% 
  group_by(type) %>% 
  summarise(auc = auc_partial(time,CP)) %>% 
  mutate(fold_increase = auc /first(auc))
. # A tibble: 2 x 3
.   type                 auc fold_increase
.   <fct>              <dbl>         <dbl>
. 1 Pitavastatin alone  44.1          1   
. 2 Pitavastatin + CsA 161.           3.65

Objective function

  • Least squares objective function
  • Weighted by the observations


  • dv the observed data
  • pred the predicted data
wss <- function(dv, pred, weight = 1/dv) {

Prediction function

  • Let’s go through step by step what each line is doing for us


  • p the parameters proposed by the optimizer
  • .data the simulation template (doses and observation records)
  • yobs a vector of observed data which matches observations in .data
  • pred logical; if TRUE, just return predicted data
sim_ofv <- function(p, data, pred = FALSE) {
  names(p) <- names(theta)
  p <- lapply(p,exp)
  mod <- param(mod, p)
  out <- mrgsim_q(mod, data = data, output="df")
  if(pred) return(out)
  ofv <- wss(data[["DV"]], out[["CP"]])

What this function does:

  1. Take in arguments; focus is on a new set of parameters p proposed by the optimizer; other arguments are just fixed data that we need
  2. Get the parameters out of log scale
  3. Also, put names on the list of parameters; this is crutial
  4. Update the model object with the new parameters
  5. (optionally simulate and return)
  6. Simulate from the data set, taking only observed values
  7. Calculate and return the objective function value

Data grooming

  • Pick out the observations
  • Drop the non-numeric columns
data <-  dplyr::select(data, -typef)


First, set up the initial estimates

theta <- c(
  fbCLintall = 1.2, 
  ikiu = 1.2, 
  fbile = 0.9, 
  ka = 0.1, 
  ktr = 0.1
) %>% log()

nloptr::newuoa: minimization without derivatives

fit <- nloptr::newuoa(x0 = theta, fn = sim_ofv, data = data)
. $par
. [1] -0.20421286 -4.51432097 -1.06749446 -0.01109318 -0.37133662
. $value
. [1] 0.6860763
. $iter
. [1] 351
. $convergence
. [1] 4
. $message
. [1] "NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED: Optimization stopped because xtol_rel or xtol_abs (above) was reached."

Get some predictions to look at how the fit went

Recall that our (transformed) parameters are

. [1] -0.20421286 -4.51432097 -1.06749446 -0.01109318 -0.37133662

We can generate a prediction that matches our data like this

sim_ofv(fit$par, data = dose, pred = TRUE) %>% filter(time >= 1) %>% head
.   ID time       CP
. 1  2  1.0  0.00000
. 2  2  1.0  0.00000
. 3  2  1.1 18.19345
. 4  2  1.2 28.55603
. 5  2  1.3 36.22961
. 6  2  1.4 42.13621

We can also get the predictions under the initial conditions by passing in theta rather than fit$par

In the next block, generate

  1. Predictions with the final estimates
  2. Predications with the initial estimates
  3. Observed data to overlay
df_pred <- sim_ofv(fit$par, dose, pred=TRUE) %>% mutate(type = typef(ID))
df_init <- sim_ofv(theta,   dose, pred=TRUE) %>% mutate(type = typef(ID))
df_obs <-  mutate(data, type=typef(ID))

Make some plots

ggplot(df_pred, aes(time,CP)) + 
  geom_line(lwd=1) + 
  geom_point(data = df_obs, aes(time,DV),col="firebrick",size=2) + 
  facet_wrap(~type) + scale_y_log10() 

A nicer plot

ggplot(data=df_pred) + 
  geom_line(data=df_init,aes(time,CP,lty="A"), col="black", lwd=0.7) +
  geom_line(aes(time,CP,lty="B"),col="black",lwd=0.7) + 
  geom_point(data=df_obs,aes(time,DV,col=type),size=3) + 
  facet_wrap(~type) + 
                     "Pitavastatin concentration (ng/mL)") +
  scale_x_continuous(name="Time (hours)", breaks=seq(0,14,2)) +
  scale_linetype_manual(values= c(2,1), guide = FALSE,
                        labels=c("Initial estimates", "Final estimates"), name="") +
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position="top") 

The final objective function value and estimates

. [1] 0.6860763
. [1] 0.81528881 0.01095104 0.34386902 0.98896812 0.68981170