- Cairo
- in/youssef-abbas-8135b61b5
Bootlin embedded Linux and kernel training materials
An implementation of Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP
Marshalling / communication library for drones.
The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.
C++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.
Header only read/write wrapper to combine mutexes with locks.
sign language to speech program using machine learning techniques. (open cv, tensorflow, mediapipe, gtts)
ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover, ArduSub source
The .NET Core command-line (CLI) tools, used for building .NET Core apps and libraries through your development flow (compiling, NuGet package management, running, testing, ...).
.NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps.
A car that drives it self with out interference of a human. It get's away from obstacles with the help of the ultra-sonic sensor attached to it. The car is controlled with ATmega32 microcontroller.
pure ALOHA protocol simulation using pure vanilla javascript
TicTacToe online game between 2 players using java and webSocket
CSMA-CA is "Carrier-sense multiple access - collision avoidance"
Centralized AI powered voice activated virtual assistant as a Networking project
A VR unity shooting game. With the integration of a real life hand motion and fingers movement on the game using STM32 microcontroller and sending the data wirelessly using ESP8266 through UDP socket.
assembly obstacle avoiding car using AT89S52 microcontroller
This is the RobEn AI's team home made Discord bot. Custom made for the AI team Discord server, to serve.
RestAPI HR System. Where the main objective is managing employees teams, departments, salaries...and so on. System is able to apply CRUD operation on the DB.