Check out the original AssetStudio project for more information.
Note: Requires Internet connection to fetch asset_index jsons.
How to use:
Check the tutorial here (Thanks to Modder4869 for the tutorial)
CLI Version:
AssetStudioCLI <input_path> <output_path> [options]
<input_path> Input file/folder.
<output_path> Output folder.
--silent Hide log messages.
--type <Texture2D|Sprite|etc..> Specify unity class type(s)
--filter <filter> Specify regex filter(s).
--game <BH3|CB1|CB2|CB3|GI|SR|TOT|ZZZ> (REQUIRED) Specify Game.
--map_op <AssetMap|Both|CABMap|None> Specify which map to build. [default: None]
--map_type <JSON|XML> AssetMap output type. [default: XML]
--map_name <map_name> Specify AssetMap file name.
--group_assets_type <ByContainer|BySource|ByType|None> Specify how exported assets should be grouped. [default: 0]
--no_asset_bundle Exclude AssetBundle from AssetMap/Export.
--no_index_object Exclude IndexObject/MiHoYoBinData from AssetMap/Export.
--xor_key <xor_key> XOR key to decrypt MiHoYoBinData.
--ai_file <ai_file> Specify asset_index json file path (to recover GI containers).
--lua_script <lua_script> Specify Lua script path.
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
- in case of any "MeshRenderer/SkinnedMeshRenderer" errors, make sure to enable "Disable Renderer" option in "Export Options" before loading assets.
- in case of need to export models/animators without fetching all animations, make sure to enable "Ignore Controller Anim" option in "Options -> Export Options" before loading assets.
Special Thank to:
- Perfare: Original author.
- Khang06: Project for extraction.
- Radioegor146: Asset-indexes for recovered/updated asset_index's.
- Ds5678: AssetRipper[discord] for information about Asset Formats & Parsing.
- mafaca: uTinyRipper for
. - SiMaLaoShi: AssetStudio_Tuanjie for
TuanJie Engine