A tool born out of sheer laziness. Presenting to you ... splitmybill
: the ultimate grocery bill splitting tool.
Say goodbye to sitting down with a pen and paper to figure out how to split your shared grocery receipt with your roommates.
- Multi-format Receipt Support:
- Parse Instacart HTML receipts with item details, prices, and quantities
- Extract information from receipt images (PNG, JPEG, etc.)
- Interactive CLI:
- User-friendly interface for splitting items
- Supports splitting a bill with up to 9 people
- Flexible item attribution between any combination of people
- Detailed Reports: Generate comprehensive split summaries
# Install the tool
pip install git+https://github.com/AakashSasikumar/GroceryBillSplitter.git
# Split an image receipt (requires Anthropic API key)
splitmybill receipt.png --anthropic-key your-key-here
# OR use environment variable
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-key-here
splitmybill receipt.png
You will need Python 3.10 or higher to use this tool.
- Install it using pip
pip install git+https://github.com/AakashSasikumar/GroceryBillSplitter.git
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/AakashSasikumar/GroceryBillSplitter.git
cd grocery-bill-splitter
Set up the development environment
poetry env use 3.10
poetry shell
- Install the CLI tool
poetry install
# Basic usage
splitmybill /path/to/receipt.[html|png|jpg]
For parsing receipt images (PNG, JPEG, etc.), splitmybill
uses Claude's multimodal capabilities through the Anthropic API. You'll need an API key to use this feature:
- Get your Anthropic API key from https://console.anthropic.com/
- Provide it in one of two ways:
# Option 1: Command line argument splitmybill receipt.png --anthropic-key your-key-here # Option 2: Environment variable export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-key-here splitmybill receipt.png
Note: HTML receipts from Instacart don't require an API key.
The CLI provides a user-friendly interactive interface for splitting bills. Here's a walkthrough of the process:
- First, you'll be prompted to enter participant names:
Enter participant names (empty line to finish):
Name: Alice
Name: Bob
Name: Charlie
- You'll see the splitting instructions:
Bill Split Instructions:
Enter the split for each item as comma-separated values with values indicating which person wants the item.
An empty split string indicates that all people want the item.
1. Alice
2. Bob
3. Charlie
Valid input formats:
- Empty input (press Enter): Everyone shares the item
- Single numbers: '1' or '1,2' or '1, 2'
- Consecutive numbers without commas: '12' means participants 1 and 2
- For each item, you'll be shown details and prompted for splitting:
Bananas x 2 @ $0.99 (Total: $1.98): 1
Milk x 1 @ $4.99 (Total: $4.99):
Pizza x 1 @ $15.99 (Total: $15.99): 2,3
Ice Cream x 2 @ $5.99 (Total: $11.98): 23
- After all items are processed, you'll see multiple summary tables:
Common Items (shared by everyone):
| Item | Price | Per Person |
| Milk | $4.99 | $1.66 |
Separate Items:
| Item | Alice | Bob | Charlie |
| Bananas | $1.98 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
| Pizza | $0.00 | $8.00 | $8.00 |
| Ice Cream | $0.00 | $5.99 | $5.99 |
Tax Breakdown:
| Person | Pretax Amount | Tax Share | Total |
| Alice | $3.64 | $0.29 | $3.93 |
| Bob | $15.65 | $1.25 | $16.90 |
| Charlie | $15.65 | $1.25 | $16.90 |
| TOTAL | $34.94 | $2.79 | $37.73 |
Final Totals:
Alice: $3.93
Bob: $16.90
Charlie: $16.90
- NOTE: This method can only work for up to 9 people. Write your own Splitter class if you want to extend it.
- Mobile interface via some chatbot
- Maybe a Telegram bot?
- Integration with Splitwise
- Explaining how the bill was split through natural language
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
is pretty customizable. There are three core components:
- Parsers: Parsers convert different receipt formats to a standardized data model:
: Parses Instacart HTML ReceiptsAnthropicParser
: Uses Claude's multimodality to parse a receipt image- Create your own by extending the
from splitmybill.parser.base import BillParserBase
class MyCustomExtractor(BaseExtractor):
def extract_bill(self) -> ReceiptModel:
# Your parsing logic here
return ReceiptModel(...)
- Data Models Standardized models representing the receipt, split information, etc
: Contains basically the whole receiptBillSplitModel
: Holds the final split calculations
- Interface Handles the interaction and logic of dividing items between people
: Default implementation- Create custom interfaces for different platforms
from splitmybill.interface.base import BaseInterface
class CustomInterface(BaseInterface):
def collect_split(self, receipt_data: ReceiptModel) -> BillSplitModel:
# Your splitting logic here
return BillSplitModel(...)
def display_split(self, split_data: BillSplitModel) -> None:
# Your display logic here