Lists (17)
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🔄 "AutoMapper" like, Roslyn based, code fix provider that allows to generate mapping code in design time.
User activity timer component
开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。
Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images.
Dependency free publish/subscribe for JavaScript
OpenID, OAuth 2.0, SCIM2.0, UMA2.0, FAPI, CIBA & OPENBANKING Framework for ASP.NET Core
A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)
Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)
A collection of tools to accelerate XAML development within Visual Studio. These include XAML analysis, XAML generations, plus templates and helpers.
Matx -Free and open-source React Material UI Admin Dashboard Template
A rewrite of the old legacy software "depends.exe" in C# for Windows devs to troubleshoot dll load dependencies issues.
Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
A cross-platform video player & audio player for Flutter & Dart.
Cross platform communicate assistant(Serial/network/terminal tool)( 跨平台 串口调试助手 网络调试助手 终端工具 linux windows mac Raspberry Pi )支持插件和二次开发
Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
The GitHub/GitLab for database DevSecOps. World's most advanced database DevSecOps solution for Developer, Security, DBA and Platform Engineering teams.
👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro! (vue2)
A light-weight REST API development framework for ASP.NET 6 and newer.
中台Admin基于 .Net8 和 Vue3 + Element Plus、uniapp + uviewui 开发的前后端分离的权限管理系统。支持多租户、数据权限、动态Api、任务调度、OSS文件上传、滑块拼图验证、国内外主流数据库自由切换和动态高级查询。集成统一认证授权、事件总线、数据验证、分布式缓存、分布式事务、Ip限流、全Api鉴权、集成测试、性能分析、健康检查、接口文档等。
🔥🔥🔥Flutter豆瓣客户端,Awesome Flutter Project,全网最100%还原豆瓣客户端。首页、书影音、小组、市集及个人中心,一个不拉。(
completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart.
The world's most versatile desktop notifications framework 🌎
Inspect tool to inspect UIs from an automation perspective
🤖 Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table