TheMarket is an marketing website where you can buy sell any product with any category. Users can have conversation regaring the product from the owner directly through the website in the prodect section. A seller an uplaod the products details and edit anytime he wants. Every user has a secure login password to identify as a erticuler user. This website is Build using Django python.
Go to the path in themarket > themarket >
and comment the below code :
and uncomment the below code for getting the website on local server :
and comment the below code in the same file :
'default': {
'ENGINE': "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",
'HOST': "",
'NAME': "postgres",
'USER': "postgres",
'PASSWORD': "**********",
'PORT': "5432",
and uncomment the below code for changing the database to db.sqlite3 :
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',
before running the Below Commands activate the virtual envirenment to access python:
and then run the below command in the terminal :
and then this command :
and run the website with the following command :
Thw website is not totaly ready for production working on some databse issue for image to upload. If any issue comes up for the above documentaion try contacting me. Fave Fun 😁